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Everything posted by joebrent

  1. Living in London I am always town driving and my trips are usualluy short, its not uncommon for me to get about 18-20 mpg :shock: On the rare occasion that i do go on long trips if do keep on the good side of 70-80 mph I calculate about 27mpg, does it sound like i have a fueling problem? I never ever get even 200 miles from a full tank of optimax arond town!!! I assume if my cars thirst was down to an actual leak, I may be experiencing even WORSE mpg figures than I am currently getting! I wouldnt mind getting this sorted as Optimax in my local stations is very expensive :lol:
  2. Nah mate, they are defo an option,personally i wouldnt bother with one without leccy windows because I assume that then it wont have leccy and heated wing mirrors? and the leccy sunroof 8)
  3. Ive got a road angel 2, when they first came out staff were allowed to buy em for 200 quid! Naturally i got one, it is a nice piece of kit, even though tiff neddells voice does get on your tits after a while!! I would recomend one but i dont think i would of spent 400 quid on one....
  4. Yeah but then i wouldnt have to cut the key up, the transporter would be designed to go straight into the flipkey??
  5. Before anyone posts a link I have read the 'how to' post about the flipkey :wink: I was given a flipkey from a mk4 so it has a laser cut key, can i buy a blank transporter key and get it cut to my corrados key and then fit that into the flipkey? I reckon it would be easier than butchering a key to get it to fit?? Cheers guys :-P
  6. Why was it defo a storm? Its very hard to mix up blue or green with red...unless your colour blind :roll:
  7. I think only the middle section has a bulb and this is meant to illuminate the rest of the control, doesnt work very well but hey,nor do the headlights, wipers......it was the 80's though :wink:
  8. Autoglym, Its cheap, its easy and it gives good results!!!
  9. The wheels and toyos were brand new and i got them for £250 :shock: They were in the warehouse at work left in a corner so i offered the boss the cash and he stupidly said yes...well stupidly for him!! All comments appreciated......
  10. i went to look at a corrado in slough....was being offered by a trader from home who sold alot of rados, sounds like the same bloke, he is well dodgy mate, i went to look at a g60 he had and it didnt even start and it was well dirty inside!!
  11. all sorted now.....the idle screw on the fuel body had worked its way loose!!!!!!
  12. Just fitted a brand new ISV from german swedish........started her up and exactly the same :cry: Revs were just fluctuating from 1500 to 2000 in a rhythm, getting pissed off with it now :evil: The auto electrician will be checking it out tommorow, the mechanic thinks it may be an air leak, will keep everyone posted Kev, You owe me £104 if german swedisd dont take it back :wink:
  13. When i fit it does anything else need adjusting?
  14. Ok cheers Kev....If it dont work and i cant get my money back its all your fault!!!!!! :wink: :lol:
  15. I'm just gona buy the bloddy thing from gsf....I hope it works!!! If its on the car for literally one minute and it dont work will they be able to tell that its been fitted??
  16. Is it worthless for an auto electrician to look at it then? can he get codes from anything else apart from vag-com? I dont wanna buy an ISV and for it not to work....Is their a way of defo knowing whats up before i buy an ISV???
  17. Right....have cleaned up the ISV....No difference! What shall I try now??!! My mechanic has suggested an auto electrician look at it? Cheers :cry:
  18. 7k is a decent price for a storm with 76k and full vw service....in fact id say it was quite cheap!!
  19. Went for a run today, it started on the button with no gas and idled at 500 then up to 1000rpm, about 20 mins later it seems that when i dip the clutch to change gear the revs do not drop and sometimes even fluctuate. When i come to a stop the car doesnt want to stall, when i put the clutch in the revs rise to 1.5-2k at idle!! When i had finished my drive i let the car idle for a little bit and the revs would idle at 1.5k then in an exact rhythm, i.e, every 5 or 6 seconds the revs would drop a little then go back up to 1.5k?? Could it be that the cams have gone out again?
  20. ANy dealer that sells BBS Wheels can get em for you, beware they are very expensive though, i had to get some RZ Centre caps and they were £40 a pop!!! :shock:
  21. Hi all! :lol: When I start the car using some throttle, it catches immediatley then the revs just drop and die. If i dont touch the throttle it starts after 3/4 seconds and idles at 500rpm for a bit, it should be at about 1000rpm though! occasionally when im driving the idle revs will rise from 1.5k to 2k, earlier today they were at 2k!!! When I had my head gasket done a month or so ago, the car wasnt running right, the revs were bouncing from just about to stall to 1.5/2k and it was down to the cams being a couple of teeth out, is it possible they could of come out again?? All ideas appreciated :wink:
  22. That is very very expensive mate, I only know places in the London area, sorry. :wink:
  23. Oichan, How do you know when people are posting things about you/your car? it seems your only on here when there is a post about you?? :lol:
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