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Everything posted by bishthefish

  1. i didnt buy anything, but bigchris_1981 was very helpful with a door enquiry i made over several days, so cheers.. i would have bought it if my car hadnt had more damage than initially inspected.
  2. I always try get insurance on the parcel being sent or offer money back straight away if the item is lost or damaged,... if its lost in the post when ive sent a part I see it as my problem not the buyers if it goes wrong ?? maybe thats why Im skint :D
  3. Like they say, drive a good one, mine was losing boost, so it felt like it was hitting a brick wall now and again ! :mad:
  4. corozin, u may have hit the preverbial nail on the head :lol:
  5. ther's probably a couple of screws holding the panel in place, which are now nicely hidden by the door shut.... get the Angle Grinder out :shock: :shock:
  6. Let me know what your part number is, i have one in the garage from my G60... will sell for £35 all in bud :) And yes it is behind carpet in a sponge casing.
  7. Aahh I see, thanks for that, I was getting worried seeing that the Edition 38 site was down aswell., that my Pc has caused a worldwide VW site meltdown :D :D Glad to hear the mirror is sorted, i was beginning to get a complex with all the parts I had sold and all the people i had met, and never seeing my name anywhere :shock:
  8. HHHHeeeeellllo .... i'm back at last... Just before the middle of January, 2 days before my holiday,I lost everything to a mega virus infected PC, which has just been rebuilt after something called a unconditional format..whatever that may be.. I gave up with it after 3 weeks of farting about.., I think i deleted the virus checker by mistake and let all kinds of rubbish into it.. I have just found the website again as all of my saved details were deleted and all stored email addresses wiped off.. and I kept looking for the site under Corrado on google but my list didnt bring this site up ? :( (i havent got a clue about PC's apart from switching on and off :shock: ).. Bally you have PM mate!!! :D, I did get to meet the other people as they were at the place in middlesex the night i said i'd go up and meet them. Glad to be back at last... just didnt think i'd be here though !!!! :( :(
  9. My mate had the same on his golf VR6 and it was a tensioner bearing on the way out. Might be worth getting v belt, tensioners and water pump changed rather than have the bugger snap!
  10. coil packs are the normal failure point on that lump as Joe M pointed out, similar to plug leads breaking down on 16v golfs etc. :evil:
  11. Yep, hub off and down to a machine shop! its only 2 bolts on the strut, off with the track road end from the steering rack ,and unleash the ball joint on the wishbone... take you an hour max prob (yeah right ), sweating swearing and crying mind you :D
  12. They look quite Porsche influenced aswell ? Very smart looking.
  13. I was there, the fat bloke leaning on a caddy van, (which i have managed to dent within 5 weeks of ownership :( ) selling corrado/gti bits in the middle of the mess outside. I was either freezing cold or had bright sunlight in my eyes, and jesus, what a lot of odd people there :shock: I didnt see u there Bally ? You should have popped over (could have got me a nice warm cuppa :D ) I managed 1 pee and had 1 drink from 6.50am to 4 pm.... I was up at 3am, arrived there 6.45am....got home 8pm... and fell asleep 4 times on the motorway... which is not good... My toes are just beginning to get circulation back! I saw Darren (G werk), but that was it? I assume every one else was inside keeping warm.. :x as was my mate with his trade stand.. I have to say when i saw the C's driving past, I was mega impressed with the quality.. Maybe a meet up at GTi international is a good idea then ??
  14. There i am , minding my own business, driving my caddy van to deliver some parts... A corrado front bumper, Slam panel and bonnet and what happens... small roundabout, a bit of rain, 5 mph to fast and all of sudden that roadside barrier looks a litle close....WHACK..... :shock: :crazyeyes: I now need a caddy front bumper, slam panel and wing !!! whenever i break a car for partrs, i always need them for another one... im sure when i next by a corrado, i'll end up needing everything ive sold.. :twisted: at least i got a discount on the headlight and indicators... only £83 :roll:
  15. blimey remember when the whole world went 3 spoke mad... then it was TSW stealths ( I had a set of those!) then Blades... then Venoms.... TSW did ok for a while didnt they... :D
  16. A Pollen filter cleans the air coming into the car, and into the heater vents. We supply them at work( made by Coopers, who r the same as Mann and Fram ), I'll check to see if we have and what price. :D
  17. I had a '95 impreza WRX 2 years ago, but sold it to finance a house move... i miss the sound more than anything..., but the handling and raw power were superb..3000 rpm then good bye!! I dont miss the 6 points i gained in 3 months, I dont miss the fact that everyone expects you to race them... and i dont miss the repair and fuel costs.. i was told the clutch was an engine out job at around 8 hours...ouch.. saying that... i may well borrow a bit of equity out of the house, and sneak off and buy another one... :lol:
  18. bishthefish

    heater probs

    My C had been standing a while and was cold for a few days, all of a sudden she started working as normal, so assume there may have been a previous blockage ? when ive got the matrix out i'll let you know!
  19. I had exactly the same problem, but generally only when it was damp out,ie first thing in the morning. My rev vounter would also spin round, and then the car would fire up. I assumed it was a dodgy connection in the fuse box somewhere, i took the starter off to check, and it did have a bit of dirt around the connections,but unfortunatley the cars half stripped now, so i cant be any more help. :shock:
  20. as long as you have 6 ft arms which are no more than 1 mm across, and made of rubber, you'll be ok :D
  21. Thats nasty Bally, hope he gets better, its not always the physical side tho, its mental scars aswell. When i was working in the wonderfull world of Insurance, one of my customers in Bolton, had the same thing happen. A couple off guys casing his house for a few days, then one night, as he gets out of the car, a guy threatens him, he tells him where to poke it only to find 3 more guys hiding behind a hedge... he gave them keys, has to lay on the floor, but amazingly doesnt get hit... he rings the police, and as he is also in the industry, tells them where to expext the car to be as it didnt have much petrol, as he knows where a lot of the stolen cars go (they were commonly used for quick ram raids then dumped ), and lo and behold, the police find it dumped at the side of the road with an empty tank and a bit of damage to the interior.... the police also tell him they found a knife in the car, and cannot believe he didnt get hurt. Then a mate borrows my old escort RS2000 (silver, shiney, lowered, alloys) to go to a wedding in Leeds, and finds a guy breaking the lock when he comes out of the house, after leaving the car for no more than 5 minutes... as normal he tells the guy to feck off, but gets surrounded... he threw the keys behind the twats, and as the scramble to get them, runs back to the house shouting out that the cars being nicked and they run off... what do the police say ?? ' they'll probably be back later and take it !!!! ' He had to tell the cops it would be a good idea to take a wheel off and disconnect the battery .... theay say.. yeah,... thats a good idea :shock: the government need to act, or allow us shoot anyone that looks at us or our cars in a slightly wrong. way.. :D... or is that too extreme :D
  22. good luck... i lost my locking nut key. managed to get 3 off with someones elses locking nut key, and now have to drill out the last one... arrgh
  23. im there...but in the autojumble with my cheeky caddy van!! :D
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