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Everything posted by petemcr

  1. It depends how much function you want, Jay pointed out most of the wires on the loom are diagnostics and some air con, if you're like me and you just wanted it basic with no air con... fan live/ignition live/two earths and illumination and it works. You don't even have to wire in the outside temp sensor if you don't have it, it will just take it from the cold air vent. If you know your way around removing the dash and you're a dab hand at fitting and have the tools, you could have it in a two days I reckon. Dash going back in, fitted the Corrado centre vent to the MK4 air box and all the vents surprisingly fit really well, just the middle ones need shaving back a bit
  2. Loads more done today after a pretty crap day yesterday, drilled out the wholes for the heater box and got it bolted up and wired it all in Fitted and in place nice and snug working and illuminated up Now just to fit all the vents and fit the dash, away seeing family tomorrow so problem going to wait till Monday but it's all working, just the recirculation motor is faulty but I'm not too arsed at the moment
  3. Thanks Jay, I will see how I get on today with getting it all bolted up... if the weather quits that is lol
  4. cheers, so far everything has gone really well, so hopefully the rest will and it's finished soon
  5. So, I found out my mate was breaking a V5 Bora and asked him if he had the climatronic unit in it still, so I managed to salvage the bits I needed. Heater Box Heater box wiring loom Dash wiring loom (I asked for the climatronic section, but instead he lobbed the whole loom off) Couple of sensors but I don't think I will be using them. He didn't have the air con system which is a bit of a bummer, but I'm putting it in with just the basics, but I thought I would take some pics a long the way for anyone looking to do this conversion. Big thanks to Jay (24v Renshaw) for his advice, once he told me what I needed to do I was confident in getting going so I started today. So I started to strip my dash, I'd done this before on my past Corrado doing the heater matrix so I just delved right in, I won't bore with the details as Corrado Canada have a really good write up on this. Dash completely removed and heater core exposed Old air con wiring, the original setup is in a proper state and not really worth salvaging so I'm going to wait till I find a system of a MK4 Heater core removed Jay told me when I got the two boxes side by side you'd see how similar they are and he wasn't wrong, heater matrix dropped straight in, just has one additional bolt to drill out to get it to sit right. Because I've had air con on my car the glovebox/undertray have already been cut back which saves me a job. Corrado heater matrix in and good to go That's me so far, done quite a bit so far, hopefully weather will be good tomorrow so I can get it put in, tested and start throwing it all back together. More pics to follow
  6. I'm sure I mentioned it but it does have the spring cap on there, it's just the one off the original strut. I emailed over to Weitec and they said that kit doesn't come with a convex cap and the original spring cap will work fine so it's not that causing the issue
  7. it does have a plate on the top, but it's not the one that comes with the Weitec, it's just one off the old damper setup, I'm going to go in the place tomorrow and have a word with them
  8. Hi guys I've just got some Weitec coilovers and fitted them, they were sold as ex display but still new and everything, but since fitting they're really not sat right, when i'm driving it pulls to the left, then when you go round a corner and get full right lock on and straight up it starts to pull to the right, then you go round a left corner and it goes back pulling to the left. So I was speaking to the mechanic who fitted them for me and we'd both noticed they didn't have any caps on the top of the coilovers, could this be what's causing it? I noticed this had happened to the top mounts, as it stands the springs are sat in the top mount cups [ATTACH=CONFIG]68727[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]68728[/ATTACH] Here's a pic of the coilovers, as you can see the fronts have no top caps and I remember my MK2 Golf ones having them
  9. petemcr

    Rear Lights

    I'll let you know on Friday mate, I wanted them on for the meet @ Awesome GTI this sunday really
  10. petemcr

    Rear Lights

    No problem, well i'll see how I get on with getting some by Friday, if it doesn't happen then expect a PM
  11. petemcr

    Rear Lights

    I wouldn't mind a set of all reds, how much do you want? and are you in Manchester? ---------- Post added at 11:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:36 PM ---------- Are you based in Manchester? I could really do with picking them up for Friday rather than having them posted out
  12. petemcr

    Rear Lights

    Is anyone selling a set of rear lights that's close to Manchester area? Preferably just the inner clusters but I wouldn't mind if it's a full set cheers
  13. Yea, its all sorted now, brilliant advice. I peeled back the tape and there was no break in the wire so I was going to wrap it back up, then I peeled up a bit more and sure enough the wire crumbled apart lol Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk 2
  14. Took a while, but you was right Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk 2
  15. like the title says I'd removed my ECU to change the EEPROM to a mapped chip I had purchased and two of the screws have snapped, anyone any ideas what I can do? I tried to drill the old ones out but it's not happening, either because of the drill i'm using or the bits I've put the ECU back in for the time being though
  16. That's a brilliant idea
  17. one of my mates uses that DODO juice, he swears by it. Here's some videos of the stuff I've got, I think she said the kit only cost something like £10 but the dealers charge £300 to have the car treated in it... madness Gloss Protector Glass Protector Cheesy sales add but it shows off the interior stuff
  18. As per the title How many of you guys have used RainX or a similar product on their Corrado's? My girlfriend was nice enough to pick me up a Autoglym Lifeshine pack and one of the things in it was glass protector, the stuff is amazing. I've not yet done a Audi TT/Lupo GTI conversion on my wiper arms, so for the past year they've been shocking, smearing, dragging water from the side back over the window just to block my view even more, the usual complaints, so I used this stuff, but also filed down the stops on the original wiper arms and bent the arm a little to add more pressure, needless to say I won't be doing the conversion any time soon, they work spot on. Anyone else used simliar
  19. petemcr

    Sunroof replacement

    B4 Moonroof, one of the best things I've ever done on my C [ATTACH=CONFIG]68166[/ATTACH]
  20. oh I, just took a look. That's brilliant, cheers for the info man, hopefully weather permitting I'll get the door card off again tomorrow :)
  21. I noticed that bit when I had the door card off but I didn't take any of the tape of it, did you manager to sort it in the end then?
  22. any electrical gurus out there? I really need some advice with this ever since getting my VR, the central locking has never functioned proper on the drivers door but perfect on the passengers side. example being, if I put my windows down and then lock the door on the passengers side and hold the key, I get full closure including the sunroof, if I do it on the drivers side it will sometimes lock the doors but more than likely only lock itself and never has it activated the full closure. This is where it gets a bit weird, if I unlock the passengers door, the locking does work on the drivers side. so I decided to take the door card off, unplug the loom and short it out manually to see if it was the micro switch. At first nothing happened, then I unlocked the passengers side and tried it... it locks, but won't unlock, then I tried shorting the other wires and it got to the point where it would lock when I short it, but the second I removed the wire of one of the pins it would unlock? this is getting really old, I have to open the passengers door, then walk around and get in my side, then have to always lock the door on the passengers side, so any help would be great
  23. No problem man, I just fancied them BBS RSs'2 to be honest, i'll just wait till some more come up
  24. Hi mate do you still have these or did you manage to sell them on eBay? I wouldn't mind them, but I need to sell my Ronal Avus's first so I thought best check you still have them first :)
  25. mate, that's a horrible sight to see. It's a VR, how do I go about finding it, it did it one night so I went up to see a mate who's a mechanic, they both had a look around but it had stopped by then so it made it hard to find it. It seems like it comes from the fuel rail to me, or near the airbox
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