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Everything posted by petemcr

  1. Anyone tell me what might be causing this because it's starting to alarm me Getting quite a strongish smell of fuel in the cabin, not all the time though, just if I give it a rev but it can be quite strong. Now, this only seems to happen when the engines up to temp but it might be down to the cooling fan blowing the smell when it's temp is up. I did a search and I noticed someone had something similar, and someone had suggested it might be the fuel line going to the fuel rail. any insight on this would be great, like I said it's not all the time (or is only noticeable when the cooling fan is on), but with the heat we've been having it's got me a bit on edge
  2. I am said new owner lol :) still enjoying owning it as well Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk 2
  3. the Corrado is still getting looked after and treated right, good seeing you today at All Type mate
  4. Another plus side... chavs don't tend to like corrados Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk 2
  5. I love the look of the C and the character, but I also love peoples reactions when they see them, "don't see many of them anymore"... or "I remembers these.. scirocco isn't it?" Haha But its nice having a car that you barely see about and love to see another one on the road Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk 2
  6. Here you go mate, I got them as a set with the engine cover but I really only wanted the main centre part Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk 2
  7. I think I have a set of the black engine surrounds, but I'll have to check first Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk 2
  8. petemcr

    Failed lambda

    Right so I'll get it done this week, hopefully I'll get some better MPG and less "running rich" smell Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk 2
  9. petemcr

    Failed lambda

    Should I bother replacing my now broken lambda? My VR has had its cat removed, so I asked my mechanic if he'd do the job and he's saying it's pointless because of the cat, or lack off it Any guru's on here got any words of wisdom on this? Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk 2
  10. Really wanted to come to this today but I had some stuff to sort out and the weather put me off a bit, will you guys be doing another meet soon? I don't know if you guys already know but there is a VAG meet on the last sunday of every month called Manc Union in Trafford, so far I've only ever seen one more Corrado turn up so I don't know if you guys know about it, but it would be nice to have some more Rado's there so I'm not the only one representing VW's biggest sales flop :D It's on tonight at 8 if anyone fancys it
  11. Did you sell the air filter? Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk 2
  12. petemcr

    Passat Moonroof

    When I was looking around I read somewhere that mk3 golf moonroofs can fit but something like the glass shape is different. Have you checked eBay for anyone breaking a passat? That's where I found mine Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk 2
  13. Cool, I'll check back on saturday and see if he's had it or not Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk 2
  14. hi mate, have you still got the green induction kit and the de badged grill for sale? if so i'll be willing to take them off your hands cheers
  15. Do you still have the bonnet at all? Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk 2
  16. How did you get it to fit, I managed to get hold of some MK4 heater controls to see the difference, turns my blower on when I plug them in but the pull cables to adjust the heater box won't fit
  17. petemcr

    Passat Moonroof

    I would have thought you'd remove the lining if its the original corrado one as it doesn't slide Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk 2
  18. petemcr

    Passat Moonroof

    I'd say to anyone planning to do this, do it, like tom said it really lights it up inside But Tom, I was rushed putting mine in because I had a hour window of no rain to do the swap so I didn't use any washers and its sat fine and no wind noise, even on the motorway... I don't know if its quite, or I'm used to my old noisy uncovered sunroof so this is silent in comparison lol Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk 2
  19. I'm having the same debate, I know that doesn't help but I think I'm gonna go with the subtle tint, from some of the pics on their site they look pretty good Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk 2
  20. petemcr

    Passat Moonroof

    So I did it, really did choose the wrong day to do it, but it was sunny in the morning here so it seemed like a good idea, then it lashed it down all day till it had a little break, enough to finish the job thought I would include some pics for anyone who's considering it and wants to know how they look, not tested how loud it is though [ATTACH=CONFIG]60001[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]60005[/ATTACH]
  21. I'll look at the repair guide proper tomorrow when I'm more awake, I do like the mk4 heater controls, they suit it well, how much hassle were they to fit? Just had a quick look on eBay and there's loads of MK4 heater controls, seems like the better option if it's easy enough to swap Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk 2
  22. There you go mate, pretty broke isn't it :banghead: Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk 2
  23. Someone has snapped off the blower speed settings bit, then taped it back on, but it's working intermittently which was alright, till I really needed to demist the other night and I couldn't get it to turn on at all :-( it doesn't have to be a new one though, just working. I tried to fix it again but I don't understand how it works, as it's not how much contact it's making that adjusts the speed, if you know what I mean I'll post a pic when I get back from ASDA
  24. petemcr

    Passat Moonroof

    Will do, I can't wait to get it in, the runners have snapped on one side on mine since I got the car, so i've never had a working sunroof, but now i'll have one working and glass... not that it's being used much with the crap weather hahaha I did like you said though, I compared the motors and the Corrado one is much larger than the Passat one and from the sounds of it, has a lot more power as well
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