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Everything posted by petemcr

  1. Any ideas on powering the needles
  2. Anyone managed to fit these to Corrado clocks? I've got a set I could get a hold of and wouldn't mind light up needles but I don't know how I would go about getting power to then, wondered if anyone had tried this or know of anyone doing a similar conversion I've seen the proper ones you can buy from the states so there must be a way to get power to them but I don't fancy paying £100 for a set of needles
  3. +1 for the interest here
  4. I was interested but since I asked if they were still for sale I've gone and sorted out a set of D90's
  5. Also I interested to see if these are still for sale
  6. Have I been had for £30?

  7. Have you still got the DDI dials? if so I'll take them off your hands
  8. I've sent payment mate, pm'd you to see if you've got it ok but no reply

  9. I'm sure you've all probably seen it but I was trying to find a pic of the one I keep referring to but they're all on instagram, they look very oem though Sent from my LT26i using Tapatalk 2
  10. Good couple of options on there, nice to see the DDI's ones fitted at the end like someones said on that thread, they can look odd with standard bumpers but I like the OEM bumpers, just think the sides cut in quite a lot Might see how it looks when I remove my bump strips and make my mind up then
  11. Might setup the pol tomorrow if I get chance I didn't really specify that I meant 1lowcoupes are amazing, I have seen some pretty terrible ones but the DDI set don't look too bad either Some look very bad though
  12. Merry Christmas guys Whats everyone's opinion on side skirts, there's a certain Corrado that was featured in PVW and I was speaking to the guy who owns it on Instagram and he said he's got a rare set on his personally I think they look amazing, but I wanted to see what other Corrado owners opinions were, I get they're not everyones cup of tea like
  13. morning guys Anyone got a spare late spec center console they'd be willing to sell and the clock surround plastics? Not had the ash tray in mine for a while and it's making it look a right mess Thanks
  14. You sir... have a private message
  15. While scavenging around on the net I've come across a few people who have said the 288's are a lot better over the stock brakes, with braided line which brings me right on to swampy the custom lines you do, are they braided lines? and how much for a set?
  16. I don't know what to do now, I was discussing it with a friend last night and I'd decided to just put the 288's on for now. I'd need some 312mm carriers which seem to be quite costly, or i'm looking in the wrong place, but I wouldn't like to waste money buying 288 discs when I could have just got the 312mm what do I do?!
  17. Right cool, thanks for clearing that up mate Think I'll buy some carriers next week and discs/pads
  18. Morning everyone apologies if this has been covered before, but I wouldn't mind some clarification I've just sourced some 288mm calipers/carriers for the brake conversion and did a search on the wiki and found the 312mm brake conversion guide... on it it references the 288mm calipers being the same size this is a legit question but, can you run 312mm discs with 288mm calipers if they're the same size? or am I way out, I will be buying the discs soon so be good to know which to go for cheers
  19. All seems good now, nice hot seats for the rest of winter Thanks for info guys
  20. Well, I've soldered the split back up now and insulated it, had to shorten the wire a slight bit but nothing too excessive and checked the back area, all seemed fine round there so just a case of putting it back in now. I'm gonna take the seat back out in a week and check it to make sure its not burnt again anywhere
  21. bit of a late reply on this, but after getting settled in my new job and some time to spare I finally got around to taking my seat cover off as explained, when I came across this bit of a mess, don't quite know where to go from here, has the split in the wire caused the burning, or did the wire burning cause it to break? [ATTACH=CONFIG]70998[/ATTACH]
  22. HI there Adam, welcome to the forum lol
  23. looking good for red/white then, I was thinking about reversing the filter on the climatronic unit like I've done on the MFA LCD and changing it to white as well, just don't want to go OTT with it all.
  24. Trying to decide what to do with my dash, I went through my switches and changed the LED's to red and my dash to red/white to match my Climatronic which I was going to change the display to white to match But I've now got another set of switches, all original green and been offered a set of clocks that are stock, so I can't decide if to keep the red/white theme and eventually get DDI clocks, or put it all back to stock and replace the LED's for more brighter green LED's Comments and opinions welcome This is how I currently have it all, ignore all the dash plastics, it's a mess, changed the DVD player for a normal stereo that is also white/red [ATTACH=CONFIG]70438[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]70439[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]70440[/ATTACH]
  25. I didn't do these today, but a couple of weeks ago I sorted out a few niggles that have been annoying me on the C, other bits were just stuff I wanted to change. Had to travel from Manchester to Bridlington and cram it all into a landrover. So here they are Niggle #1 Having an early spec bonnet on a VR6 with a broken striker that caused it to pop up on one side every now and then. [ATTACH=CONFIG]70413[/ATTACH] New bonnet fitted, paints not spot on but I'll be getting it sorted sometime after Christmas [ATTACH=CONFIG]70414[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]70415[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]70416[/ATTACH] Niggle #2 Wrong/Busted slam panel, crumpled and paint falling off. [ATTACH=CONFIG]70417[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]70418[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]70419[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]70420[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]70421[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]70422[/ATTACH] Fresh slam panel [ATTACH=CONFIG]70423[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]70424[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]70425[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]70426[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]70427[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]70428[/ATTACH] #3 Odd taillights [ATTACH=CONFIG]70429[/ATTACH] Standard lights on [ATTACH=CONFIG]70430[/ATTACH] Not so much a niggle, but I always wanted these and got them for a steal so I couldn't say no even though the originals were very clean [ATTACH=CONFIG]70431[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]70432[/ATTACH] New Seats [ATTACH=CONFIG]70433[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]70434[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]70435[/ATTACH] Old aircon switch to heated seat switch [ATTACH=CONFIG]70436[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]70437[/ATTACH] And also replaced a lot of switches/plastic trim that had been damaged over the year All swapped done and swapped in a day :D
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