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Everything posted by clumpy1

  1. Give over Sean No Concourse implied/intended normal Show/shine :thumbleft:
  2. Get it back together and legal I'm sure I could find a space for it Sean however any trophies it win's will be staying :dance:
  3. Regarding your post on previous page mate having a play with with a 12C which although having more power couldn't show you a clean pair of heel's. Some people would be like what you talking about I got this feeling when said I had kept up with an Audi R8 like it wasn't right I have had other encounter's I won't say what because there will alway's be the doubter's/numb nut's..
  4. Get the engine oot the Audi in the Corrado That would be a weapon :eek: Really looking forward to catch up next year now U can take me for a spin in your's and I'll take you oot in mine :thumbleft: Best I had was 330 cossie and it was quick 485 rapid When we last spoke I got the impression you were trying to calm down into family life now this you mad Geordie :notworthy::notworthy: Keep it sensible but mate ;) I know how easily you can go from being sensible to being so close to ending your life for what?? :thumbleft:
  5. Glad you are running it and not me Ron. At that it must be shifting though :lol: love it mate love it!!
  6. Plenty of time that. I can see this becoming one special Corrado and you will be a totally deserving owner.
  7. Give it plenty of time to harden mate I know how tempting it can be to get on with it but it will be worth it even more if you take your time. You will have plenty of other stuff to put back first though (interior wise). It just shows what can be done good on you :thumbleft:
  8. I think I've read before they are self lubricating.
  9. I'm well chuffed for you Sean that look's Mint you have done an amazing job turning this round :salute:
  10. Sorry mate but I'm struggling to understand your post. We are not having a go just seem's a little far fetched what you are achieving in 6 hour's.
  11. Nice yes but 282bhp not to sure about that.
  12. Don't know about the foam Sean here's tape though http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/270521995689?_trksid=p2060778.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  13. Massive thank's to Lee (UseonceDestroy) Great communication Amazingly well packed and totally as described Mint.
  14. It was the £40 that got me.
  15. Sorry to hear this Rog it really is testing you this car. I don't have a great knowledge with engines etc but with my daily a 2.6 Vectra we had done some suspension work on it and when we started it it sounded like a diesel anyway after a lot of messing about going through what it could be it turn's out whoever had done the previous timing belt hadn't done the tightening procedure correctly so it jumped a tooth or 2 (in safe zone fortunately) do you think it could be timing related?
  16. From what I can gather you may not been told the truth up till now so why would that receipt add up. I feel your pain bud I got rid of a Corrado with immaculate engine/running gear for one where well let's not get started suffice to say that if it was judgement day seller would be in flame's as we speak. Too many *********s about these day's buddy well done on what you have done so far good work :thumbleft:
  17. They had to have a valid mot not sure on rest
  18. Nice Ron you maybe nearly 40 but there is still a bit of youth left in there ;) Can't fault you mate I'd have one in a heartbeat :thumbleft: (and I'm older than you)
  19. I would be thinking along the lines of it possibly being owned by a Lithuanian.
  20. Why does it amuse you? Seem's a sensible thing to do in this case LHD not in the best of condition why not get part's for one's who are trying to keep on the road?
  21. Leave it whole until you sell part's from previous one?
  22. Get it bought Gar I'm sure you could persuade the Mrs with some new shoes ;)
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