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Neil L.

Top Gear Test on Corrado (VR6?)

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Hello There! First time on the forum but been a C. fan for years even though i still have not owned one - soon to change! Anyway anyone know where i can see/read the famous Corrado Top Gear test - was it on TV or in mag. or both. Ive heared the review was very positive(how could it be any different?)Thanks....:roll:

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i have the video file... its 11mb though so i dont know if it would email accross??


i have other jpg scanned images of auto car tests aswell if you want those

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i have the video file... its 11mb though so i dont know if it would email accross??


have you any webspace where you can upload that?

i'd like to see it too.




i have a gmail account - pm me for the address - this inbox can take the weight. then i'll put it onto my webspace, and post the link

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I have heard about and seen stats from, but never seen those autocar articles, very good site there Jedi, what a car! I love the comparison to the BMW.

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it was featured in BOTH the mag and on the tv

in the mag it was compared against the celica and the probe , if its not available i'll have to scan it and post it up


it was the august 1994 issue the c used was L703 ONH



the vr6 not only wins this test but goes straight into our unofficial shortlist of the best car we have ever tested. Need we say more ? "

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"Its a classic, the VR6, and its talents run so deep that it takes a while for them to sink in completely. Certainly, if in 20 years time, it appeared on the cover of some classic car magazine with a headline saying 'One of the all-time greats', we wouldnt be surprised."


29 April 1992, Autocar & Motor


Only 5 years to go then 8)

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