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What a week - C is now a Cat C

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That sounds all too familiar to my wall incident from several years ago. I basically knocked down a warehouse wall which I hit at 55-60mph. The car (MK2 16V) would have gone through the wall and into a load of people working inside if it wasn't for the fact I'd hit a support girder - which buckled the chassis etc as you describe.


I climbed out with nothing more than a scratched arm and bruised pride. Tough old things Volkswagens.


I'd get another C mate. I think this one is jinxed. I know you were considering E30s but I've been there and they are even more of a nightmare on costs and don't handle that great unless it's the M3....very fish taily in the wet....

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I dunno what to do at the moment. I do love the C and I want another one, but at the same time I quite like the idea of joining the SELOC bimmer race series. Having said that, I really don't like the E30 much at all and it's not exactly an exciting prospect to drive one every day.


Wait and see how much the old elephant coughs up first I think...

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It his so hard that it popped the foglight clean out of the bumper and knocked the VW badge off the back of the car.


Again, really sorry to hear that Dinkus.

But as Yandards says above, at least you got out. And although pylons hurt when theyre hit, it could've been an artic coming the other way.

Small mercies and all that.




Yeah, I guess I was pretty lucky. Another metre further back the car and it would have crushed me instead of the engine bay.


Having said that, another metre further down the road and I would have just sailed into a cabbage patch...

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Didn't sleep at all last night mate, thinking about what could have happened to you, what might happen to me when i get mine on the road. To make it all worse on my way to work this morning there was a car on its roof 50 feet into a field and another about 300 feet into the field. I got there just as the air ambulance was arriving.


Gutted, just gutted.


Get a bimmer and a big diesel and a trailer and lets go racing, drive at 30mph on the road everywhere.

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Damn, thought your car was very 8) with the recaros and washers, all the best corrado's seem to be taking a battering at the minute, Henny's and now yours. Sorry to hear the news :( .


It does however seem like a very good time of year to buy a C if you are thinking about replacing it, there are some bargains to be had at Christmas time as they don't seem to be shifting right now, some very nice ones about too.

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sheesh... Gutted for you Dinkus... Not good at all... :(


Glad you are OK though, that's the main thing... 8)


Hope your insurance sorts it out quickly with the minimum of hassle... 8)

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BUMMER. Feeling 4u m8. Not not not the thing we wanna hear.

Know what you mean about diesel Kev, had me doing a schumi, all crossed up :shock: , in the works truck the other day - quite exciting in its way

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Truly sorry to hear about that Dinkus. :cry:

Hope you will be fit soon and that you have really got away physically unscathed.

Mentally youll recover. Put it down to experience gained. Hope to hear you back to your old self before long. 8)

Best regards,


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:( Oh mate - I'm really sorry for you but at least you weren't hurt and thats the main thing!!


I'd make sure you take a few days off work mate - sounds like you need a rest!


My car is feeling a bit sloppy at the moment, especially as there is alot of new tarmac about and the roads are getting greasy as Kev says - Be careful people!

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Really sorry to hear the bad news mate, the roads are well facked I had a close one lastnight...!!

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Thanks for all the kind words guys. I guess I get lulled into a false sense of security driving on the same, clean roads every day :(


I'm gonna buy the C back and strip it, provided they don't want silly money for her.


We'll see what they pay up, but I've got £500 excess and my policy gets cancelled if it is a complete loss, so I don't think I can afford to get another VR. TBH, I think it's unlikely that I'll get another C just yet as I do rather want to go racing in an E30...


Doesn't mean I don't want one :(


I'll let you know about parts as/when I find out what's going on, but if anybody wants to stake a claim...

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but if anybody wants to stake a claim...


R, R, R...Recarooo :wink:


You'll have to bitch fight Andy for it... :lol:


The A/C stuff may still be salvagable as well (I say may, so don't get excited) if anybody wants to try it.


The headlight washers are still intact as well, so maybe someone could have fun trying to wire those beasties up.


Aslo have a 81k mile very healthy VR lump, a boot, 2 immaculate sets of Speedies, brand new rear axle complete with new bushes, Mk4 calipers, any trim and lights people want, badges, err whatever else.


If I buy it back to stip it, then I'll do it over a weekend and get rid after, so if it you want anything strange let me know.

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I'll have the Sunroof if it works?


I'll pop down when you strip as there are a few interior bits I wouldn't mind apprehending from your vehicle.....


But before we all pounce on Dom like a pack of vultures....let the dust settle first and wait until he gets confirmation from Elephantitis that they will let him have the car back....

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I'll have the Sunroof if it works?


I'll pop down when you strip as there are a few interior bits I wouldn't mind apprehending from your vehicle.....


But before we all pounce on Dom like a pack of vultures....let the dust settle first and wait until he gets confirmation from Elephantitis that they will let him have the car back....


Nah, sunroof is boogar'd.


Yeah, see what they want for it first I guess... :(

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holy shit!!


just read this post!


sorry buddy.. only saw you and the car the other day! bugger! hope the insurance gives you a good pay out... will you be after another corrado or you giving up after all your bad luck?


which road was it? a local one??


dunno what to say :(

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If its just over a weekend my dad wont mind - 2 or 3 weeks will probably be ok too. You've got space to store stuff so we'll strip as much as possible even if bits dont have buyers.

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you should be able to buy your car back for 10% of the pre-accident value mate, so dont let em try rip you off


That depends on what cat rating they give the car... If it's a Cat C, you should be able to buy it back. If it's a CAT B (or A IIRC) you need to be a registered salvage yard to buy it back as it's not suitable for putting back on the road again... :(

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gutted mate, hope you have some good luck in te future!!


Henny, yeah thats what my insurance said too


if its twisted as bad as it sounds then i reckon it`ll proly be A or B i`m afraid

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