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What a week - C is now a Cat C

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As some of you may have noticed, I aint been posting much the last week... I've hardly had time for sleep, let alone to post on here. I did make an effort to catch up on posts the other night, but I had 20mins and 7 pages of un-read posts to read... :(


My C has clocked up another 600 miles or so and is now a fetching shade of matt black and just to top it off, I've just removed half of the smegging paint on the bumper reversing out of a space that had a low wall next to it. :mad:


So with any luck I'll get some sleep some time around Feb... :cry:

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Whahay welcome back oh red haired one :lol:


Why is everyone busting and scraping their Corrados at the moment? Can you lot be careful with them please or I'll confiscate the lot of them sell on eBay @ £1.99 each.


600 miles in a week and the VR is still going? Who said Corrados aren't reliable??


I've done 6,000 miles in approx 2 months.....

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Whahay welcome back oh red haired one :lol:


Why is everyone busting and scraping their Corrados at the moment? Can you lot be careful with them please or I'll confiscate the lot of them sell on eBay @ £1.99 each.


600 miles in a week and the VR is still going? Who said Corrados aren't reliable??


I've done 6,000 miles in approx 2 months.....



Hard at work as usual then eh Kev? :)


It was more like 500 miles in 2 days and the rest over the week. I've travelled futher but luckily I didn't have to drive the whole time.


I'm just a little angry about the low wall... I'd parked there quickly a few mins before and came back in a hurry. I went to go swing out of the space backwards and heard the nice expensive noise of bumper on brick. Ho hum. I need to get it re-sprayed as well as the bonnet and sun-roof anyway. It can wait for now though, it's not gonna rust.

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Glad you are back dinkus.

You may be the one who can answer my query about copyright of video stills/use of them as avatars, etc in my off topic post "Jimi Hendrix.......". No one else knew or cared :wink: :wink: :roll:

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I've done 6,000 miles in approx 2 months.....
please note any mods who do more than 150 miles per month will have their cars confiscated by me and replaced by puegot's

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...and mine... I put 8K miles on mine in a little under 3 months on the road this year! I was racking up over 350 miles a week just going to work and back, and then all over the country going to shows etc... 8)


Poo Goats? nah, keep that for yourself capnahab, ;) :p

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I stuck a small dent in my bonnet the other day. gutted! In the process of getting it sorted. Just what I needed before christmas :roll: :cry:

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Well my car wouldnt start this morning or this evening. So instead of putting inlet manifold and steering column on the dax (lots of shiny stainless bolts from work :) ) I'm going to be tracing wiring in the fugging cold. And i'm tired. But at least my boss is a nice guy :shock: 8)


See ya tommorow dude

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I've done 6,000 miles in approx 2 months.....
please note any mods who do more than 150 miles per month will have their cars confiscated by me and replaced by puegot's

I get to keep mine then.. :lol:


It's not doing any miles at all at the mo.. :D

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Glad you are back dinkus.

You may be the one who can answer my query about copyright of video stills/use of them as avatars, etc in my off topic post "Jimi Hendrix.......". No one else knew or cared :wink: :wink: :roll:


Err I'll have a look now. As a general rule of thumb, you can't copy anything without permission. However, if it's for 'fair review' then you can pretty much copy what you like :D


And now for some illustration of my week, although I'd like to point out the C is now nice and sparkly and clean again and I'm waiting for a quote from the bodyshop. I would have taken 'after' pics of the washing, but a) you all know what my car looks like clean b) I'm pooped and c) I have to got to work in 10mins :(


Normal service will resume shortly.

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LOL, look at the state of it! I do actually really like Corrados with that dirty and well used 'rugged' look about them :lol:


Ouch on the bumper mate, shouldn't cost too much to smooth and blow that over.

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Really black grime from damp winter roads often contains much salt - best hose it off asap.



Don't worry, I cleaned it after I took those pics and it's sparkly and clean again now 8)... well apart from the scrape :cry:


dinkus, are your sppedlines dirty or have they been polished. I love the look of them!!


It's a unique look that you can have by driving up and down the M6 a few times in damp weather. Gives a lovely matt anthracite grey finish :lol:

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And to top off my supremely crappy week, I managed to wrap my C around a power pylon on the drive out to look at a house I was thinking of buying.


Dark, damp, raod I ddin't know, very tired...


It's definitely going to be a write off as well. I hit the pylon doing about 50-60 and snapped it clean in half.


I'm ok apart from a stiff neck, but I just feel completely empty. I'm angry, frustrated, seriously upset and I don't feel any of it cos I'm so tired. Luckily I had already told my boss I wouldn't be in today because I'm so tired, so at least I don't have to try and get to work today.


It's one of those times where you just want to curl up in the corner and tell the world to go away :cry:

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Oh man.. I can't believe it!


I'm really really sorry to hear this! :( :(

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:( Not good, not good at all....and so soon after getting it repaired the first time, not that you need reminding :x


The roads are awful at the moment - no rain for ages, diesel residue and damp = treacherous! I've had to slow right down, in fact I might put the narrower 16s back on for winter.


Gutted for you.....

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Agreed on the state of the roads. I'm wheel spinning all the way home these days, IN gear in 2nd and even THIRD, not from standing starts!

It's so muddy too, on some of the country roads..

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Gutted, you must feel lousy but at least you are ok - another testiment to the C's crash safety.


I've had a couple of sideways moments recently - scared the car coming the other way more that it did me but I do appear to have picked a lousy time of year to try to set-up my new suspension :oops:

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I just dunno what to say.


I was driving down this country road, came round a bend and the back stepped out. I put (way too much) opposite lock on, which made it spin the other way and slammed into a pylon with an almighty crack.


As I was sliding around I was thinking 'oh shit, not again', but there was bugger all I could do.


It hit on the (newly replaced :roll:) drivers side wing and snapped the pylon clean in half. I didn't know what I'd hit to start with, but then I heard it creaking and starting to tilt towards the windscreen, so I got out damned sharpish.


Luckily it didn't actually fall over, but I have no idea why as it was only the car holding it up.


The car is undoubtedly a write off, as the whole chassis seems to be bent and there's a huge amount of damage to the front of the car. It his so hard that it popped the foglight clean out of the bumper and knocked the VW badge off the back of the car.


So it's now been towed away to some garage somewhere. I was trying to think of where I could take it and keep an eye on it, but I got nowhere. I'll be taking a trip up to the yard at the weekend to strip out the head unit, speakers and headlight loom and to make sure that it's waterproof as the door doeesn't close.


I'll see how much elephant want to buy it back off them and then probably break it myself, but I'm not sure what I'm going to get to replace her :(

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It his so hard that it popped the foglight clean out of the bumper and knocked the VW badge off the back of the car.


Again, really sorry to hear that Dinkus.

But as Yandards says above, at least you got out. And although pylons hurt when theyre hit, it could've been an artic coming the other way.

Small mercies and all that.



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