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G60 vs VR6 vs 8v vs 16v

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I have a few questions about the whole G60 vs VR6 deal..in advance, I'm new to these cars, but I'm learning ;)


First of all: So is it realistically cheaper to buy a G60 and tune it to get a car with the same or better performance as a VR6 for the same amount of money(as you would pay for a G60 + tuning)?


2nd: Are there any physical appearance differences between the G60's and VR6's?


I'm currently searching for a C, but mind you, I'm in the US, so gear comments accordingly please :shock:




If you find a G60 in decent condition and with good history you can. You need to find out the charger history nad if it needs a rebuild you do it thats about $300-400 with a 68 or 65 mm pulley a chip for $100,cam for about $300 and you have a VR6 destroyer. You have cheaper insurance,more parts availabe for g60 cheaper to run. And the list of tuning can go on and on on teh g60 without going to crazy on the budged. G60 is also known to have better handling as it has a 150kg if im correct weight advantage than VR6 and front nose is lighter which gives it a nicer weight distributiion. Most G60 are already tuned in some form like exhaust systems air inductions and so on which are little things which you can benefit from.

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i dunno lowG... i paid 3 times what you said a rebuild would be and i went to the cheapest place on the continent. (also the best :thumb right: ) just rebuild with no porting would be twice as much as you said at least. but i'd port it if you've got the cash, i get almost the same psi at half the rpm as before (11psi@3000rpm vs. 12psi@6000rpm before porting).

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i dunno lowG... i paid 3 times what you said a rebuild would be and i went to the cheapest place on the continent. (also the best :thumb right: ) just rebuild with no porting would be twice as much as you said at least. but i'd port it if you've got the cash, i get almost the same psi at half the rpm as before (11psi@3000rpm vs. 12psi@6000rpm before porting).


i payed that for a new charger ported with chip and pulley :p:p

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If you find a G60 in decent condition and with good history you can. You need to find out the charger history nad if it needs a rebuild you do it thats about $300-400 with a 68 or 65 mm pulley a chip for $100,cam for about $300 and you have a VR6 destroyer.


Hardly a VR6 destroyer, a similar output perhaps. Try and keep things in perspective.


You have cheaper insurance,more parts availabe for g60 cheaper to run.


Marginally cheaper insurance. What happens when all the G Laders are used up? Cheaper to run? most of my mates get less mpg from their G60s than I do my VR6 and how much are G60 spark plugs?

The VR6 is still in production, albeit in 24V form but the G60 had a very short life span by comparison....I wonder why?


G60 is also known to have better handling


Says who? Have you driven a VR6?


as it has a 150kg if im correct weight advantage than VR6 and front nose is lighter which gives it a nicer weight distributiion


Wrong. The G60 weighs 1155Kg and the VR weighs 1210Kg.

The fact Corrados have a heavy engine means nothing in the real world and people grossly exaggerate the affect this has on the VR's handling. Next you'll be saying a Porsche 911 is a bad handler because most of it's weight is over the rear wheels! It isn't, so pay attention to reality and not urban myths.


Most G60 are already tuned in some form like exhaust systems air inductions and so on which are little things which you can benefit from


They're hardly what I'd class as tuning. They're just bolt on bits that make more noise and give little extra power. Most discerning motorists realised that years ago.



94 VR6

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how much u want for it Kev? Can't be worth much as it's so slow

:D :D


A tenner and Mars Bar should cover it :wink:



94 VR6

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It's Amazing how upetty some people get when someone points out that there car isn't the end all and be all.


C'mon guys, This thread was never meant to be an attack at other peoples cars. People really shouldn't take it so personally. From other opinions i've heard, and my own personal opinion, They're both very capable and great cars. VR? Quicker in straight line, G60, better for the twisties. I've seen both cars driven hard and they are both very capable, and different at doing their jobs.


Remeber, The VR directly Replaced the G60, it didn't become the next model up.


VW Just moved onto a diffferent sort of engine, They didnt drop the G60 cause they thought it a was rubbish, What would their engineers do if they stayed the same?


They Changed the VR in the same way. Back in the day they had a Forced induction low capacity engine, and a V-Block. They Still have the same today (24v V6 and 1.8T) So nothing has really changed has it.


There's no point taking pops at G60's just cause their owners are making points in how they can be tuned in comparrison to how to Tune a VR (which LowG made a very good point of doing.)


And as for your tuning point. If


Most G60 are already tuned in some form like exhaust systems air inductions and so on which are little things which you can benefit from.


To you is not some sort of engine tuning, then why isnt there any tuned cars running Standard items? These are also items that i would reckon most obviously undiscerning motorists on this forum happen to run.

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Hardly a VR6 destroyer, a similar output perhaps. Try and keep things in perspective


Marginally cheaper insurance. What happens when all the G Laders are used up? Cheaper to run? most of my mates get less mpg from their G60s than I do my VR6 and how much are G60 spark plugs?

The VR6 is still in production, albeit in 24V form but the G60 had a very short life span by comparison....I wonder why?



Says who? Have you driven a VR6?




Wrong. The G60 weighs 1155Kg and the VR weighs 1210Kg.

The fact Corrados have a heavy engine means nothing in the real world and people grossly exaggerate the affect this has on the VR's handling. Next you'll be saying a Porsche 911 is a bad handler because most of it's weight is over the rear wheels! It isn't, so pay attention to reality and not urban myths.



They're hardly what I'd class as tuning. They're just bolt on bits that make more noise and give little extra power. Most discerning motorists realised that years ago.



94 VR6


A healthy G60 with a 65mm pulley and ported charger chip and cam would whoop a VR6 ass no doubt :p


Group 16 and group 18 that VR6 has isnt marginally specially for young drivers below 25. G laders are produced in germany still not continous but they are produced enough to keep costumers demands. A charger would last at least 40k so thats pretty good and with servicing should run nice.

G60 spark plugs are £40 but they last 2-3 years. My freind G6016v engine was the first to hit 210hp from when g60 came out untill the realease of the r32.


I havent driven a VR6 but from what I have heard g60 handle better.


SO you telling me 55kg more on the front wont make a difference in handling?HUH


I was talking about things like air induction exhaust system and things like this, Hm so puting a better exhaust system to optimise flow its not tuning Right.


The point here is that G60 are already built for forced induction and they will handle tuning to some extent. People run 280-300hp with stock internals on g60. I say this again Vr arent tunabale unless you thow loads of cash at it to go tuning the whole engine internals otherwise you wont go pass 260hp with a charger on it.

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A healthy G60 with a 65mm pulley and ported charger chip and cam would whoop a VR6 ass no doubt :p


And how much to do those mods???


Group 16 and group 18 that VR6 has isnt marginally specially for young drivers below 25. G laders are produced in germany still not continous but they are produced enough to keep costumers demands. A charger would last at least 40k so thats pretty good and with servicing should run nice.


40k??? That's what my VR is on now - maybe I should consider a new engine or a rebuild? ....... oh wait......it isn't a G60 :lol: 8)


My freind G6016v engine was the first to hit 210hp from when g60 came out untill the realease of the r32.


The first in a period that spans nearly 15 years? G60 > R32. Good going ;)


I havent driven a VR6 but from what I have heard g60 handle better.


SO you telling me 55kg more on the front wont make a difference in handling?HUH


That 55kg must make such a difference to handling. I know this is only what you've heard, but how can a car that only weighs 55kg less, handle that much better??? Thank god I'm pretty light-weight. I would hate to come up against a VR with a driver that weighed 5kg less than me!! :shock:


I was talking about things like air induction exhaust system and things like this, Hm so puting a better exhaust system to optimise flow its not tuning Right.


Not quite sure what the point of this comment is. Is adding max-power sticker classed as a 'tuning-mod'?


The point here is that G60 are already built for forced induction and they will handle tuning to some extent. People run 280-300hp with stock internals on g60. I say this again Vr arent tunabale unless you thow loads of cash at it to go tuning the whole engine internals otherwise you wont go pass 260hp with a charger on it.


Of course the G60 engine is built for forced induction..........it is a forced induction engine!! It's like saying that ski's are built for snow!


A 300bhp G60 with stock internals? Now I'm no tuning wizard but whilst I know this isn't impossible, it's pretty unlikely that that engine would last very long. Might need a full rebuild every 10k instead of every 40k!



Sorry, I think I've sat on the fence long enough! I want a bit of fun as well! :)

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yeh well bicker away peeps the main thing is weve all got sweet cars that we love, i know that when i head off to school and see my beast sittin out front it brings a smile to my face.




Anyway my 16v would destroy you all










(joke) just havin a laugh guys :shock:

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Remeber, The VR directly Replaced the G60, it didn't become the next model up.





i'm afraid your wrong there :roll: ......the VR6 Corrado was sold side by side with the G-60(albeit briefly) in fact for a few short months the Corrado line-up in 1992 was


2.0 16v........136bhp.......ins grp 15........£17193

1.8 G-60......160bhp.......ins grp 17........£18509

2.9 VR6.......190bhp.......ins grp 18........£19895


all taken from an Autocar issue dated 12/08/92

now if the VR6 was the G-60's direct replacement then i think they might have used the 2.8 golf/passat/vento 174bhp engine to make the difference not as major as 30bhp and also there is the £1300+ price differential not exactly the direct replacement is it


the Corrado VR6 was mooted in around 1990/91 as a competitor to the forthcoming BMW E-36 6-cyl coupes........to try and tempt away the potential BMW customers VW felt it needed the refinement and power of the VR6 engine which although if tweaked a G-60 could have matched the power the refinement was something it lacked

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Ah you guys got me tired now,You can say all you want. I bought a G60 cuz of the price and the freedom the car gives you to tune with the possibility of not spending huge amounts. Now unlike some of you Vr owners i like to work on the car myself and really feel the car in everysingle way,tuning a car is a passion. My g60 will take any VR6 corrado unless turbo or s/charged when im finishing what im doing now,and you could keep on dreaming boys as all you see is my tinted lights and my big ass G60 fading away :p . When i bought the G60 i knew it was slower than VR but i knew it was capable. Why some of you guys so arrogant,i never put the VR6 engine down,but keep in mind we have a price barrier here.


Ps VR6 can YOU read properly-i didnt say you need an engine rebuilt every 40k i said a charger service.

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My word, this thread is turning into a right bun-fight :wink:


Thought I'd interject at this point and come up with the pros and cons of the 16V (compared to the G60 and VR)




Cheaper insurance

Better MPG (so i've read, but I only get about 26 MPG)

Cheaper to maintain and service (no charger rebuilds here)

Better handling than a VR in standard form (I know this from experience of actually driving them BTW)

Can be lowered by a greater amount due to the sump being higher than a VR



Gets blown away by most Saxos and Pugs.

Needs to be reved to about 3500 + to get the thing to shift.

Getting more power out can be expensive (Ask Alex)

Engine can sound a bit rough when reved hard


Can't think of much more.


ching! - my 0.289 euros





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at the end of the day we have this forum for aCorrasdo, be it a 1.8 or 2.9. We all have what we can afford and what makes us happy. I know for a fact there are aspects of a G60 driver that likes something on the VR and vice versa!


We should compete together for power but not saying that a g60 can piss all over a vr and so on. I think we should gage the preference on how many girls have you bedded in your C and was that a VR or a G60 - JOKE!


I bet the VR would win!!!!


Ok that was a tester, nobody bite back - both cars are fantastic...FAIR POINT??

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When the VR6 was introduced, didn't the motoring press (can't remember who/where!) say something like:


"You'd expect the slightly heavier VR6 lump to adversly affect the handling, but in fact it feels sharper"


Anyway, don't people only buy sheddy old G60s 'cos they can't afford a decent VR6?


:twisted: just playing devil's advocate on a rainy Wednesday morning....

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I think this should be settled on a 1/4 mile strip


Standard Vs Standard


Modified (x pounds spent) vs modified (same money spent)


Or even better, on a track, fastest lap times etc!!


Maybe the Vr6 guys can take the G60 guys for a spin and vice versa, give each other a taste of all the above hype.


I do like Vr6's for their "straight out of the box" presence. However, throw a grand at the VR6 and it purrs back, throw a grand at a G60 and it ROARS back !!


But that is of course in my humbly biased opinion.

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At the end of the day, both cars are different to drive, they sound different and have different looks depending on age.


If you like the feel and drive of the VR then buy a VR if you like the drive and sound of the G60 buy a G60. We dont need to be slagging off eachothers pride and joy otherwise we could all fall out and have 2 forums, a VR6 forum and a G60 forum and we all dont want that.


For all those G60 owners that think they have big balls because their car is more tunnable for the money, we could also go out and spend loads of money and for you too see that or maybe not see that as the VR will be so far out of sight..... Do you grasp my meaning. Our points we make here are to get the best possible out of our C's and to make these cars last till they become a real antique.


We all want to get our C's to go faster than a fighter jet and handle better than a train so lets get on with helpful stuff like real mods not G60 or VR6. We all know what both cars can do and for those who dont there is no excuse, just reed some of the other threads and you will find out.


Also we need to meet up more ofen than once a decade, these meets would be really benificial and more to the point we can all go and have a nice cold pint and wonder round all of the cars. Shall we start trying harder to take a nice sat or sunday where we all clean the motors in the moning and meet for around 1 ish somewhere that more people can get to. I know we all cant go to the meets but surely we can seperate the meets into sections of area. There are loads of people that could get to London with a couple of hours driving and if we make it a big enough event then people will be happy to go up in a convoy as it will take the hours of driving seem like nothing. I mentioned london because its a main location even though I am still a couple of hours way. If anyone else can suggest a meeting point, I will speak to the revelant people and sort something out for us.


What do you think everyone? Then we will see that his G60 looks the nuts and his VR6 looks the nuts!!!!!! Sorry, and his 16 Valve looks better than both!! :)

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well said rams..we all drive the best car,doesnt matter what engine is under the bonnet

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i'm sick of all the bickering between G60 and VR owners so i skipped the past page or so. anyone with a VR who wants to compare bring it over here and lets find some twisty roads. sure a VR is faster in a straight line, but the speed limits over here are 100km/h and 65m/h in the states. i have all the high-speed pull i need, its the low end and the performance through the twisties that makes the G60 shine.


i drove around hamilton with a guy on a crotch rocket last night, keep in mind i'm still in the 3000rpm or less charger break in. he was opening it up, charging hard through corners leanin it right over, all the while i was right with em up to 115km/h where i ran out of rpm. not saying a VR wouldn't be, but man, what a fuggin rush a quick G60 is to drive... even below 3000rpm.


lowG: that dude you replied to about how much a rebuild costs said in his previous post "I'm in the US, so gear comments accordingly please". sure you can find a great deal on a g-lader and a rebuild over in the UK and the rest of europe. not quite the case over here, everything is more expensive here for these cars, including charger rebuilds.

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Ive been luckily enough to drive the 16V, G60 and VR6..... and simply the VR6 is the best package.


End of.

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Its the best package for you mate, we dont want to start another arguement even if I do agree with you!! 8)

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I've had all three now, and they're just sooo different, it's impossible to compare really. My G60 had a chip/pulley and was very fast, but my personal preference would have to be the VR. It's slightly faster than the G60 (although the power delivery is entirely different), and it's just so smooth yet still sounds incredible (got an induction kit :twisted: 8) ).

Mind you, the sound of the charger was awesome too...and the drilled airbox on the 16v :twisted:


They all have their merits- wish I could've kept the valver- it was a great car :(

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Ps VR6 can YOU read properly-i didnt say you need an engine rebuilt every 40k i said a charger service.


Group 16 and group 18 that VR6 has isnt marginally specially for young drivers below 25. G laders are produced in germany still not continous but they are produced enough to keep costumers demands. A charger would last at least 40k so thats pretty good and with servicing should run nice.

40k??? That's what my VR is on now - maybe I should consider a new engine or a rebuild? ....... oh wait......it isn't a G60 :lol: 8)


I was merely making the point (and tongue-in-cheek when doing so!) that the VR doesn't need a rebuild (of any kind) after 40k miles, unlike the G60 which is recommended to have a charger overhaul.


No need to apologise :wink: 8)

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Right, isnt this about time this thread was locked?


There really is no need for it now.


We all Drive nice cars.






And does the fact that for instance a MKII Golf was sold at the same time as a MKIII Golf mean that the MKIII wasn't a replacement model...? :?


And would you pay the same price for a car that has been out for a good few years than a newer version just released?


If i were VW, i'd too make the G60 cheaper to sell them quicker. Good idea i thought.


If you wanted a fast and comfortable sports car, would you want it to have the exact same engine as a hum drum family saloon?


just a thought.


Ps. Dont you have anything better to do than chase after my posts and add dumb stuff that doesnt matter?


Get a hobby.

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