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2.0l 16v 1993 question

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Could anyone of you knowledgeable souls enlighten me to as what this part is and should the other end of the pipe be just blanked off as mine is.

I am worried !!!IMG_0028.jpg

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That pipe with the green cap is to allow a mechanic to 'sniff' the exhaust from under the bonnet without walking to the back of the car to stick a pipe up the exhaust pipe.


If you take the cap off it'll sound like the exhaust is blowing.



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erm, Gav? It's actually so they can test the exhaust gas before the cat, rather than a lazy mechanic's aid... ;) :lol:

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I meant it in a CO content, mixture setting context which isn't affected by the cat, if I am correct.


I still maintain mechanics, on the whole, are lazy. :roll:


I know I hate having to walk back to my garage to get tools when parked on the drive.



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