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Hi guys, im looking for the site mods

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My name is Simon, I work for HIC Insurance (just incase my user name didnt give it away)


Im trying to get hold of the site mods, as im looking at possibily doing an insurance deal with the club, but before i put anything up on the forum id like to speak with who ever deals with traders etc to see what they think.


If some one could pm me some contact details/phone number or e-mail to mailto:[email protected] so that I can discuss the offer with them



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im sure one of them will be along soon to put your post in the correct section mate!!!! :wink:

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hi simon,welcome.


sounds interesting,im sure someone will be along to discuss shortly.


neil. :)

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Moving to Suppliers forum....


Thanks for the intro Simon, please PM Andi with any offers you may have.



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Hi Simon.. i'm sure Andi would be very interested in negotiating some sort of deal. I'll let him know about the existence of this post as he's not here all of the time and posts occasionally pass him by..

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Yeah have been doing the rounds,


basically we want to set up these schemes with as many clubs as poss, it means more business for us, and at the same time we can save you guys money (hopefully), its a kind of win win situation


At the same time we can also get feedback form people like yourselves who are all into your cars, and see what/how we can improve and generally just try and help the scene out.


Also Andi i havent recieved any e-mail from you.....any chance you could send it again or PM me?



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'Lo Simon...


don't think you'd have seen my reply in Dubforce as the thread's been moved to the mod's area, but Hello again anyway! ;) :lol:

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