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Utterly disenchanted with life

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Look what happened on Sunday morning. No point in even discussing how i feel. I live amongst scum, scum who have again targeted my car.

To be fair, the police have been a tad more helpful but only because i collared one near the house who was on an unrelated call, he's doing a bit of house to house.


Heres a picture.

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This is a case of morbid curiosity.. its a damaged Corrado.. I can't bare to look, but I do wanna see whats happened.


My sympathies in advance :(


If you keep getting this kind of crap, maybe its time to move.. Coventry is widely regarded as a $hit hole but apart from one break in, my cars have been largely left alone. That includes parking in all areas of the city too...

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dont really think i wanna see the pic either from the sound of it...


whatever it is i feel really sorry for u honey and i hope u get it sorted sharpish....

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I'm with Jim, as harsh as it sounds....the only cure is to move away from said scum, but I appreciate it's a big life changing thing to do....

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WTF is that.. have they set fire to it or done the brake fluid thing?


Losers :(

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absolute bastids...this sorta thing makes me feel sick right to the stomache.....you have my sympathies.

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Bloody SCUM.


What have they done though (other than using paint stripper) - looks like it's been water-bombed...

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Gits of the first order - why the hell can't people leave other peoples belongings safe. I'd feel physically sick if someone did that to one of my cars

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where the hell did my post go? nadgers, oh well.


Hope you get it sorted asap and there are no repeats of this, and hopefully the police will catch the w****rs.

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Bugger - thats really bad news mate :(


Just a thought really but would it be worth looking to see if you can rent a garage off the council that would be in walking distace from your home? You'd be suprised at how mamy they have and you may find there is one close enough to you... I know you shouldn't have to but needs must :?


Good luck getting it all sorted matey - time to set a trap and wait for the little sh1ts I think :mrgreen:

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owwwww, gutting

feel for you mate

in my next life I'm gonna be a Dalek and spend my time exterminating the bleeders

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That really does suck - it's pure jealousy, plain and simple... I know it's no consolation, but at least it wasn't the roof...


I hope those responsible develop testicular cancer - actually, that's an impossibility as they obviously have no balls anyway...


My sympathy is with you - I once had a car stolen and torched so I genuinely know how you feel...

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so sorry to hear that dude. Do you have comp cover? not that it's any consolation. I would have a good mind to do a vinny jones and stick there tie in the window and take that baby up to about 70mph! Slamming his head to f**k in the door would be a bit harsh, or am I getting soft in my old age?

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I feel for you hun.

Had mine keyed twice in one year and on the same side. 1st time sprayed on insurance, 2nd time got it done myself but job wasn't so good!

Then broken into while in an NCP mulitstory in centre of Bristol.


Could have cried. Come to think of it I probably did cry.


I hope that horrid sick to your stomach feeling eases off soon.

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Little sh1ts - so facking thick and bored they just go around doing pointless cr@p like that.

Annoyed for you aswell

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so sorry to hear that dude. Do you have comp cover? not that it's any consolation. I would have a good mind to do a vinny jones and stick there tie in the window and take that baby up to about 70mph! Slamming his head to f**k in the door would be a bit harsh, or am I getting soft in my old age?

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I've calmed down a bit now, the last time this happened i was days away from my final exams at uni now its happened again as i'm about to get the results tomorrow. The situation now is


i'm currently scouring websites looking for somewhere to live, regrettably away from Manchester - garage a must


i'm deciding whether or not to take the car to the forensics to see if they can find anything or identify the substance, copper said it might be worth it but my dad washed it off before i saw it and it pi$$ed down down all day


I may just take it off the road altogether and create something special- vent my anger in a positive way, my insurance excess is £450- yes thats four hundred and fifty english pounds so its not worth claiming.


Anyway i feel like its a kick up the backside i just need to snap out of the violent daydreams that involve me, the culprit (s) and some Tarantino-style justice. Thanks for all the messages, its really helped, Kate.

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