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TSR performance

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i've just been browsing again and come across this :


SPA 8V G60 2.0ltr - 240bhp


What the G60 should have been from the start - two litres. With many G60 engines now in need of a rebuild, this conversion provides the perfect opportunity to significantly increase output. A Schrick cam in a Pack A head is fitted to our 2 litre conversion to produce this 'Stump Puller' of an engine. We recommend you budget for a G-Lader rebuild and uprate as a precautionary measure when having this conversion fitted to your existing G60 car.

Fitted Price £3405 or DIY £2880


as anyone had this done?is it really worth£3405?

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carefull tho guys....ive heard alot of bad things about other specialists that get recomended on here....people can get arsey about stuff like this.... :roll: ....im not trying to get the old " freedom of speech " argument going here...but if we arent allowed to post bad experiences about 1 company..then we shouldnt be allowed to with all companies shirly?..thats only fair.

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just passing on "hearsay" - maybe that's a bad thing.


so sorry


But I believe people should be recomended the best available to them. It is a nightmare when you get "burned".


No smoke without fire



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just passing on "hearsay" - maybe that's a bad thing.


so sorry


But I believe people should be recomended the best available to them. It is a nightmare when you get "burned".


No smoke without fire




i agree with what you're saying mate....and the forum has a pm facility :wink: .....im just pointing out the fact that there are other "specialists" that people on here recomend to others, that i have seen terrible workmanship from.....sometimes its best to bite your tounge though....there's two sides to every story an all that... :D

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Have heard mixed reviews of TSR TBH.


As for the conversion, it's supposed to be quite good, but not the best way to do a 2L conversion as TSR use a VW van bottom end to carry this out. It's not good value either as what are we talking here, £3405 for new bottom end and pistons, a cam and gasflowed head plus fitting and setting up ?? That said, there was guy in Golf+ (July 2005 issue) running a Corrado G60 with this TSR 2.0L Spa conversion and a BahnBrenner screw charger putting out a claimed 260 BHP at the flywheel ! (230 BHP at the wheels).


Seems a bit much really TBH, you can get your own bottom end rebuilt with necessary new bits, crank etc. (£500 ish), get a set of forged pistons (£450-£500), gas flowed head £350, schrick cam or similar for £200, fitting well can be done yourself or I'd imagine £400-£500 would cover labour for pulling engine out and putting back in, all for around £2000 all in (apologies if figures are off but won't be by much).


Pretty sure that Henny on here had a similar conversion carried out by JMR(?)and runs a 1940cc which is practically a 2L conversion. Also, I think Darren / g-man from G-Werks is developing a 1.9L G60 engine of some sort at the moment.



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I've personally been warned against TSR


Heard much the same thing.... :?



TSR changed hands a few years back, they've had plenty of experience with VAG cars over many years and I'm sure can produce the goods, my two problems with them are that their prices are very steep and I personally had a faulty engine build from them twice, second time fault occurred out of warranty and even though it was identical to the first fault and in the same block they refused to do anything about it, I know from experience that this was not the case with some of the other VAG tuners in the past who would do anything to rectify faulty workmanship to maintain their reputation.

OK, I have a bit of an Axe to grind, but if you pay top dollar you expect top service :roll:



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but if we arent allowed to post bad experiences about 1 company..then we shouldnt be allowed to with all companies shirly?..thats only fair.


Who says you can't?


This is precisely the kind of 'fear' we need to quosh. Some people will always rise to certain comments, but that's just forum rage for you, can't be avoided. Just post what you gotta say and share your experiences.


I'd rather someone say be wary of company X, Y and Z because of reason X, Y and Z than sit back quietly and let some poor bugger get shafted.


And for the record, I rang TSR several years ago as a potential customer and they were rude and arrogant, so they lost the £1000s of business that Stealth not get from me.

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Personally I think if suppliers are perfectly happy to recommned them on a forum, then they also have to be happy for people to not recommend them on a forum.


As long as you make it clear if you've actually had experience with that company or not then it's not libellous, becuase it's either true or it's expressing your opinion, thus it's not a problem.


Just make sure that you're reasonable and calm tho :)

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I had a Donnington 1.9 fitted to my Mk2 Golf back in 98 or 99, and have nothing but praise for them,they picked up a few other things that needed doing (ECU was kaputt, cracked exhaust manifold and few other bits and pieces) and still managed to bring it all in just under my budget. Had plenty of contact all the way through and they didn't do any additional work without checking with me first.

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Dinkus has the right point here: you can say what you like as long as you either a) state that you do not know any facts, and it's just rumour or hearsay or b) you actually had the experience first hand and therefore you recount it (without being too sensationalist, of course, this isn't the daily mail) :) .

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I did a week there in 96 when I came out of the RAF. Mr Stiles was there then. Seemed professional enough to me. They had just done the VR6 Jetta and MK1 G60. Some of the conversions seemed a bit agricultural to me at the time, like KFC bonnet scoops etc but on the whole a safe place to get jobs done.


I agree that their prices seem steep but you have the choice not to buy from them too.


They do have a reputation for not being able to sell you a brake light bulb without a set of 4 pots to go with it. :mrgreen:


Years ago, I too have rung up and had the hard sell, these days I know where to go to get the same stuff for less. As I do my own spannering then I don't get wacked for labour.


Pays yer money and takes yer choice..


Nice sig bigtunes :wink:



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Thought you'd like it Gavin, Slightly off topic but can't believe the difference it's made, bright white lights instead of dull yellow ones. :-)

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I'll retract me previous statement about being wary of them, but I will say that Mr Stiles managed to sell me a supersprint 16v exhaust manifold, 280mm Black diamond brakes, pagid fast road pads for a Mk1 Golf that I didn't have an engine for at the time! Hard sell is not the word, but maybe I'm a little easy to sell to!


Never fitted the above (and now sold on) and still have a MK1 Golf shell that has been sat doing nothing for a year or two!

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Going back to the engine, it would be worth contacting VW direct about the cost of a new van block. Speaking to Steve Cresswell of C&R a couple of weeks back he said to me that it often makes sense just to buy new blocks as VW have vastly reduced the cost of new engines lately. If i remember right you can pick up a brand new PG block for about 900 quid as an example.

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I was talking with jody at midland vw and he was saying that oemparts.com i think its called, there in pvw. are doing a brand new 2L g60 bottom end for £1300



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Well I can only go on the work I have seen with my own eyes, and know they did a very good job installing a whole host of parts on my Corrado G60 when it used to be owned by brookescourt including suspension parts, taking car of charger rebuilds, FMIC install, magnex exhaust, etc etc.. some pretty enormous reciepts but the work had been done to a high standard and Vince said that he felt the car was a very good advert for TSR at the last Stealth rolling road session.

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Jody is a top bloke. Knows his Charged VRs and a few tricks :wink:


Very true kev


saw his chargerd purple vr golf few yrs ago now buyt was awesome



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Wow this forum is sooo politically correct its unbelievable. I have been on loads of other forums, and generally you are allowed to voice your opinions without fear of the big brother foot stepping on your head.

Everytime someone says something that could even begin to offend someone else, a flurry of political correctness pap comes spewing out of every oriface!


Every body just chillout a bit!

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Wow this forum is sooo politically correct its unbelievable. I have been on loads of other forums, and generally you are allowed to voice your opinions without fear of the big brother foot stepping on your head.

Everytime someone says something that could even begin to offend someone else, a flurry of political correctness pap comes spewing out of every oriface!


Every body just chillout a bit!


I thank you


sometimes it's PC gone mad





3 large is a lot of money - I'd investigate EVERY possibility before lashing out that kind of cash.


Hell - I just picked up my C for that much!

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carefull tho guys....ive heard alot of bad things about other specialists that get recomended on here....people can get arsey about stuff like this.... :roll: ....im not trying to get the old " freedom of speech " argument going here...but if we arent allowed to post bad experiences about 1 company..then we shouldnt be allowed to with all companies shirly?..thats only fair.


I have to agree with you on this point mate. TOO true. I have been tempted to write about it on here on more than one occasion but don't know if its really the right thing to do :!: :?:

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