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Whos had their C the longest then ??

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Had this one for erm... scratches head... 3 1/2 years.. but just over 9 years of C ownership (2 G60s previously)


And like RW1 - not the longest in the fleet. And like his, mine's a Rocco which I've had now for... (scratches head again) just over 13 years now.... Had a Rocco in the fleet now for nearly 20 years :shock: (That's scarey now I come to think of it...)

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i bought mine 2nd March this year, so its a measly 7 and a bit months..... i've never managed to keep a car any longer than 2 years.... i get bored too quickly with em.....!!! :roll:

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I have had mine 2 years and not driven it once. Surely that has to be a record.

Infact for the last year it never even had any back wheels lol

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only had mine for 4 weeks!!!

second week someone rearended it and exactly a week later sum fool reversed into the passenger rear quarter, guess what it needs a new one!!!

not much luck eh?!!

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I've had mine since 8th March this year so not a touch on some other Raddo users on here......Think it was one of the first raddos out thou.....possibly....1989..!!

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Bought my first C VR in Sept. 97 and the second in Oct' 98.

Sold the first in Jan '99 and still have the 2nd.


So, current VR for 7 years exactly, with over 150000 km's now done and counting...



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Ohhh, you oldtimers :lol: Just had mine for 2 years 2 weeks ago.


The Mk1 Rocco is approaching its 4th year of ownership, the Mk2 Storm its 3rd.


There you go: 4, 3, 2 years, Mk1, Mk2, Mk3 Rocco, respectively. Easy to remember :-)



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bought mine NEW in May 1995 :) what a day, driving it out the showroom

A lot of overtime done that year :) but worth it.



looks like your the winner so far

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Looks like Radostormvr6, is in the lead then ! But his is one of the newest Corrado's .... theres definately something very addictive about the Corrado, alot of long term owners here, mine had 1 owner since August '92 till i got it May 2004, 11 years 9 months !! Keep them coming ..... 8)

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