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color coding handles and bumpstrips....

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The only things on my corrado that i think make it look a little 'dated' are the black plastic door handles and the 'bump strips' down the side (theres probably a technical term for them!)...so i was wondering what my options are for colour coding them. can you get replacement parts in primer or is it a case of sanding and painting the standard parts? whats under the bump strips? are they 'stuck' on or screwed/bolted?

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you could remove the bump srips all together


That looks really good on a light/bright coloured C, but the darker colours still look OK with the bumpstrips on IMHO, and they do serve a purpose...

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Just park inbetween 2 spaces and annoy everyone but it saves your doors from being chipped / dented .

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Just park inbetween 2 spaces and annoy everyone but it saves your doors from being chipped / dented .


But be careful not to get a parking ticket.. :?

Check the signs, as some car parks can be very anal about it.


Get some exercise and park in the very quiet part of the car park where they probably won't care :)



My worst experience was in a Tescos which I'd never been to before (well, this store, not Tescos ever). Stupidly, the car park wasn't exactly flat, and I came back to find an abandonned trolley resting against my wing with a nice big scratch.

And funnily enough, the RAV4 two spaces to the right of my car was no longer there.

Draw your own conclusions.


In Derby there's a secure car park where every space has a cushion-like barrier betweem every space - makes it a little more difficult to get out, but impossible to get parking dents.

Every space also has a sensor, and when you leave your car, you scan your ticket and it locks the bay. They then guarantee against it being stolen, else they'll pay for all costs. 'Tis cool - and you can only get access to the building with a ticket. Same price as a usual multi-storey too.

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If only every car park was as bad and invincible as that one :D I'd park there all the time. Most car parks are only interested in making money so they squeeze as many spaces as they can into the floor area they have. No concern for the people who park there.

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I rarely leave my C in a car park, otherwise I would send them a bill from a body shop for sorting the dent out if the give you a parking ticket for being in 2 spaces.


I like the sound of the car park you use Andi, it should hopefully filter doen this way!

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I had a bad experiance in a tesco's carpark too, I used to have a Astra SXI (until I crashed it last month :? ) I'd had it 2 days and went shopping in it, parked up in tescos, did the food thing, came back to find my rear arch totally caved in by someone who obviously turned a bit too wide when they pulled into the space next to me, then didnt have the guts to stick around and own up to doing it. Left me with a £400 bill and a dented Astra with 80miles on the clock. Now I park over the other side of the carpark and walk.

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It is a criminal offence to leave the scene of an accident, so sometimes worth seeing if any CCTV has caught the fleeing scum.

Whether they'll let you or you'd be able to see the plates is another matter.


However, if you get evidence by your own means, the Police cannot act on it - the gulity party has to own up.

Nothing saying you can't be a bit persuasive though.... ;)


What a wonderful world we live in.

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yeah, tescos are a smart bunch.....they didnt have the CCTV cameras turned on. :( which i thought was an offence in itself.

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It is a criminal offence to leave the scene of an accident,


ONLY on the public highway.


In Tescos car park (or any other private property) the rules of the road don't apply... :cry: :x

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It is a criminal offence to leave the scene of an accident,


ONLY on the public highway.


In Tescos car park (or any other private property) the rules of the road don't apply... :cry: :x


Tell me about it... I reckon that I'm about £1500 down now 'cos some git in a 4x4 reversed into me and drove off... :cry: The Trafford Center were really good and showed me the CCTV footage, but you couldn't make out the number plate of the 4x4... :roll:


There are some real @#$£ holes out there... :(

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I've colour coded my side protection strips and I'm glad I did it as I was contemplating removing them but I keep opening the door onto my driveway wall, so glad I left them on!


IMO the side of the C looks bare without them and it highlights the panel gaps around the doors a bit more than I'd like. The strips somehow take your focus off the gaps.


I'll be doing the handles at some point too.



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I like the look of the C without th estrips, the car looks cleaner and sharper. Maybe some colours make the look not all that apealing but mine looks good and since it had the full re spray you cant tell they were ever there.

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