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General Running Costs?

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Before I delve into the deeps of Corrado ownership, can someone tell me roughly how much standard yearly stuff is needed for the C.


For example, how much is a minor/major service? Anything you recommend getting done if theres no proof of it being done already.


Basically, I'm trying to figure out how much for a year I'd need for maintenance. Obviously anything can happen but at least I'll have an idea.

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LOL..not very helpfull thus far....



There's a buyers guide availale on here mate, have a looksee at it...it's hard to say how much it will cost to service..what model? how anul do you want to be about it? what state is the car in when you buy it?,,loads of things count.


What I will say is that its not usuall for a raddo owner to call it a cheap car to run, if you look after it it will look after you.

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Planning on buying a VR6.


Suppose ques is a little vague. An example for what I mean is like on the forum I use at the mo ( http://www.306gti6.com ). We always recommened that if theres no proof of it, to get the cambelt replaced asap, as they're known to snap before there time.


It's just when I see 'last service done at cost of £700' that worries me!

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Yeah, obviously the same things apply to buying a vr6 as they do to other cars, (( i'm assuming you know the VR6 has no cam belt )) with regards to the same sorta checks you would do when buying


Having never owned a vr6 I can't really comment, but the reason i've not owned one (( having had 4 raddos )) is due to the fact that I haven't got the money to look after one properly. Bills like £700 aren't uncommon for Vr6 owners.

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Yeah, even I know that they're chains!


What about the G60? Is that cheaper to run?


Trouble is, I'm wanting a car thats quicker than my 306, according to standard specs, only the VR6 fits the bill.

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What about the G60? Is that cheaper to run?


Not a great deal in it (the biggest cost goes with supercharger rebuild but these are not regular). But a G60 will be an older car so more prone to things like bushes/suspension etc.


Sorry to sound negative but its better to go into battle with both eyes open. Dont let that put you off, no car for the money (and even more money) comes close

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It's cheaper yeah, but still not cheap if you want to run it properly, you can push a g60 to around the 200BHP mark fairly easily and cheaply, a must is that the charger is in a good condition, as long as that doesn't grenade itself the g60 is pretty cheap and easy really, 1.8 8v engine with a hairdryer attached for fun :D


TBH, the 306 is a well built car, and they handle pretty well (( my mate had a fettled one a while back )) ...but you won't look back after having a drive in a decent raddo.

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Whats the power of a G60? Never looked into it. The VR6 is around 190bhp?


My GTI6 has 167bhp, 0-60 in 7.1 secs. Thats Pugs figures not mine.


Theres only around 3500 GTI-6's left in the UK, so that makes it rare. The trouble is, theres millions of normal 306's around so not many people actually know what a 6 is. I want something with that rarity and power. The Corrado fits the bill! Can't think of another car that does TBH.


Maybe I'm dreaming too much.


My budget is £3500 initially. I could throw £200 a month at it with not too much trouble, so running costs I could prob cope with.


Sensibility then appears (and women!). I'm getting married in 2007, as well as carrying on finishing off our house (which seems to never end). So I don't want it to be a money eater (a big one!).


I think I should just get one before the need for a Zafira comes along! Like my dads says (since he had a heart attack) 'if your going to do something, do it now, before you regret it!'.

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Sounds like you've got the right idea mate. With the way it is at the mo (( buyers market )) you could pick up a pretty good vr6 for £3.5k, or a very good g60 with change left over for anything you want to have done.

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Corrado's can be hit and miss.. some people on here coast by with only routine maintainence and others have had to take on full engine rebuilds, etc. Its just luck of the draw but spending more on a better example first time around is going to make things a little easier.


£3,500 should get you a reasonable VR6, but would get you a superb condition 16v or G60 without too much trouble.


My G60 was a thirsty beast cause it had been tuned up a bit and I only ever did short journeys. Used to cost me about £130/month in fuel just for my short commute. Reliability was basically superb - I never had any serious issues with it at all, and I had a major service done for about £350. In total, in about 14 months of ownership I spent about £1500-2000 on stuff but that did include a new set of alloys and tyres and various jobs that didnt really need doing.. I just wanted to get them done.


You'll also save a packet if you are comfortable doing work on the car yourself. I'm not so my bills are always much higher as I have to get garages to do the work! :)

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The thing is that all Corrado's are at a minimum 10 years old and most have done over 100K miles so they're all getting on a bit. Just get one that's been enthusiast owned and has had loads of time and money already lavished on it!


I love those 306GTI6's, I very nearly got one but I already had a French car so fancied something a bit different.

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Costs can vary, i have had my VR just over a year now and it hasnt been to bad finance wise. Had to replace a few bits like fuel pump, leads, brake pads, spark plugs but so far (touch wood) nothing to bank balance denting. It all depends on the actual car you buy and if it is in good nick to start with. u WILL need to get an uprated loom and lupo wipers tho :wink: cant recomend them highly enough.


Get a VR tho i still have a smile on my face when i give it some a year later.

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Is there any way to check the engine (to see if it will need a rebuild) before buying? Would an AA/RAC inspection do that?

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I don't know how much detail RAC/AA inspections go into.


You could ask to see any receipts of work they may have had done. Start engine up and watch to see if loads of smoke comes out the exhaust (like my VR does :oops:). Also I think the timing chain gets noisy if it's on it's way out.

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RAC/AA will insist on doing the "long" inspection at around the £3-400 mark because the car is a bit older. Steep, if you ask me. :roll:

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Do they provide any guarantees?


I'd take it to my local garage, but finding a VR6 for sale in a local area would be a nightmare!

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What a difficult question. You're talking about a 10 year old car.


But you are right in wanting to know the usual replacement/maintenance costs you will incur.


I bought a well kept 16v 2.0 and have spent over £800 in under a year (cheapo exhaust-back-box went, as too did the original exhaust system + bought new wheels, suspension etc). Again, whos to say what needs replacing on a 10yr car? Some are highly maintained and have new everything; but most lads only replace exhausts etc.


You're still left to replace anything like (any car): shocks/suspension, joints - engine/ball drive shaft, seals, Exhaust, siezed electrics, etc


Typical yearly stuff still applies: oil & filter, wiper blades, antifreeze, tyres


More Corrado specific: beware of dodgy sunroof mechanism, or in-active spoiler. This list needs to be extended by VR owners........

.... but also excellent: Guide



ps - heavy car; soft tyres = replace tyres more often.

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Mines killing me on petrol at the moment, I'm spending £40 a week to use it everyday :(


Gti6 is a quick car, and the power figures don't tell the whole story at all. My mate has a Rallye which I've driven quite a bit, and raced a few times too. I can say that the G60 in standard trim wouldn't stand a chance against it, and if you were to look to buying a G60 over a VR6, I think you'd be disappointed. Good thing with the G60 is how easy the engine is to modify, and now mines making a lot more power than standard, however I'd say it takes a G60 with 190bhp+ to match a standard Rallye.


VR6 is a good choice tho, and you'll fall in love with the sound 8)

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A mate's got a GTI6 Rallye and TBH I got my arse handed to me on a plate in my 16v every time unless it was REALLY twisty. I'd definately go for a VR or a heavily fettled G60 if it's something more beautiful you're looking for. In terms of speed and drivability though there wouldn't seem to be a great deal in it.

Good luck,


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