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When will it end? Man killed by thieves in his OWN car!

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That's Great (?) Britain for you mate.....


It's time to delete the worthless and exponge the wretched from this country...... stick them in a disused warehouse with half a dozen automatic sentrys I say....

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Round em up and swap them for all the hard working immigrants that want to come into the country and help its economy. Then send the pathetic monosyllabic runty pikie F**kweazels to the war torn hell holes and let them kill each other for ladas and trabants.

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What goes through this kind of scums mind???????


Not a lot i'd say.. but the bullet from a .44 Magnum would be a good start.

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The lack of a Darwinian style of existence is really helping people like this to breed.


That's the problem with politics these days and why most people are fed up with it; an active minority has more influence than the law abiding majority. :(

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What goes through this kind of scums mind???????


Not a lot i'd say.. but the bullet from a .44 Magnum would be a good start.


LOL Jim, and I always had you down as a passivist :-)


Quality line though....made me spit my haribos onto the keyboard :-)

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the pathetic monosyllabic runty pikie F**kweazels


lol, love that insult. Saving that one to memory next time someone annoys me :lol:

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What too few people seem to ask is, why are kids these days doing this? The education system is failing them, parents are absolved of all responsibility for their childrens' actions, no-one feels a sense of pride or worth at anything they do anymore, physically disciplining your children is being banned by the nanny state (there's a difference between disciplining and hitting, for those who might take that the wrong way), the list goes on...


Whilst you cannot in any way condone behaviour of this kind, you have to look to the root causes of the problems in order to find a solution, rather than fighting violence with violence...


Having said that, if it'd been anyone I know, they might have found out just how easy it is to run headfirst into a crowbar...

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What goes through this kind of scums mind???????


Not a lot i'd say.. but the bullet from a .44 Magnum would be a good start.


LOL Jim, and I always had you down as a passivist :-)


Quality line though....made me spit my haribos onto the keyboard :-)


Hehe.. glad I could help ;)


Na.. it just gets to me really. I'm a pretty decent law abiding guy. I download music from time to time, I occasionally drive over the speed limit.. but thats about it. It just turns my stomach to think that this could have been, for example, my dad who has served his country in the army, does work for charity, and is about an honest and decent man as you could ever hope to meet.


He's minding his own business, going around his day to day routine, and in 30 seconds of madness is killed by these lowlife pieces of crap who've never contributed anything to society.. and for what? His car which they burned out a few hours later?


When things happen by accident, you just have to accept them.. if he was in a car accident, and it was no-ones fault but just one of those things - well it'd hurt badly but its just the way of life. But this sort of thing is not. Its wrong. And in short, it just makes me so so angry!


2p, kerplink, etc :)

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Agree with Jim, couldn't help imagining if it was my dad. When you just think some old bloke got killed it doesn't mean much, but if you think about it being someone you know it puts a whole new perspective on it.

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Everything is too politically correct now - you cant reprimand kids as that is considered violence. If you do you'll be locked up for a long period. If you rob a bank you'll get 10, if you're 15 and you run someone over you can't be named for legal reasons and you get 3 years. It's totally topsy turvy. Bring back corporal punishment in schools (= batter the s--t out of the little brats!) - will solve an awful lot of social problems.

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Its a deeply sad thing to happen, but people have been bludegeoning and stabbing each other for minor posessions for a long time now (esp in the victorian england). Murder is most foul..but its nothing new. But i do agree with all - i think about this happening to my girfreind or family and it sickens me.


As far what to do with them - vivisection!


why use basset hounds and monkeys when you can use some chav who is completley surplass to the needs of society. You know shampoo in the eyes and drinking pints of washing up liquid and smoking ten fags at a time.



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Its really saddening to read a story like this. Just makes you feel sad for the families left behind and everyone that knew the man.


Things like this just strengthen the case to bringing back hanging and capital punishment.


The scum that did this should be publicly stoned to death. (as should those 3 racist to$$ers from East London that killed a white man for no reason. The judge said its not racially motivated. I dont agree.) see thread>>

http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic. ... 125#371125

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Therer was an incident in Egypt back in the 80s where the sons of high ranking officials assaulted and raped a girl. There was a big attempt to cover it up due to their family connections. The result - the lads were hanged and this was reported widely. Now it is TOTALLY safe for women to go out at almost any time in almost any place. Maybe we need something similar to illustrate to yobs and the like that this is their likely reward. Instead we lock em up in a 5 star prison at HUGE cost to the taxpayer. Who's the winner there?

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The sooner the judicial system steps into the 21st century, the better. The police need more power and less red tape too.

I never thought Britain would decay to the point that two WPCs get gunned down in cold blood and small children get axed in the head. It's worrying where this country is heading....


The government announce that the prisons are full to capacity....well build some more then! I'm sure the decent citizens of our nation will gladly pay a little more tax if it means removing more vicious unbalanced crims from society.

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Therer was an incident in Egypt back in the 80s where the sons of high ranking officials assaulted and raped a girl. There was a big attempt to cover it up due to their family connections. The result - the lads were hanged and this was reported widely. Now it is TOTALLY safe for women to go out at almost any time in almost any place. Maybe we need something similar to illustrate to yobs and the like that this is their likely reward. Instead we lock em up in a 5 star prison at HUGE cost to the taxpayer. Who's the winner there?


I can really vouch for that - i work a lot over in cairo and it is the safest place i have been. I am against the death penalty after hearing of some many innocents being electrocuted in texas - but i have to agree, you could lose you girlfriend in the middle of cairo and she will get home safe and sound.

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