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chaz g60

help me heat my van...im sleeping in the pyranees in it!!

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I have a 82 transporter to get home in and am leaving tomorow but, the little petrol heater needs a new spark plug apparently ???. So i've bought a 12/ 220 volt conveter and a little bar heater but it just cuts out? i got the bar heater as i thought a fan heater would use to much power but still no joy.

Any suggestions??

Oh yeah and while im chugging back in the old aircooled transporter my mother and her boyfreind are being trusted to drive my corrado back, am i mad??

cheers Chaz.

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Any suggestions??


Camp stove and a big coat.



Oh yeah and while im chugging back in the old aircooled transporter my mother and her boyfreind are being trusted to drive my corrado back, am i mad??



Knowing them both I would say that you most certainly are.

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the inverter(voltage converter) needed to run a bar heater would have to be huge, even a small heater would be about 500 watt, most cheap inverters will only cope with 300 watt peak and that's only when it has a perfect supply from the vehicle, the power drops a surprising amount by the time it has reached the cigar lighter socket.


you might be better searching for a ceramic car fan heater, or maybe 2, from somewhere like motorworld or motormania, fan heaters usually rely on having a smaller heater element but circulating the heat more, they dont allways use more power.


also you battery will last about half an hour running either a 12v heater or inverter.


wear lots of layers and dont fall asleep with your face touching the glass :lol:

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damn aint got time to get another heater

the vans heaters work fine when moving but they need the van to move to work. Gonna be a cold night tomorow!! i'll have to use my misses for heat !.

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this is what you want,brilliant piece of kit http://www.englandangling.co.uk/display ... dCode=CBCH


yeah i saw one of these being used a while ago at the cheddar challenge mountain bike racing, and they are a great piece of kit, they run for ages on a canister of gas, a guy had one in his splitty camper and it was toasty and warm all night according to him.

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My camp stove statement wasn't a joke Chaz, you'l fickin freeze mate, son't just risk it with a jumper :wink:

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man it has to be, gonna have the van full of all my possesions, my dog , and 2cats!!! mad trip this'll be !! i'll just get the heating on full before i stop and try to get well past the pyranees.. no worries :shock: :lol: :x-mas:

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man it has to be, gonna have the van full of all my possesions, my dog , and 2cats!!! mad trip this'll be !! i'll just get the heating on full before i stop and try to get well past the pyranees.. no worries



You're a crazy bitch. It's lucky in a way that you're taking the zoo with you, you may have to rely on them for food.

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Be careful with fuel-burning heaters in confined spaces. They can produce carbon monoxide (deadly) if not properly maintained or are used in unsuitable, unventilated conditions. Being a bit chilly is a preferable option to being permanently stone cold.....

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Yeah - Roger's right.

Good ventilation is so important.

Too many good, fit people have never woken up after snuggling up for the night.

I remember someone in the UK died after picking up their sleeping bag straight from the dry cleaners before going on a camping trip.

The fumes from the cleaning solvent were still copious enough in the bag to kill him in his tent that night. :angel:

Cheers folks!

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