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Stan 24v

Stans 24v - Its been emotional, bye bye

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Cant remember which colour, Blackberry I think??? Will have a look at the sticker again.


Charger would be ace, but would defo need a LSD first!!! It needs one now :shock:

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it's not Dark Burgundy Pearl? Also - where did you get the red ciggie lighter surround from? I'm on the lookout for one.

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See, if you got a charger, the air filter would be in a slightly better place! :lol:


Looking good mate 8)

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Bojmobile Just looked its LC3U, what colour is that?


Ciggy lighter is from a Seat Toledo, bought it from one of the lads on here.


mrbeige :lol:

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Cool - looks like my old one and LC3U is my favourite C colour! It can look so different - black, purple and one of my neighbours once asked if it was brown!

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Andrew, The lambdas kept losing the feed from the relay, as he'd stuck them both on the same one. he separated them, and added a new relay and they both work fine now. He had a bit of a red herring though as it looked like the MAF which was causing the problem, but it wasnt until he'd changed it (twice) and fitted the second bank of probes that he worked out what was causing it.


Im still having a slight problem with the rev counter fluctuating a bit. He reckons it could be down to the clocks requiring a different signal to what is being produced, and the way forward may be to install the Golf clocks??? Any ideas on that one welcome ;)


Also, in 4th (and maybe 5th) when I hit just above 5k revs, it appears to hit the limiter, but seems to be ok in the lower gears. Could this be related to the fluctuating clocks, and incorrect signal? Could it actually by hitting the limiter and the clocks reading wrong, or is it just not getting through 5200 revs? Anyone????

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cant help mate, but hope you get it sorted? u posted it up on other forums, imagine others have a had similar probs doing 20v conversions etc?

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Could your clocks problem be the amplitude of the PWM signal from the cranks sensor?

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Stan, not really related to your last problem, but I presume he fitted the mkIV relay panel?


I have a full 24v engine loom and the mkIV relay panel here and the wiring/connectors for all 4 lambda's are there, along with all the necessary relays too?



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He used the VR relays I think mate, but used the mkiv loom and spliced wires together etc. He still has the car, and too whatever was needed off it. He's done a good job, just unsure about these little bits.

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  Stan 24v said:
He used the VR relays I think mate, but used the mkiv loom and spliced wires together etc. He still has the car, and too whatever was needed off it. He's done a good job, just unsure about these little bits.


No doubt mate looking at the pics. :)


Do you have VAG-COM and the diagnostic connector wired up?



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Engine Speed Sensor (G28). Down on the front near the engine mount. That will almost certainly be the cause of the funny thing at 5800Rpm. Could also be something to do with the dials.

First off try removing it, cleaning it and putting it back. If that doesn't help replace it.



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just been speaking some techy mates, and they reckon that the mk4 rev counter signal is 100% compatible with the corrado clocks, and has been done on numerous other conversions.


Plus my rev counter behaved fine on the 2.8 24v when it was running.


I am with Jay on this one

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