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Corrado club [Now with Poll!!]

Should the official CCGB and the Forum amalgamate?  

140 members have voted

  1. 1. Should the official CCGB and the Forum amalgamate?

    • Yes, I think that the pooling of resources would maximise the benefit for Corrado owners.
    • No, I think they both provide different things and I prefer to be involved with both separately.
    • I like ham and couldn't care less.

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Round of applause to you there, John, well said :-)


It is true that I have on regular occasions also complained about the lack of interest amongst car owners (as I have observed this phenomena with both C and Rocco drivers, and I'm sure it's the same with other car owners) in wanting to go to meets. It's very easy thanks to the Internet to claim you have such a car, know something about it, and provide use(less/ful) advice to others, whilst not wanting to leave your keyboard and actually get into your car and do what it was made for, drive. It seems that the downside of the net-based forums is that it has to a certain degree made people a wee bit lazy. On too many occasions have I heard people say that unless they'd got nothing else planned, they'd come to a meet (see Midlands Meets for prime example ;-) ). So, basically the pleasure in owning a car like the C and showing it seems to be lowest of priorities for some, who at the same time make the biggest claims on forums like this. That confuses me.


On the other hand I also won't deny that I personally have met a good amount of new people through my joining of forums, especially on the German Sciroccoforum.


But whereas there is still thankfully only 1 Corradoforum in the UK, Germany has 4, the UK has 4 Roccoforums, Germany only has one. Guess which approach works best to getting to know more people, get to go to bigger events, have more fun? Exactly, the approach where there is only one forum for a certain type of car. I do have the comparison, having been on (too) many forums.


It would be good to see the CF and CCGB move closer together, as I have also stated in a heated debate at last year's CCGB AGM. I was baffled by the IMHO still weak excuses justifying the strong resistance to this idea.


Although I don't curently have the time to stand as a CCGB chairman (as running my own company swallows up enormous amounts of time, especially at the moment), I am, however, quite happy to organise the bulk of events, as I have started to do, always keeping in mind my personal goal at such events: Bringing the CCGB and CF members together at events. I believe that despite the power of the net and its forums, nothing beats personal contact, and where else do you get that but at shows and events.



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Hey Andy I understand what you mean, as you are not the first Corrado owner I've known from the IoW, and live close enough to you (in Bournemouth) to fully appreciate the issues you face.


However (and ignoring your specific problems in getting to the mainland for a second) I still stand by the broader points I have made above.


A suitable metaphor for running the CCGB (or indeed perhaps a forum mod) would be that of being a referee at the FA Cup final. There's only you in the middle of it, with all the responsibility, a few small numbers of people around actually making any action happen at all, whilst at the same time there are 80,000 onlookers, each loaded with a vociferous opinion on the game and your actions and how you should be doing it.


Oh - and 80,022 people can all do it better than you, but no-one will step up to it.


Or will someone...?



p.s. BTW Andy I hope to actually meet you at some point.

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Forgive my ignorance, but i'm not entirely sure what the problem is.


I don't see the problem with there being both the Corrado Forum, and CCGB, if there are people that would rather be part of one and not the other then surly it's up to them to decide which they would benifit from more? I was at the BVF show last year and didn't notice any bad feeling between the groups.


Those that moan about the CCGB have ( as far as i've seen ) the oppertunity to step forward and make a change, if they don't want to then I don't see that they have a right to complain. Being the person that has the responsibilities with regards to running things like this is very time consuming, A forum is alot easier to manage IMO as it can be done from home with a PC and nothing else ( i.e without the need to create magasines/letters etc ) I have alot of admiration for those that have tried to keep the CCGB going.


The internet has changed alot of things, but we have to change with it IMO ( look at the music industry for example )


Just my 2p.

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I would like to see both the CCGB and CF merge into the same entity; looking through the back issues of the Sprinter the forum is organising many of the events that the CCGB used to (RR days etc)


As both Eric and John have already said a fragmented scence is counter-productive to the main reason we are all here - a common interest in our cars.


As for not being willing to dig into my pocket and getting something for nothing I continue to be a fully paid up member of the CCGB despite only receiving a total 2 Sprinters in over 2 years of membership and I pay a sub to Andi every month for the running of the forum.


On the opposite end of the scale and this is not a dig at anyone as an 'armchair' critic I have been a member of a very successful car club. The Triumph Sports Six Club is very active and well run with a club museum that is free for members and enough clout to get parts manufactured. After speaking to 2cc about the Karmann trip last year I was told that Karmann would consider making new panels (early bonnets anyone?) if there was enough interest. Whilst I appreciate this is complex maybe it is the direction to aim for.


Can I organise this ? Simply no, my new job means I have to move to near Inverness and I am not going to be in the country for around 3 months of the year but I am willing to help out when and where I can.

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It wouldn't be one or the other moving over to make way. It would be an amalgamation and harmonisation of resources in order to give members (both CCGB and Forum) the best possible 'club'.


At the minute, we have two separate people each putting in hours of their own time to organise stands for each respective entity. Why don't they put their heads together, reduce the amount of admin time that they have to spend and the end result would be an excellent combined club stand.


At the end of the day (I hate that phrase :lol:), people who spend their money as part of a club, want to know what they're going to get out of it.


Why don't we maximise that output by using the forum as a platform for the official club and utilise the combined mass of resources that are available?

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I agree with that. The forum already atracts loads of people and is an easy way to comunicate about C's/meets/etc. Why not use the forum as the main platfrom for the CCGB? I would imagine with a CC forum there would be a lot more productivity and interest...?

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I think very many people would like to see a unified Corrado owners Club/Forum. Whilst I can't speak for the stake holders in both organisations I am happy to be part of both.Perhaps a vote poll would at least gauge interest and perhaps seek to dispell the suggestion that there is a reluctance to adopt a more joined up approach.

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Good idea - I'll wang a poll on here. Should at least give us a bit of an indication, like you say.


I think it boils down as:


The forum takes very little running (assuming she's well oiled), apart from the moderators' time that goes into keeping the place tidy.


There are plenty of people wanting to chip-in and manage events.


One problem is funds to cover the hosting as it's such a large site now.


The CCGB has a good source of funding but seems to struggle with the man-hours in order to create the necessary output such as the Sprinter and the events.


On that basis I think a combination would work very well.

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Some excellent points there, and I take my hat off to anyone who runs a forum or a club, I know its really difficult.


Couldnt we possibly have a section here specifically for CCGB members, in the same way as the VR6OC do? Any events can be discussed in there, and when its been decided whats happening, it can be added to the events section. And same goes for any memorabilia, GB's etc.


Ive been on the CCGB forum, and nothing really happens on there, and I dont think many people know of it anyway, so woldnt it make sense to do the above??


Just my 2p's worth.


PS Im quite proud to be a meber of BOTH organisations here 8)

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Yep we could have a specific hidden forum for the CCGB members to organise their own event if they wished.


Although I think that kind of goes against the amalgamation idea and the events should be open to all.


But, there should be something that paid-up members have access to. It would certainly be possible to have a specific forum for additional benefits (whatever they may be).


I actually think that if the CCGB was run through the forum, a lot of people would be more inclined to join up. I'll admit to not being a member of the CCGB (mainly due to being over here on the rock thus making events pretty inaccessible). £15 for the possibility of a Sprinter magazine every 6 months to a year is not something I feel is worthwhile when the majority of that information can be found on the forum (at a guess, having never seen the mag :)).

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Another 2p,s worth. :lol:

Would a small membership fee to this forum cover the total running costs of an amalgameted venture. 4000 members here at the mo £1 a month would be not too much to ask.

Would also ensure that there are no spammers. or people just posting parts to try and make a profit.

Guests could still view the forum and be asked to join as a joint venture with a cost incorperated for some kind of welcome pack / membership sticker.

The sprinter could also still be sent out either as a e-mail or as a letter for those with no internet access. I dont know how much the ccgb charges as had found this to be the best repository of information for the C but would it be more than £12 a year.

Whilst not being in the best place to help out.( Deepest darkest cornwall, I for one would be more than happy to help out in any way possible.) 2/3 hours a week would not hurt. I am sure that there would be many others on here in the same position and working together would only strengthen our scene.

end of 2p's worth :lol:

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4000 members here at the mo £1 a month would be not too much to ask



I can see pound signs in Andi's eyes :lol:

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Yes would be a lot of money but would ensure that the forum grows, Mods have the time to regulate it and could in theory pay for someone to activly look after it all. The ccgb has how many members at about £12 a year.

This would ansure we could have the sprinter and meets proper membership of a club dedicated to the corrado.

In theory would be a proper car club.Look at some of the posts on here as we know you do. How many people join up just to sell something. Pay a pound or put it in the paper or on e bay. Everyone else charges!

If you want to help out the forum by donating parts you have left over or want to get shot of then why not have a free parts section that to get parts from you have to make a donation to the forum!

End of rant :roll:

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i reckon joining both together is a good idea as long as it doesn't affect this forum too much,this forum is quality an a credit to all involved,its helped me out no end with the car,made me laugh my t!ts off, you guys even get me into sh!t with the g/f!!! should hear the noises she makes when out of nowhere i just start laughin @ the screen :silly:

is there gonna be any paid jobs? :)

i really could do with sittin on my ass all day on the computer,instead of just half a day :lol:

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I've said for a long time that there should be a membership fee to join the forum, especially for those that join with the sole intention of making money from it.

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I think a membership package could be put together and the subscriptions/funding side of things could be sorted out.


£20 for the year (for example purposes) and you get membership to the CCGB and the usual stickers, welcome pack, insurance discount etc.


You also get forum access including the CCGB section with downloads, technical articles ... perhaps the Sprinter as a pdf, merchandise etc etc.


You get a large number of meets (regional, national) and a *single* club stand at the same.


Number one step is, do the corrado owners of the UK (and further afield) want the two existing assocations to be combined?


If so, we can take things further with the folks at the top and create positions for people and form a committee in order to take things forward.

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As far as self-funding goes, I think there are a lot of avenues that could be explored.


Has anyone seen the ScoobyNet website? They seem to run things as an official club with magazines, member privileges etc.


Just need to be careful not to make it 'all about the money'. It's a careful balance of generating income so that it's the members in the long run that get the most benefit possible. Goes without saying that no one's here to generate a profit, unless it goes back into the club.

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Just need to be careful not to make it 'all about the money'. It's a careful balance of generating income so that it's the members in the long run that get the most benefit possible. Goes without saying that no one's here to generate a profit, unless it goes back into the club.




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I would be quite happy to join up and fully understand it would not be all about the money. How many of us on here have saved at least £20 a year with the help in the knowledge base not to mention on parts and advice on where to get stuff from.

I have only not joined the ccgb for all the reasons listed above. Lack of support, no real organisation. This is a far better and well orgasnised club, ( how I percive it, lots of like minded people sharing information). And think it would benifit all involved if we could find a way to amalgamate both and give us all the benifits of both.

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I tried to join CCGB a while ago, they never got back to me... This Forum is the Heart of the Corrado at the moment as far as i can tell, There is so much knowledge on here and everyone is friendly and willing to help, and best of all its free!!


If there was a way the two could join together then go for it but it would need to work well, i dont mind paying a annual fee aslong as i see the money going somewhere, regular update magazines/emails etc etc like other online clubs mentioned above like scoobynet.

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There is so much knowledge on here and everyone is friendly and willing to help, and best of all its free!!


or for a small donation or subscription :-P

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I don't think I would join the CCGB as like VR6 says I would never get to any of the shows and don't really see that it would be value for money.

On the other hand if a membership fee for the forum was requested I would have no problem paying that, as the advice on here would be worth every penny.

Both the Forum and the Club should look at pooling resources for the benefit for of the overall scene.

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I never bothered joining after being gazumped by one of the main members when trying to buy a car,

the price was moved on me and in turn was promised a bad time if I ever went to any meetings,

not that I could have afforded his highmiler 16 valver anyway according to him !

I wont vote ham I dont think 8)


Oh and local Vw dealers dont give CCGB discount anyway !

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I haven't joined CCGB as I don't really see the point, i'd be doing it for the sake of it. The CF has more knowlege, friendliness, meets than you can shake a C shaped stick at.


I do think an imalgimation of the two is a good thing for the C community as a whole especially as it seems the CCGB are a bit down on their luck atm. I would be happy to help in any way!

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TBH i dont see the need for a club anymore, if everyone paid a few quid here and there to the forum then it could do all the club ever did and far better. The Club is dead....some things are just left as is. The forum works, people stay in touch me better on the forum, and with the forums events growing why bother!!


Im mean lets face it...The sprinter was great in its day..but times have changed.. There is more usful info posted on here in a week than you could get into one sprinter, (no disrespect jeremy).


What did/does the club do that the forum doesn't do already and 50 times better.

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