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R.I.P Corrado VR6 - N475 DPP

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Hi all,


Sadly my Corrado was taken away from me in the second week of April after I was rear-ended on the M25 by 2.3 tonnes of Mercedes ML55 AMG. The car is a write-off but it did very well to keep me safe after a large impact with just a bruised hip and whiplash. Every panel was damaged apart from the drivers door. Even the drivers seat was bent and buckled after I had been flung sideways into the central reservation and then on into the car that was infront of me. I estimate the impact speed was about 50mph, with me aproaching a standstill and him doing ~60-70 mph.


The chaos of the insurance paperwork etc. is slowly clearing up and I eventually got a decent settlement figure of £4500 for my 1995 100k VR6. Still haven't heard whether the other driver will be prosecuted yet. I have not replaced the Corrado yet, but it is looking to be a TVR Chimaera 4.0


Thanks to everyone on this forum over the last two years for all of the helpful information posted here.


Amazingly since I have had my accident I have seen more C's on the road than ever - I've almost seen one a day, which I never used to see when I had mine!





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Wow - so glad your ok dude - that was close, i have heard a few stories now where a C has provided hardy protection in a crash.

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Ouch, always sad to see a Rado like that but more important that you got out of it in one piece, I wonder how well a Chimera would have stood up to the impact

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Bugger :(


Glad you came out of it ok though.


No Corrado as your next car? Then again, the TVR is probably more reliable :lol:

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glad you got out of that mate


sad to see a C crushed into such a small lump of metal, gl with the new car


pop past and say hello here, get some pics of the Chimaera up when you get it :)

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:cry: mate that sucks :(


Sad to see that.


Glad you're ok though, rado's seem to be pretty strong in accidents...



In all honesty that pic is seriously making me doubt taking my kids in the back of mine. Seems to be fek all strength to the rear passenger space. Don't reckon even the fanciest child seat is gonna sort that.


Damn - need a 2nd car then! :)

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SOrry about the car but glad your ok


Its been hit so hard its kinda turned it into a megane :-(


Id be happy to put the kids in the wifes car

after seeing the pasting thats taken.


The amg was probably going far faster lets face it..

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Jeeesus... i'm sure the other parties insurance company were a bit upset to find their client just stacked an AMG Merc!!


Glad you're ok and proof again that the Corrado can keep you safe.. if a Mercedes sledgehammer like that was unable to do you any serious harm then that has to be a good thing.


Sad to see another one off the roads for good though! :(

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Pete, that looks like one hell of an impact. Releived to here your ok to say the least. You wont want that to happen in the TVR!


Good luck finding one and enjoy what has to be one of the best noises! Much prefer the rover v8 noise to the new 6s, they sound all rattley race enginey, is that a word! Anyway, 4.0 rover power sounds so sweet.


Post some picks when shes bought!!

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Glad you're ok and proof again that the Corrado can keep you safe..


I was actually thinking it was scary how small it looked after being crunched, these pics are always an eye opener though

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Blimey :shock: - that's quite a smash :?


Good to hear you're ok though and the TVR should be a hoot! :D

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That's a very sorry sight, glad you're ok though and the settlement doesn't seem to bad either.

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Thanks for all the messages every1. It is a real waste of a great car. :cry:


Comments on the rear passenger space - it may look bad, but I think any rear passengers would have been fine too. The boot was the main crumple zone.


I picked up the TVR yesterday and it great! I can't stop smiling! The looks, the noise and the whole experience of driving one of these cars is superb. I feel very lucky (especially when I also have a CBR and a single seater!). :D :D :D





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THat looks sweet - a worthy replacement for the C IMO!


Sorry to hear about your smash though anything other than a german built car would have been a lot worse off...

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