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PHATS's next step!!!

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but only 2wd?



good point, why is that? R32--4wd?


lovvvvvvly noise tho!! :twisted: 8) :twisted:

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i would assume they only have a 2wd dyno so have disabled the rear wheel drive.


i did wondered if that was it, cos you wouldnt get rid of 4wd for 2wd would you?!

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there is absolutely no way in the world I would have stuck my head under that bonnet like that guy !!! :oops:

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Wonder how much he'd produce on a 4wd set of rollers?


What is the transmission loss between 2wd and 4wd?

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Made in the USA sticker on the back...bloody Yanks :lol: (no offence meant)


nice rims tho!! 8)

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you just unplug the rear diff and it'll run in 2wd


as for my next step........read my sig....

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:p sarcky get... ;) :lol:


They make LOTs of turbos... which one you thinking about?

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[cue more sarcasm] a big one!


GT35R (maybe).


dunno for sure yet.


I have a vortech v9, but I think that might end up on the mk4 now.

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ah, so still in the dreaming stage then... ;) (which we all know you are one of the few people on here who will then take to the reality stage via the swearing heavily, bleeding mildly and sweating lots stages! :lol: )


Good luck, knowing your previous work, it definately sounds like it'll be a little interesting... 8)

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ah, so still in the dreaming stage then... ;)


no, I have quite a healthy selection of parts thank you very much!

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I have a T04 if you fancy something a little bigger again!

Was going to put it on the Skyline but it's just sitting there and i have 2 of them anyway.





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as for my next step........read my sig....


nice one :twisted: , keep us informed on your progress 8) .....oh btw, them wheels orange yet? :D

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