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Parking Over 2 Spaces

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i do it all the time! dont want some idiot denting my car!


I feel like a c.u.n.t doing this but as of lately I've picked up dents from twats hitting my door so - I am now starting to do this - but do agree BMW drivers are pricks

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I use the spaces next to Disabled spaces in Sainsbury's - gives you more room on one side at least - failing that I park miles away from anyone else!

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What a stupid thing to do. Doesn't take an ounce of grey matter to work out that if you park like that, you're 10 times more likely to get a scratch or knock because people will do it out of spite to your arrogance.

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I just try and find a space on the end and give myself more room :D uness i go somewhere either quite late or dead then i might be a bit partial to take up 2 spaces but i still do it away from everyone else!

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My theory is that people are actually more careful around 'rough' cars, and less careful around spanking BM's etc. We all hate a smug feker after all.


So I leave my car looking like it is, a bit of a dog, rather than making it minty, and so far seem to have avoided any further damage :)

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Problem with parking across 2 spaces is you can easily be caught out.... If the car park is busy people will try and squeeze in that little space with berely enough room to open there doors..... and walla... A nice dent or scratch comes your way....

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I always park in disabled spaces.... I'll find an exuse if challenged ;)



thats well out of order tho



fair enough i park in the parent n child ones when i shouldn't but I NEVER park in a disabled space

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I always park in disabled spaces.... I'll find an exuse if challenged ;)




I've parked in the mum and child spaces before, but only when my mums in the car! :lol:

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I parked my car in between a couple of cars last wk & some prick left a nice dent in my new painted door :mad:

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careful doing that, some council and private run car parks will ticket you if you park over bays, I've seen signs from NCP etc. warning of this too.


I'm considering hanging old tyres from the side of mine (boat style) to stop dents down the side, last year I parked really close to the side on an end bay and guess what, the volvo driver that parked next to me had so much room to swing his door that when the wind caught it it made an even bigger dent than if I'd parked in the middle of the bay :roll:

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Disabled Spaces.....


Firstly there's loads of them....


Secondly, most people that use these are milking the system anyhow... I know people that take there Grandparents disabled passes with them to they can park anywhere they like....


I must admit... I don't think I've ever seen an actual wheelchair bound person use one..

I'm sure they do, but its only a handful that are actually genuine....

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and what about the genuine ones then??



my mate's g/f has a disabled badge and mobility car.........to look at her you'd think "efff all" wrong with her but.............she was in a major car crash a few years back and can only walk short distances.............she's certainly not milking it.........some do but like everything else there will always be ppl out to take advantage........its still no reason to take a disabled space tho

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I agree, just because you can use Disabled spaces, doesn't mean you should.


Saw an interesting carpark on TV recently that had ground and ceiling level cameras per bay and if you paid a little more, it also had these padded protector things that swung down from the ceiling. Neat!


It's silly really. They're cheap and easy to implement and would save insurance companies loads in claims (not everyone is happy to live with dinged doors) but the UK still insist on pathetic sized bays and no side protection.


Even the yanks have got it right with their 45 degree angled bays. As usual, the UK is a million years behind them.

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Disabled Spaces.....


Firstly there's loads of them....


Secondly, most people that use these are milking the system anyhow... I know people that take there Grandparents disabled passes with them to they can park anywhere they like....


I must admit... I don't think I've ever seen an actual wheelchair bound person use one..

I'm sure they do, but its only a handful that are actually genuine....


So there Rodders..... :p :lol:


But then your as bad as the people you've just pointed out? :wink:

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Disabled Spaces.....


Firstly there's loads of them....


Secondly, most people that use these are milking the system anyhow... I know people that take there Grandparents disabled passes with them to they can park anywhere they like....


I must admit... I don't think I've ever seen an actual wheelchair bound person use one..

I'm sure they do, but its only a handful that are actually genuine....


So there Rodders..... :p :lol:


hmmmm..... always thought you were a bit of a w4nker but that just proves it....


yes there are people out there who may milk it, but for everyone of them there are those who are genuine - I had 2 disabled brothers and being the only driver in the family I had to take them places, 9 times out of 10 we struggled to get a disabled space and they were forced to have to walk - when one of them died last year we gave up the disabled badge cos it was as good as pointless... at supermarkets I drop them at the door and drive over when finished unless its 2am and its completely empty, and even then I would only do it if my brother was with me...


people like you deserve to have your car dinged and smacked about in the carpark, i'll do it myself if I ever see it - tosser.....

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When your mother or father are 87 years old and partially blind and infirm, mtcR32, you will realise what a selfish, antisocial creep you were.

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There does seem to be a lot of double standards about. Morality seems to have almost vanished these days.


How can someone really justify abusing using disabled spaces etc because they are worried about car dents. There are people out there who really need those spaces, and potentially their day is many times more f**ked because they cant get a viable space than a fully abled people getting a dent in their car.


The best thing I saw was a young chav parking in a disabled space in Tesco's. A lady in a wheel chair was going past and saw this, so she gave the guy some verbal. There was loads of people around some everyone was looking. The guy looked very embarassed, got back in his car and drove off (out of the carpark completely). Surely this is what people parking in disabled spaces deserve.

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Nice one. Imo in the restricted bays should be patroled as too many people look the other way these days.....too scared of being stabbed or kicked in. What a great country we live in.

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Many many moons ago I worked at gatwick airport doing security including the car parks.


If we found someone in a disabled bay or across 2 spaces we used to get the little wheel things out (bogies?) and move their car to a completely different part of the carpark :)

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