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little bl00dy scumbags.

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Not happy...



I knew it was only a matter of time before the little sh*ts who cannot accept that anyone should have anything nice did something to it.


Sometimes I wonder if it's worth having a car that stands out from the rest.



So now I'm in need of someone who could sort this out for me. It's not through to the metal, but it's showing grey/white primer so I probably can't polish it out.



Thing is, I can't think where it would have happened. If it happened outside work (on a residential road) then I've got in the car 3 times in daylight since then and not noticed it. even when I moved my car this morning to let my brother out I didn't see it, but 25 mintues later as I left for work it was the first thing I saw when I shut the front door. Don't see how I'd have missed it 3 times...



Oh well. More expense... :(

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heh i cant see you missing that 3 times either mate. Some people have no respect. It could have happened in those 25 mins. I moved my girlfriends dads T4 for him one night, then went outside to car to go home and we're only talking 10 mins later. His passenger window had been smashed.


Good luck with getting it sorted!

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It could have happened in those 25 mins.

Good luck with getting it sorted!


My driveway is off an alleyway so it's quite secluded. Could maybe see it happening during term as it's a route quite a few kids take to the bus stop for school, but it's half term.



Anyone know a company that could get rid of it in the Surrey area?? Chips away??

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Really takes the piss, same happened to mine bout a year ago :mad:


Luckily it's not through the metal so it wont be hard to get out, it's the princible of the matter though. Little shites !

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A chap across the road to me was doing his best to p155 everyone off, had an arguement with my neighbour about parked cars and then proceded to park his car directly oposite mine and their driveway out of spite, he had some massive seat Albatros people carrier or somthing!

His car was there for about a day when i noticed a huge scratch the length of the car, the person who done must have applied some serious pressure as the metal was actually dented as well, i just chuckled to myself and went on my way.

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Feel gutted for you mate... :(


....someone 'manged' to scratch my wing and door (on opposite sides!) this weekend.


That will teach for me only driving it once a month and trying to avoid parking in dodgey places!!! what can you do? :mad:

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Soooo gutting when this happens.


3 of my previous cars have been keyed- 2 of them Corrado's. I parked my black valver outside once in the whole time I owned it, and it was keyed all the way from the rear bumper to the front bumper! I was in the process of selling it, with the guy picking it up the following day. Thankfully it polished out.

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I feel your pain... mine was broken in to a couple of weeks ago. They bent the metal on the door frame, grr. Lucky I know a guy who does bodywork, very annoying though.


- Ross

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thats just harsh.. no need for it!!


some prick dented my door the 1st day I parked it outside the gym few days b4 E38.. never parked there since!! only place I leave the car is outside my house & at work now... facking scumbags!!

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my mates transporter got done while we were working last sat. from the rear lights to the drivers door.


No need for it.


Only gonn abe kids that do it. I'd like to go and set their parents house on fire.

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I know of one mate, ive got te guys bus card at home, he will prob charge around the £40 mark, not sure, will elt u know when i get home.

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It hasn't stopped raining since, so I've had no chance to try and polish it out but fingers crossed it will come out.


I'd have loved to have caught them at it, but then it would be me up on a charge for assault and I'd still have to leave my car somewhere nearby as I need to get to work,and then worse would happen in 'revenge' for my little 'telling off'.


Why do people have no respect.


(but even today i can't believe I didn't see it sooner...)

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A year ago, I found a trolley lodged in my door and front wing in a tesco car park in surrey quays, right in the sight of a cctv camera.


I spoke to security, the were very helpful, and said that they needed a crime reference number in order to release the video tape, and that the act had infact been caught on tape.


Went to the surrey qauys police station, and they asked me to stop wasting their time, as if it wasnt malicious, it was not a crime. I told them that the security said that it was malicious and that had infact caught the incident on tape, and the police woman hung up on me.

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Feel for you mate :(

I live in fear of damage being done by inconsiderate morons, and prats who open doors and bash peoples paintwork

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a couple of weeks ago someone opened their car door into mine whilst I was sitting in it and then had the audacity to have a go at me "cos that's what bump strips are for". I think not.


gl getting yours sorted


I also live in fear of my car being keyed, kicked or whatever by some ignorant disrespectful or just jealous ****.


It really gets to me that most people just don't care

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i know how you feel mate. my front wing was done about a month ago. posted pics on here under title vandalism, worse than that tho they have since been back to do the door and back quarter. cant bring myself to take photos of it, i'm still really mad. :mad: hope vyou get it sorted

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I rember beening in ASDA car park waiting for the missis to get back with the shopping , then some woman parked next to me ok cant shoot her for that then she got out and waked pass n wacked her ass into my wingmirror , did even bother to say nothing to me , so i asked her if she was fat? (she was thin as a rake) she looked puzzed , so i said your ass must be fat cus you fucking hit my car , i left it at that untill she went in to ASDA , then i worked on her mutant car by wirting in the scum words like c**t W**K and alike, cus i did get a sorry or f**k all

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