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The TV from US thread

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I'm watching an increasingly large amount of TV from the states now, what with 24 Season 6, Prison Break, Heroes & Lost. Does anyone else find that these ludicrously addictive shows are not only far better than British stuff but better than most Movies as well?!


I love it.


24 is so frickin cool this current season looks like it's going to be another cracker.


Prison Break is pure genius although I did prefer S1


Heroes is also building up to what promises to be a great climax


So does anyone get something not mentoned above that also kicks large amounts of arse? I need more TV! Funny though because I never watch UK stuff.



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I hear you there pal. There are some really good and original US drama series at the moment.


I also have got into Scrubs recently, i know its a comedy but still pretty good!

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Agreed on the quality US drama. Battlestar Galactica is very good, don't be put off by it's early 80's origins, it's nothing like the old series and has surprising depth, quality cast and production values.

Dexter is also worth a look, show about a serial killer who's also a forensics expert working for the police, messed up but cool.

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I'm loving Lost, really need it to start back up again.

For some reason I'm addicted to Deadliest Catch, American Chopper and Overhaulin too.

I think the standard of US programming has gone up recently, ever since 24 raised the bar. At least its not just hundreds of middle of the road sitcoms anymore, ie Everybody Loves Raymond, Home Improvement, etc.


On the downside, I get subjected to Sex in the City every bloody night. Its on now, and my headphones are in, the tunes are turned up. Still got to look at those ugly slags though. At least she doesn't watch Desperate Arsewipes any more. Worse still, its my housemate and not g/f so I can't really moan.

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I watch Supernatural with my GF, i absolutley love it! Downloaded every episode so far!


I use to watch Amercian Hot rod on sky, might see if i can download it, i HATE Overhaulin.


Altho i LOVE Home improvement!

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Forgot about battlestar galactica, my bro always raves on about that and he was the one that put me on to prison break....


VR6, Veronica Mars? Elaborate please :) And I haven't forgotten that you put me on to Heroes which is also good.

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Seinfeld - genius.


E:"Why do they call it a wedgie?"

J: "Because the underwear is pulled up from the back until... it wedges in."

"They also have an Atomic Wedgie. Now the goal there is to actually get the waistband on top of the head. It's very rare."

E:"Boys are sick."

G: "What do girls do?"

E:"We just tease someone until they develop an eating disorder."

- Elaine, George and Jerry, in "The Library"



"Was he on his death bed?"

"No, he was on his regular bed."

- George and Jerry, in "The Scofflaw"



:lol: :lol: :notworthy:



(Oh and Curb of course)

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just hundreds of middle of the road sitcoms anymore, ie Everybody Loves Raymond, Home Improvement, etc.


pah, both classic shows!


At the moment I've mostly been watching Stargate (SG-1 and Atlantis), Scrubs, Smallville, Lost, King of Queens, and since I found a website that has every episode of the Simpsons to watch I've been catching up on that recently. (*cough* google alluc *cough*)

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Fresh Prince of Bel-Air is still one of my favourites. The Sopranos rocks, can't wait for that to come back on.

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just hundreds of middle of the road sitcoms anymore, ie Everybody Loves Raymond, Home Improvement, etc.


pah, both classic shows!


How can you put ELR in the same sentence as Home Improvment ? I really find it a struggle to watch ELR at all. HI is defo a classic - the sons have grown up with the show and The Toolman rocks.

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ELR is great, I think it's just one of those shows that you need to watch a few episodes to get into, otherwise it probably does seem middle of the road.

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Ya see, US comedy is not really my bag. Sooo many people have gone on at me about watching scrubs but I sit down and veiw an episode and I just don't get it!


I always liked Friends but other than that i've not given much else a chance.


Anyone watch CSI or West Wing? I hear they are both quite good.


What's Day Break all about?

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I love CSI (and CSI:Miami and CSI:NY!!).


I also watch Criminal Minds and NCIS. In fact, channel five is probably my most watched channel.


I also like Desperate Housewives and ER (but being a women I guess I'm in the minority on here)


Oh and I love scrubs, so random at times but v funny :D

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Two and Half Men - Yay

Scrubs - Meh. Its really gone downhill recently, the first few series were legendary, now they are getting a bit repetitititititititive. Especially Doc Cox, he used to be my fave, but has had no orginal lines for a long time now. The Janitor rules however.

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-Neil-, I'm with you buddy - supernatural is superb! Checking daily to see when episode 12 gets put on line 8)


EDIT: 12 is up - downloading now :D

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I've only recently discovered Scrubs, so i dont know what series im at or anything!


My rents used to moan about me watching paramount comedy, but now my dad watches scrubs and my mum watches everybody loves raymond

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VR6, Veronica Mars? Elaborate please :) And I haven't forgotten that you put me on to Heroes which is also good.


Difficult to describe but it's exec producer is Joel Silver.


Watch the first 3 episodes or so and see what you think. Might not be your cuppa.

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