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Road tax set to double....

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..for large engined cars :mad:


The budget is on Weds and they're saying on the news that it'll be around £400 for some of us :x

I wonder what they'll class as 'large engines' - probably anything greater than a 1.4 :roll:

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I would imagine that the increase will be on the highest pollution band (>225 g/km). What is the road tax currently on VR's? Mine is £190 a year for my 16v, just wondering if it is more for a VR?

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According to the Times website


As the Chancellor tries to enhance his green credentials before he takes over as Prime Minister, he is expected to say that the current tax of £210 for the 225,000 least fuel efficient cars purchased brand new since last April — including most 4x4s and sports cars — will rise steadily.


Over the next two years it will increase to at least £400, it is understood. Owners of many other cars are expected to face an inflation or modest above-inflation rise but owners of the least polluting cars will enjoy tax reductions, it is believed by insiders.


Mr Brown made plain that the new band was not retrospective and did not apply to 4x4s and other heavily emitting cars bought before last April. They were put into Band F and will remain there.


So I think road tax will probably go up a bit, but not the huge £400 bill that the media are getting all foamy about the mouth at.

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So who's in the process of building an R32'd Synchro then? :lol:


Watch as they all change to Goof GT Turbo/super engines to get round the "Brown" tax...

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I would imagine that the increase will be on the highest pollution band (>225 g/km). What is the road tax currently on VR's? Mine is £190 a year for my 16v, just wondering if it is more for a VR?


£170 per year for my VR :lol:

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what a great time to buy a 3tr motor! hope the tax rate doesnt rise that much - as you say dinkus, more of a media hype that anything

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So who's in the process of building an R32'd Synchro then? :lol:


Well now you come to mention it... :lol:


Not sure how the law works if you do an engine swap tho... anyone?

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According to yahoo's page today this tax hike will only cover cars purchased new since last april so hopefully we should be ok..


"Annual duty on the 225,000 least fuel efficient vehicles purchased brand new since last April, including most 4x4s and sports cars, is set to rise from £210 to more than £400 over the next two years, according to newspaper reports."


If you can afford a brand new car who is going to care about a few hundred a year anyway? I doubt anyone from Weybridge using 4x4's over the very tricky speed bump terrain.

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its all a pile of bollocks.


If they were really serious they would be reducing tax on motorbikes, as they are the ultimate for reducing congestion.

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its all a pile of bollocks.


If they were really serious they would be reducing tax on motorbikes, as they are the ultimate for reducing congestion.


And R32'd 4-mo'd Corrados eh? :lol:

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I would imagine that the increase will be on the highest pollution band (>225 g/km). What is the road tax currently on VR's? Mine is £190 a year for my 16v, just wondering if it is more for a VR?


£170 per year for my VR :lol:


I thought I'd paid £170 for the VR too. No benefit with the 1.8T though, I paid £190 for the S3!

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This government is stupid. If they keep doing this then people will start buying smaller engines cars, and they spending less on petrol and less on tax. This will reduce the amount of money that they take in, and so there will be shortages, and so they'll increase tax elsewhere.


I guess they need it all as the olympics is said to cost £9BILLIONS POUNDS, and we all know that this figure will triple

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I would imagine that the increase will be on the highest pollution band (>225 g/km). What is the road tax currently on VR's? Mine is £190 a year for my 16v, just wondering if it is more for a VR?


£170 per year for my VR :lol:


I thought I'd paid £170 for the VR too. No benefit with the 1.8T though, I paid £190 for the S3!


I just paid £96.25 for 6 months on the 16v!!!! I don't get it?

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I paid 190 for the vr. I think.


Yeah that sounds more like it! Mind you, that means that a 2.0l has the same band as a 2.9!!

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Hoping that this is only on NEW vehicles and not on old stuff. If I could afford to spend £400 a year on tax, I wouldn't be buying a freaking 13 year old VW barely worth £2,000.


This facking government. Tax the people who can bloody afford it!

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Nowt to worry about, it's for new cars only. A fixed scheme will probably remain for older cars, but will rise steadily over the years like it has done for the past 174,000 years.


I'm happy to pay tax against g/km but if they want the immense task of probing mine and other people's pipes and giving us accurate g/km readings, they can be my guest :lol:


What I don't like is the way the government is forcing everyone to be green based on loose theories and best guesses. They're selective with the facts and will only say it's cars that are responsible for global yawning, but by definition, it is "Global" yawning.....not "Cars warming the World up so give us more tax please you skeggers", but according to Brown and his merry band of hip hugging tree hugging Mother Huggers, that's precisely what it is.

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Aye - anything above a 1.8 is classed in the higher bracket on pre-2001 cars. Sort of annoying that it makes no difference whether you drive a 1.8l 16v or you drive a Lamborghini Diablo but there you go.. I guess they pay more at the pump!

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I've just thought, my road tax was due 6 weeks ago, but the car was taken off the road for MOT work, so if my road tax doubles i'll be well pissed!


Also, doesn't car emissions make up summert like 2% of carbon emissions? So that will make the UK about 0.02%, and the worst cars will be like 0.0001%



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I paid 190 for the vr. I think.


Yeah that sounds more like it! Mind you, that means that a 2.0l has the same band as a 2.9!!


mine was definately £170, that was in january of this year


its a 1995, dunno if that makes any difference

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we need the UK citizens to stand up for themselves really, all we do is moan to each other and sign petitions.

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