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Road tax set to double....

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I don't doubt that global warming is happening but I question the validity of the science that dictates we are responsible and to what extent it's happening. We've been measuring climate (not very accurately) for about a hundred and fifty years, a millisecond of the earths history, how can we say with any conviction that the current climate change is unprecendented?

The global warming swindle programme threw up some really interesting arguments for alternative (imo) more plausible theories, the activity of the sun being one, far more realistic to think that it's varying states are responsible for the varying temperatures of the planet. They seem to tally up historically too, not so with co2 output and the earths temperature (co2 levels rise after the earths temperature goes up) manmade co2 production went though the roof after 1940 yet the earths temperature went down until 1970?

There are far too many politcal agendas involved with the global warming debate and I wouldn't trust any organisation that won't take a respected scientists name off their register without the threat of legal action (IPCC), I wonder how they got that magical figure of 2500 of the worlds top scentists :roll:

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That's the one. The global warming swindle. You're not bothered at all that they had to fabricate data to support their astounding hypothesis? Meanwhile you're quite happy to ignore the actual science that's being done? Some people have their heads in the sand, I fear.


Anyway, bypassing that altogether, the fact is that our lifestyles are all going to change drastically as the climate warms, and it does not matter one jot what the cause is, it simply matters that it would be better if it didn't happen... And if we have ways to reduce it, then we should be taking those options, rather than blowing the silicon dioxide out of our ears.

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I dunno, I had a look around on the web and found the data about co2 following temperature rise in a few different places. So all that stuff about animals being the biggest producers of co2 was bs? Awe shucks!


You selling up then Dr_Mat?

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are all going to change drastically as the climate warms, and it does not matter one jot what the cause is, it simply matters that it would be better if it didn't happen


Unfortunately none of the proposed money-grabbing exercises that our governments are dreaming up with alarming rates, as they've literally all jumped onto this green-bandwaggon (even the least green parties are joining the fun - does that not say something about politics?), will make this situation any better. It's too late as it is. None of the proposed tax increases and other debatable measures will have any effect whatsoever, and certainly not if only a fraction of the globe (us stupid Europeans) actually go green with the rest of the world just laughing at us.


The only way out is as usual Darwin: Survival of the fittest, those that adapt win, those that don't don't. That's how nature works.



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That's how nature works.




Life, nature, evolution. All forces uncontrollable by arrogant humans.


The earth thrived long before we arrived and will continue to do so after we're long gone.


That's the one. The global warming swindle. You're not bothered at all that they had to fabricate data to support their astounding hypothesis?




Meanwhile you're quite happy to ignore the actual science that's being done? Some people have their heads in the sand, I fear.


B0llox. People were saying 50 years ago "I wonder what happens to all this pollution that's pumped into the air?" and they were ignored. And now all of a sudden "2500 scientists" all suddenly unite and get government backing. What a feckin crock. They're doing it for their financial and political agendas.

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Either way, my oppinion on if we are drastically affecting our climate doesnt matter... why, because its merely the tip of the iceberg. Average Joe gets hacked off with stupid vehicle tax increases when the Gov clearly dont care.


By that I mean that for example, I've lived in two counties. One did nothing about recycling and the other one provides one of these red boxes - meant for recycling paper, glass etc. Ooooh, sounds great, I was certainly impressed. All until I popped over to my friends pub. A pub whereby they fill one of those huge wheel-bins every day with glass bottles. He asked the local council what facilities there were for them to come, collect and recycle. The answer was a terrible one... it turned out that it was far more expensive to have them recycled than to have them taken the tip. Now he just doesnt care and does nothing to recycle; how about they make it a requirement that these businesses recycle.


Another point. Increasing tax on the 4x4 owners with thier £50k+ lexus/range' will hardly care about a £200/year increase. Pocketmoney!

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Life, nature, evolution. All forces uncontrollable by arrogant humans.


The earth thrived long before we arrived and will continue to do so after we're long gone.


My thoughts exactly!! Global warming is apparently causing the ice caps to melt, etc etc.... So, what happened at the end of the ice age? Couldn't blame that on golbal warming...


And it's not just motorists producing all these gases, but we're the ones having to pay for it... Because we will!!! They tax the motorist because they know that we will pay. The majority of people need their cars to work, so will still use them regardless of tax increases. The government are onto a winner!


I'm gonna have to stop, or this will turn into a rant, and i don't have enough of my lunch hour left :mad:



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Don't worry, Kev, I'm getting the same sort of stick on the German Sciroccoforum, where all of a sudden, the members, all drivers of a rather old car, turned green! Yes, in Germany there are ways to get your Rocco more environmentally friendly, even the Corrados can be made Euro3 compliant (cold start circuitry, which, of course is another bogus, as it only affects emissions during the first few seconds of engine start up), which the German government tax less highly than having lower Euro numbers or not having a CAT at all! So, where possible, loads of Scirocco-owners in Germany have converted their cars at substantial cost to get Euro3.


My argument is that where does this end? Tomorrow the government may very well raise the bar even further, they're already talking about making Euro2 cars as expensive as Euro1 cars (for comparison, Germany now has Euro4 and 5 on new cars), thus knocking off the roads many a Rocco and Rado, despite their assurance to the public that it is the government's interest to preserve German culture also for cars, and no exemption for oldtimers!


Oldtimers often can't even do anything to meet current emissions and hence either pay through the roof for road tax or will have no option but to stow away or even scrap their treasures.


A mate of mine called me yesterday saying that on his CAT-less Polo with a tasty Schrick engine et al, knocking out a tasty 150 bhp on a light car like that, had to pay 27 Euros recently to tax his car for, yup, ONE DAY!!!


Where does all this money go to? Not in the environemt. Not in roads. In Germany the government even admitted they've taken in more tax than what they've spent. What happened to the surplus? Are debts being paid off? You must be joking, no, the politicians decided now was a good time to increase their wages!!! They haven't had a pay-rise for a long time, was the argument! Erm, yes, tell that to some people working in the private sector, where you're glad to be able to hang on to your job sometimes.



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On the news:

"The more polluting cars, road tax will double."


Since older cars are on CC, and not CO2, I think we're safe...


Petrol up by 2p/litre from October too.

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I think its going to be a standard £5/year rise for the CC based taxes..

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Shame as the CC reading for my 'roccos last MOT was 1/6th of the max - be nice to have to pay 1/6th of the tax bill for it! That's without a CAT and on mechanical fuel injection too.


Anyway my argument would be that all ours cars are greener than new ones as we are only using small quantities of resources to keep them on the road, except Kev ;), as opposed to all new resources for a new car.

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Petrol up by 2p/litre from October too.

noticed the local Shell went up 2p/ltr anyway this weekend. :(


Most garages either sneak it up at budget time or make a song and dance about having pre-budget prices.


Again far too many dummies out there who will blaim the government for the rise even though it is not due until October, the fuel companies know this and respond accordingly.

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I ought to point out that this is not particularly ranting about your comments, scarlet_vr6, just general comments about the "state of the nation" .. !! :)


no offence taken dr_mat :) but I do have a couple of things to say...


I def didn't see it on a C4 documentary as I don't have a television (like you dole queues and sky tv aren't my cup of tea!), I think I read it somewhere on a website. Having said that, I wouldn't believe everything I watched on TV/read on a www site as I consider the media to be a negative bunch who will always sensationalise things to increase their readership. I am far too cynical for that. My cynicism also extends to politicians funnily enough and there is not a chance that I will believe that the world's most powerful people have suddenly got the best interests of the masses at heart. There are plenty of hidden agendas at work here and the ultimate aim is more money and more power. The more they can control and tax, the happier they are, it seems to me. What a cynic!


In measureable history, there may well be a rise in global temperatures, but can you really be sure that all these records are accurate anyway? After all, technology and measuring tools are improving aren't they?? And what about the history of the planet - on a grand scale is a potential blip important? I'm not saying we shouldn't care and I am playng devil's advocate a bit, but I'm trying to make a point. How do I even know that what you say is correct :wink:


Don't think that I don't care either. The state of the planet, not just the nation is disgraceful - litter in one form or another everywhere, forests and habitats being wiped out all over the place, species on the verge of extinction, the list seems endless. Global warming seems, to me, only one of a whole list of problems but it just seems the most fashionable one at the moment. I'm sure when we've been run financially dry and this topic is a bit stale, there will be a new problem for us all to feel suitably guilty about.


oh and *sensible* public transport is a great idea. In fact I'd welcome it for my work journey. That would mean fewer work miles (which is hardly the fun bit of driving) for my beloved rado on bad road surfaces (potholes, speed bumps etc) which would mean more time to spend getting him to the state I want him in. However it'll never work until it's affordable, accessible and reliable... until then I'll keep driving my big polluting car. Of course, if motoring was cheaper, I would have a small engined, more environmentally friendly motor as my daily and keep my hobby as just that :wink: !!


Well, like you, dr_mat, my post seems to have gone on a bit :)

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road duty for Band 'G' cars, based on CO2, will be £300. I looked up the VW's in that band...



Golf 3 / 5 Door (from NOV 06 Wk45 >)

3.2 V6 (250 PS) DSG 4MOTION D6 Petrol 231 IV


Passat Saloon ( from NOV 06 Wk 45 > )

3.2 V6 FSI (250 PS) DSG 4MOTION QD6 Petrol 233 IV


Passat Estate ( from NOV 06 Wk 45 > )

3.2 V6 FSI (250 PS) DSG 4MOTION QD6 Petrol 238 IV


New Passat Saloon

3.2 FSI (250 PS) 4MOTION with DSG D6 Petrol 240 IV


New Passat Estate

3.2 FSI V6 (250 PS) 4MOTION DSG D6 Petrol 242 IV


Sharan ( from NOV 06 Wk 45 > )

1.8 T (150 PS) Tiptronic Sport A5 Petrol 247 IV

2.0 (115 PS) S, SE Automatic A4 Petrol 250 IV


Golf 3 / 5 Door (from NOV 06 Wk45 >)

3.2 V6 (250 PS) 4MOTION QM6 Petrol 255 IV


Phaeton ( from NOV 06 Wk 45 > )

3.2 TDI V6 4MOTION (240PS) Tiptronic (standard & long wheelbase) QA6 Petrol 288 IV


4.2 V8 4MOTION (335 PS) Tiptronic (long wheelbase) QA6 Petrol 310 IV


so basically anything with a 3.2 v6! bit of a blow for people planning an r32 engine conversion :(


edit - actually looking again, they've all got some form of automatic gearbox havent they?

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My argument is that where does this end? Tomorrow the government may very well raise the bar even further


That's what frustrates me too, the way the government stick their noses into everything and legislate it as a way of getting more tax.


Where does all this money go to? Not in the environemt. Not in roads. In Germany the government even admitted they've taken in more tax than what they've spent.


Indeed. Governments and especially local councils should be made accountable for what they are spending our money on because we see precious little evidence of any public spending.


For example, loads and loads of new flats and houses being put up on existing sites (green field building still banned) at the moment, which is good for the government because of all that stamp duty they rob from house buyers but are they building new roads to cope, or improving existing ones? No chance. But we're paying for new roads and road improvements every month out of our salaries and on road tax etc, but where are they?!


The inland revenue are quick to jump down your throat if you forget to pay your tax, but ask them where your hard earned money is going and you won't get an answer.


I seriously do predict another peasants revolt. People can only take so much before they crack. History has shown that....

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Having a good read through this thread and a chuckle or two.


A few pretty random thoughts sprang to mind:


In the 70's 'we' were worried about an impending ice-age :?


If we can't predict next weeks weather how the $%^& can we predict if/ how much the globe might warm by :? :?


A few decent sized volcanic erruptions would dwarf any human activity emissions and certainly any cut we could make


As I was fixing my washing machine (also applies to Corrado) I wondered how much more of the world would be polluted by the energy required to make a new one had I taken the easy way out and binned the old one, rather than replacing one component when the rest of it looks like it's got plenty of life in it - would a new one really be efficient enough to compensate for it's contruction over keeping the old one???



I like the survival of the fittest scenario (in theory), in the words of the late Ronald Ray-gun (spitting image version anyway- whilst hitting the Nuke button):

'I say let's give the ants a go!'

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If we can't predict next weeks weather how the $%^& can we predict if/ how much the globe might warm by :? :?


Exactly :lol:

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From the DVLA website:



"Tip of the Day

Slow down


Slow down - driving at high speeds significantly increases fuel consumption. "



Ha ha, tell me about it! I just spent £51 in fuel on a 270 mile journey. :twisted: Must...slow...down!

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road improvements but where are they?!


speed cameras, traffic-calming schemes, traffic islands, sticking in the odd roundabout or set of lights here and there, more and more road signs (usually reducing the speed limit), painting the roads lots of lovely different colours... :roll: certainly not better surfaces or filling in potholes!

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It's always reassuring when there are misprints on the official government website.


I'm assuming it means income tax is changing to 20 percent, not pence :roll:


And that the second chart on road taxes is for cars registered before March 2001, rather than also being for cars registered after March 2001.



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From the DVLA website:


"Tip of the Day

Slow down


Slow down - driving at high speeds significantly increases fuel consumption. "


Yeah right. Drive slowly and you annoy the drivers behind, drive fast and you get caught by cameras and patrol cars. Who are the DVLA trying to kid?!!


A lot of people would love to bimble along at the national limits and save fuel, but due to excessive traffic (which the gov are doing nothing about) and morons on the roads, you spend your time in stop-start conditions or over taking said morons and therefore using a lot more fuel than cruising along at 100mph :roll:


And the DVLA obviously don't know that engines use more fuel accelerating than they do at a constant speed.....so they're dishing out misinformation.....as usual.


The answer is simple. Get everyone onto E85. It's renewable energy and the exhaust emissions are VERY clean compared with petrol and diesel. What the feck are they waiting for?!


it's all very well them banging on about us destroying the atmosphere with our cars, but the resources are already there to cut emissions drastically, but they won't use them.

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