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To "D" plate or not to "D" plate?

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Need to get some new plates and want to go the pressed metal route (avoid the stone damage that's happened to this set!)


Now do I go full on "D"plates and Stadt stickers or just plain pressed plates?


If I go the D-plate I know I'll get pulled....


Opinions and Photos of your plates please?

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TBH I'm not keen on german plates on the C - look good on other dubs like Golfs etc but don't work that well on the Coupe shape... also, aren't they a bit too 'scene' for you Jon? ;)

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I do like german plates with the D band on them, i think the ones iwth the stickers in the middle are a bit over the top and id imagine getting stopped was very likely with them..


I do like them with just the lettering style without the D band also, personal taste...

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i'm not just saying this because my old car was from belgium - but go B plates! the red and white looks awesome, and whilst it was legal me driving the cabby on her for all that time, i never got pulled over. I think if the plates look part GB part D then there is a problem, as police can identify that somethings up. If you run full Belgian, then they'll probably be oblivious to it.


Although i have the 'get out of jail free card' being a full Belgian Drivers Lisence!!


Greeny - Belgo plates would look great on yours bro!

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Have a look on Plateman.com, hes does alsorts of surrounds but not many fonts..


Im sure a good google search could reveal some alternatives ...

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How about some nice italics and maybe even a slogan accross the bottom like ''on a mission init''... you could even get some nice faint VW logos printed in the background :lol:

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How about some nice italics and maybe even a slogan accross the bottom like ''on a mission init''... you could even get some nice faint VW logos printed in the background :lol:




I like the black and silver style ones but I know that's pushing it just that little bit too far...

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How about some nice italics and maybe even a slogan accross the bottom like ''on a mission init''... you could even get some nice faint VW logos printed in the background :lol:


And a big "Ganja Leaf" in the middle Like the Cupra Phil? :lol:


Have mailed Plateman and Dubmeister.. lets see what comes back...


Really want to run them daily so will probably go unbanded and have a set of "Show" plates.

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do you mean just the D at the side on the blue panel or full german font?


ive had a VW roundel instead of a GB in the blue panel at the side fora year and never been pulled, passed an mot fine last week too with them on. Mine are UK font tho . . .

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I run german plates with the D band on and never had any problems with the :lcop: and i have even had them right up my chuff and been up there chuff (ooer!) and they didnt do anything. I say go for it Jon, i was really impressed with how much better my C looked just by changing the old manky plates for the german ones.

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Deffo go for the full hog and a mug with D logo, German font and stadt stickers. Had mine on for 8 months with no probs whatsoever (yet). I've had 2 traffic cops sat behind me since having them on and did not get pulled over. And its the traffic units you need to worry about mainly, not so much the panda's. As mentioned above, just keep a set of legals in the boot to change over if you do get tugged, i do.


I would echo what has been said regards going the full German look over half German half British because as daft as it sounds, i think they really do fool people into thinking the car is German. I've had 4 colleagues (one with 28yrs service) at work now ask me why i have a German car, and yes i'm 5.0! :porc:


Coupled with what must be double figures now of people who have asked the same question, point at the plates as i drive past, and i have even heard one lad say to his mate "Look, German" when i drove past!


But, theres always a but! I'm sure there are plenty of people who have been pulled over for having them, but would be interesting to see how many of those were full on German style over half & half.


On a more serious note though. I have experienced on 2 separate occasions hostile gestures directed towards me when on the road. First off i was driving along a road with nobody behind me when the guy driving a car travelling towards me leant as far forward over the steering wheel as he could and flicked me the bird and gave a blast on his horn :shock:

Now maybe it was because he was driving a Vauxhall coupe SE2 and i was in a much cooler car, i dunno! But after the very similar second incident i have a different theory. The second time involved me following a car down a small street which had been blocked off which required us to have to 3 point turn back out. I waited a good distance away from him to afford him plenty of room, and as he drove past me, bearing in mind this was a small side street with no other cars on the street, he looked at me, flicked the V's and mouthed something that looked suspisciously like "w*nker"!


On both occasions there were no other vehicles on the road, they were definitely directed at me, i have no idea who they were, they would not have known what i do for a living because it happened in my home town back up north where i have not lived for nearly 4 years.


My theory is (and i don't wish this to turn into some political debate) from working with the public in a very diverse multi cultural city, the hostility i have experienced for the influx of Polish, Bulgarians etc is shocking. I genuinely believe that the 2 guys who displayed their anger thought i was foreign. I cannot think of another reason for it. I know my car is not a left hooker, but as mentioned my German plates have fooled an awful lot of folk now, including 4 coppers. I have not experienced any such behaviour in Cardiff i must add. Maybe because Cardiff has been a diverse city for decades. Interestingly both times were in my home town which has to be said is small and not diverse. Small town small minds maybe??


Apologies for the long thread! I thought it worth mentioning because i remember reading somewhere (maybe here?) that someone had their car trashed by a drunken couple walking home from the pub because they thought the car was foreign because it had foreign style plates on. And i'm convinced that my car could suffer the same back home if parked up after what i have witnessed.

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So Polish/Lithuanian plates are the new Scene then? I can bomb through speed cameras, park where I want, and generally ignore the laws of the land then!




above is a joke! I have seen first hand what "overseas" plated drivers get away with from living in East Lahndan.. seen 4 different cars all wearing the same LT plates too, 3 were RHD! :shock:

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thats pretty scary tbh, hadnt even considered the rasism issue towards cars with german looking plates (although they must be pretty stupid to not notive its right hand drive? guess it goes hand in hand . . .)


maybe im a bit naive about things like that- my best friend is half german half italian- but i honestly hadnt even thought that having a german lookalike plate on the car would lead to threatening gestures or vandalism. :roll:

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thats pretty scary tbh, hadnt even considered the rasism issue towards cars with german looking plates (although they must be pretty stupid to not notive its right hand drive? guess it goes hand in hand . . .)


maybe im a bit naive about things like that- my best friend is half german half italian- but i honestly hadnt even thought that having a german lookalike plate on the car would lead to threatening gestures or vandalism. :roll:



Just being a German car was enough a couple of World Cups ago when we lost (again) to Gernmany.. there were widespead reports of VW/Audi/BMW's being trashed after the game..

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Have german plates on my c & van plus cars previous to these & have never had any problems.Just the odd "is it an import?"100_0587.JPG[/attachment:4cf7f]

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Its only happened to me twice in fairness and as mentioned above, getting a shoeing of the Germans in footy is enough to bring it on too. I'm just taking my chances because i like the look of the full on German look :)

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I have experienced on 2 separate occasions hostile gestures directed towards me when on the road.


You didn't happen to be waring your uniform at the time did you? :porc: :lol: :wink:

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For the reasons mentioned above thats why i went half and half.



Oooh. Curry with half rice, half chips. Lovely.....

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