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minor Corrado disasters

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how about recalling some minor Corrado disasters or bodges, not the 'I totalled it into a bridge support' type occurances, but more of the funny happenings, particularly DIY mishaps etc. Inspired by diynot.com (forum-DIY disasters)


I'll start it off,

fitted a new throttle cable once, few years back now, nr the beginning of Corrado ownership, only did it a bit too tight on the adjustment, first time I floored it to overtake a lorry and 'twang' it came off the pedal hook and I coasted to a halt! :oops: spent the next 5 minutes standing on my head trying to pop the bugger back on again lol


At least once I've got distracted doing an oil change and not replaced the sump plug then started to re-fill the oil :iamwithstupid:


I haven't resorted to using no-more-nails for something on the C yet but the thought's crossed my mind on a few occasions.

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i fixed my electric window, spent ages getting old mech out and new one in, only to find out as i went to rivet it in that i'd left the old rivets on the new mech :lol:


had to take it out again

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At least once I've got distracted doing an oil change and not replaced the sump plug then started to re-fill the oil :iamwithstupid:


That's a classic! :lol:


Um, I think this is still my most embarrassing one:




Hit the wall on the way out of my girlfriend's drive. :? Falling asleep at the wheel....


I think bodged repair wise it would have to be when draining coolant on the valver when I was doing the head gasket I positioned my receptacle underneath the pipe at the bottom of the radiator where I thought the coolant would come out. I then disconnected the pipe only to find the coolant spewing out of the pipe itself and not the actual radiator. It was going everywhere. In the ensuing struggle I managed to knock the container over and coolant just went everywhere. I was hosing the drive way down for ages.... I'm going to hell for that. All those pollutants. :?

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Wheres NickVR6 when you need him..




Mine was when I was trying to put the sunroof back in place on my own, it was starting to rain and it fell on my head as I was trying to put it back in. They're so damn heavy and I went beserk. Ended up breaking a few clips and wouldn't sit flush, so I had to use some tape to cover up the gap :lol:


Seriously, don't attempt this on your own!

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From what I can remember H8RRA had more than his fair share of "when me and ChrisVR6nos..." stories :lol:


I've managed to bugger the jubilee clip on the fuel line so when I changed the fuel filter and started it up there was a concerning "pisssssssssss" noise as fuel came shooting out of the pipe at 4bar... :?

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i was replacing the rotor arm on the passat, it wouldnt come off as it was glued on (worryingly the car had done 170k on what i assume was the orignial rotor arm :S) so i split it off with a pair of mole grips.


go to put the new one on to discover VW had given me totally the wrong one :( had to cycle 20 miles in the pouring rain to get it swapped for the right one as the car was immovable. wasnt happy. To be fair the part number on the box was right but it had the wrong part inside!


Changed the rear discs and wheel bearings, which went suprizingly well after id resigned myself to hacksawing the ends off the carrier bolts, left the car in the garage all night with the radio on by mistake, by the time i went to move it the following evening the sodding thing wouldnt turn over. oops.

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Changed the 'charger oil feed pipe on the in-laws drive.

Forgot to tighten it properly at the block and dumped oil all over they're freshly paved driveway, wasn't the most popular son-in-law after that

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Bought a genuine VW axle bush replacing tool off ebay and started doing NickVR's car over a weekend with it only to discover that one of the bits to push the bush back in was missing.


Ended up driving all the way down to JMR's place on the Sunday three up in my C with a rear beam in the car..


Top marks to John, had no issue at all with us turning up and doing it.


Random pic from the weekend attached for comedy value..

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Random pic from the weekend attached for comedy value..


It's strange how cold those headlights can get :lol:

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