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The infamous 5k Flatspot!!

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:D :D Well if you dont think that Digi-Lag is a problem for your car, ie if you dont mind your car going lean under boost before enrichment, then SNS is not an improvement for you.


Seriously, you need to look on an A/F gauge or wideband plot to see the difference. The most recent person on this forum to have done this is Gazza.


To Lag or not to Lag, that is the question.



Try a chip before you go for the dyno, it needs setting up properly with CO and ignition timing (and fuel pressure), you cant just stick it in the ecu and hope for the best. Drive the car about and see what you think.

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You also need to use a 3.5bar FPR with our chips.


I take it you are writing chips for std injectors??



Going back to the duff hall senders. I can appreciate that replacement of the dissy may cure the 5K flat spot. But the engineer in me needs a bit more.

Bearing in mind there are no moving parts, as such, in a hall sender. And therefore nothing to wear out. What is wrong with these hall senders that you/pitstop/gwerks have replaced?


Going back to my first MK1 with clockwork ign(points). Some of you younger lads may not have seen them!! :lol: It was running really badly. The main cause was the bushes in the dissy being worn. This allowed the shaft to oscillate rather than rotate. This would then alter the setting of the points continually. Making it impossible to set the timing accurately. Also this would stop the coil from charging/discharging the same for each spark.


You could see all the above on the Sun tuner. If you hooked into the king lead you could see on the trace that the voltage to each plug was different all the time. The timing of the sparks was jumping all over. I eliminated the problem with a Luminition Optronic kit. This used an Infra red diode and receiver and amplifier instead of the points. This very similar to a hall sender in operation. The car then went like a rocket as it should have.



Now, if someone were to monitor the ign in a similar manner and then tell me, that the timing was leaping around with one dissy and not another. I for one would be alot happier, pulling out what seems to be a perfectly serviceable dissy.


So is it the replacement dissy ( with less wear in the bushes) or the hall sender fixing the problem at 5K????????




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Yes we have a variety of maps for standard injectors. 30lb injectors are only needed when going over 16psi boost.


The hall sendor/Dizzy problem: To come to a conclusion we'll need to do some more testing, this was just recently diagnosed so we're getting to the specific culprit steadily. It could be that at a certain rpm, the natural harmonic frequency for a dizzy component is reached causing phase/jitter if this component ie the hall is worn. Time will tell.

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If I was to be progressive on the gas pedal instead of slaming it the metal would I get the same effect as having a sns chip installed ??



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no sandy it dont work like that.


easing in the throttle on a non sns chip will enable the ecu to catch up giving a user initiated no lag.


from what i cansee the SNS stuff has more timing in them making a more agressive power delivery, maybe why this dizzy type problem is magnified. the no lag id have to say doesn;t change the feel or maybe thats masked by the different mapping to a std chip. would be nice to run 2 chips back-to-back, standard ones i mean but one with no lag and the other as vw intended.

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Ok, so how do you know the hall sensor is wearing out...apart from from buying a SNS chip and seeing if it has a 5k flatspot?


Given the age of the G60's, and the cheapness of the hall sender (around £35 from memory) I'd just replace it anyway.

they want £87 from work for one, where do you get yours from

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Ok, so how do you know the hall sensor is wearing out...apart from from buying a SNS chip and seeing if it has a 5k flatspot?


Given the age of the G60's, and the cheapness of the hall sender (around £35 from memory) I'd just replace it anyway.

they want £87 from work for one, where do you get yours from


Must be a while since I last bought one !!


You're absoloutely correct:-

1990-1991....Hall Sender £87 + vat

1992.............Exchange Distributor £85 + vat (Hall Sender not available seperately for 1992 build cars)

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dubcharged, do you do a chip with coding for those of us who wish to retain the stock size pulley on our chargers, to keep the service intervals down but still wish to get rid of the digi lag?!?!?! :?: :roll: :idea:

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hmmmm, we could develop a chip for the stock boost boys, but that kind of defeats the purpose of having a G60. A 68mm pulley requires a service interval of 40k? that'd take a while to do and you'd have a lot of fun doing those miles too!


C'mon Olly, liberate your G :lol:

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hmmmm, we could develop a chip for the stock boost boys, but that kind of defeats the purpose of having a G60. A 68mm pulley requires a service interval of 40k? that'd take a while to do and you'd have a lot of fun doing those miles too!


C'mon Olly, liberate your G :lol:


Main shaft bearings will last 40k, but I would advise that the charger is at least cracked open for inspection at 20-25k with a small pulley on as the Apex seals on G60's take a good hammering. It is cheaper to just replace apex seals at this mileage than seeing out the 40k only to find the scroll has dug into the casing as the apex seal has worn thin.

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Beavis..does pitstop ffer this interim service??..what would it cost for a 25k inspection /light service?


If the charger is off the car we just crack it open for nothing to see what is going on/worn. Then just replace bits as necessary, most require apex and oil seals looking a bit ropey at 25k if pullied and driven hard. We just charge for parts and labour fitting them. It is a benfit for us too as we don't have a bag of spanners charger come in at 40k needing time consuming structural repair work. Prevention is better than cure.

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