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Split Manifold Any Fixes? Running Issues fixed/ cost

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My 2.0-16v has developed a really nasty "Tappety" noise when under load... seems to be coming from the drivers side or rear of the engines as far as I can guess.. but as it only happens when the engine's under load, it's kind of difficult to pin down (whithout removing the bonnet and getting some-one to hang in the engine bay while I drive it!).


As said will only happen whe accelerating under load, is quiet at "Cruise" and off throttle, but under acceleration it comes right back. does seem to get quieter with heat in the engine too...


So far an iffy oil pump or deflated tappet springs to mind, although I was thinking maybe Exhaust related?


But as she started to "Flat-spot" under acceleration on me this morning I'm getting worried.


Any other suggestions?


There is oil in it (to 1/2 way)...

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Blowing exhaust manifold gasket will often sound a bit like a tappet? Could also be piston slap, if it's quite worn.


Tappets usually don't make load-dependant noise.





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will have to check the exhaust manifold.. any tips on what to look for?


Yeah, it's a big metal thing sticking out the engine... ;)


Someone had to say it..


I drove an old van that was pinking to death under load once (blew the HG on the way home aswell.. :) ). It's surprising how much it sounded like a small bolt or washer bouncing around in a tin can. But it's much less regular than a tappet would sound.

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will have to check the exhaust manifold.. any tips on what to look for?


Yeah, it's a big metal thing sticking out the engine... ;)


Someone had to say it..


I drove an old van that was pinking to death under load once (blew the HG on the way home aswell.. :) ). It's surprising how much it sounded like a small bolt or washer bouncing around in a tin can. But it's much less regular than a tappet would sound.


Yeah funny... so what are the tell-tal signs of an exhaust gasket gone? I assume some form of "marking" from the hot gasses?


DrMat now you have me worried about pinking, thing is it still revs & pulls as usual... and no mayo/oil in water either.. so fingers crossed!

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You've not started using different petrol have you? Try it on V Power see if it's still the same.

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Tried "normal unleaded", Tescos 99 ron, and v-power.. all no difference..


I try and run it on Super if I can... just depends on who's Super I can find... there's a distinct lack of Shell garages round our way!

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Could be tappets, but under load I'd say it's more likely to be the big end shell bearings.

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Any-one know how much info I can get from VAG-COM from a 9a engine?


Want to see if it's any of the Sensors, Knock/Lamda etc... as well as the obvious noise..

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Well despite a weekend of no noise and smooth power delivery, it came back first ting this morning!


Maybe it was the snow last night?


Anyway worse than ever now, car just kangeroos below 3000... then smooths out... no visable smoke from the back (that I can see in the mirrors)... Am beginning to think with the damp that it might be electrical?


Been told the 9a can be interrigated for fault codes by VAG-COM? Any-one know if this is true>


Oh and the MPG was reading 11.6 today! :shock: Normally its about 30-32 on that run! Co-incidence

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Might be worth giving Vince a ring at stealth and poping it up there. He knows the lumps well. Sorted my mates mk1 gti out.

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Mine suffered this and I was convinced it was the tappets, turned out to be a cracked exhaust manifold, I checked for any evidence of gasses leaking, but mine had gone underneath where you couldn't see. However, the running wasn't affected so....?

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Cheers Matt, I'm pretty convinced it's Exhaust too will have to get on my mates 4-poster next weekend..


Well the rough runnings really getting to me.. after yesterday morning's Buckaroo ride to the station I was dreading the return leg in the torrential rain.. and guess what! Fekkin thing didn't cough or splutter once! :mad:


However this morning was Ok right up until I had to ford 2 floods, (I would have turned round but that would mean a 6 mile detour and I was 1/2 way into the first as I was following an MGF in the dark and he just went in at 30! :shock: ) and then it turned into a pig.. was really lumpy on acceleration and almost stalled at the next junction.. all squeeling belts etc.. so revved it a few times to try and get some heat into the soggy bits, nursed it out on the clutch and after 2 miles and onto the dual carridgeway all seemed fine again.


I'm beginning to think it's either the AFM on teh airbox, or the same problem as Jim had ISV Cured Jims Fault?

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Update is the noise id a cracked Manifold on the join between 1&4 collectors.. any-one got a cheap fix?


I would think that the cheapest fix is dabbing at it with an arc welder (it's a cast iron manifold, right?) until the crack is somewhat patched! Won't last forever but might at least see you through until a more convenient time to fix it properly.


I'm surprised it makes it run that badly though, could it just be co-incidence?





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Gonna get my mate to attack it with a welder at the weekend, and hope it holds till I can get a tubular replacement..


Now any-one got a 9a ISV they want shot of? I looked at mine and think it may be buggered as the rubber mount has snapped allowing it to just rattle about..

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Well running issues are fixed for the princly sum of £14! :shock:


It was a destroyed Rotor arm so changed that and the Dizzy cap! Will post a photo of the arm when I get my d/load cable sorted.


Looking at it I can understand why it was Cr@p under 3000rpm.. there was only 1/2 the metal left on the whole arm!


So All I need is an un-cracked 9a manifold now.

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The cause of my running problems.. and I'd just done about 700+ Miles last week too! :shock:


TBH I'm surprised it even started, let alone pretty much on the 3/4 crank! The metal contact was 1/4 way back down the arm!

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