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[Poll] How long have you had your Rado?

How long have you owned your Corrado for?  

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  1. 1. How long have you owned your Corrado for?

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Just thought a start a thread (not very often I do - had to have a read of the manual :lol:), as I've now had my VR for 5 years to the day, having picked her up at the tender age of 21, and it hardly seems like 5 minutes have passed, let alone years!


I also thought it might be a good idea to have a quick poll to see what the average length of ownership is so let's hear from you!

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:( Bloke came to pick her up today. Managed about 7 months. Plan to have the next one a little longer though.


Edit: Oh, and happy birthday mate!

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Had my VR for 3.5 years but had my valver for a year before that! Time does indeed fly.


Just found these old pics of both of mine:-

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nearly 2.5 years. Looking fwd to the next 2.5 of rado ownership, and if anything dire happens to this one, I will be getting another...

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bought mine back in March 2002 so a very enjoyable 5 & 1/2 years so far :D , she's not my daily driver anymore (more for track day fun now) but i've no plans to sell her!

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My current Corrado i've had for a year and a bit.. picked it up at Stonor Park in July 06 I think.. though my memory for dates, etc is dreadful!


Been a Corrado owner on and off though since about 2001!

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Had a Corrado for 10 years now. 8 with a valver and last 2 with a Storm. Gonna try and keep this one going to right to the end. My Gran made it to 102 before pegging it so I guess it might be a classic if I make it that far :?

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nearly 2.5 years. Looking fwd to the next 2.5 of rado ownership, and if anything dire happens to this one, I will be getting another...


ditto... think i only picked mine up a few weeks before you, if my vague recollection of conversation in the car park of the White Horse from the first South Coast is correct :lol:

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5 years on the 11th December and i was 22 when i bought it for the G60 beast.


How come VR6 i thought you were older than that :lol:

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Just a tad over 3 years, which is a long time to have a car (for me anyway).


I was thinking today, my Polo and I have had a monogamous 'daily driver' relationship for over 4 and a half years now - thats the longest ever!! :lol:

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Had mine for 3 years... I have to admidt to missing the looks from both driving and leaving it on show - but the LCR more than makes up for it in entertainment points!


Coulpe of pics of what has been and what is now 8)

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Phil K that is a seriously nice Corrado, surely you must regret not having it anymore.


Edited: to say its those wheels that really set it off, never seen them look so good.


Are they the 1's that look backwards on the other side, if so thats why i generally do not like them.

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In fairness I do miss it big time... but I have to focus on the now :D


This is the current fun factor (and the Mrs daily) ;)



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Bought mine in 2002, sold it in 2004, then bought it back from the guy I sold it to 3 months later as I missed it so much!!! Had to pay him more than he paid me for it too... :?

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Edited my above post Phil K


Whats the deal with the Golf anyway, as in why is all the concentration and emphasis on that instead of a Corrado?

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Phil K that is a seriously nice Corrado, surely you must regret not having it anymore.


Edited: to say its those wheels that really set it off, never seen them look so good.


Are they the 1's that look backwards on the other side, if so thats why i generally do not like them.


I do miss it but it was only ever a weekend toy and when my daily driver had nearly 100hp more than it there wasn't really much point in keeping it!


It was my ultimate rado in terms of looks but needed a bigger engine for it to have been a keeper... reason we sold it and got the golf was down to the fact that we wanted to reduce the number of cars we had - so, I sold the C, the mrs sold her yaris and we both agreed a Golf cab would suit both of us! She drives it everyday (she'd never have driven the C) and I get to clean it, fix it and have a play at weekends! Plus there's the added bonus of being able to take either car along to no rice etc and still feel a part of it all...


The cup 3's aren't sided and it always put me off them slightly but once they were on and they set the car off so well it didn't matter! 8)

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I've cheated a bit in the poll. I've polled 10+ years cause that's how long I had my previous Storm though I bought another one a few months back and have only just sold my original one.

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nearly 2.5 years. Looking fwd to the next 2.5 of rado ownership, and if anything dire happens to this one, I will be getting another...


ditto... think i only picked mine up a few weeks before you, if my vague recollection of conversation in the car park of the White Horse from the first South Coast is correct :lol:


yeah that sounds right! That meet seems a loooooong time ago now. I've met so many nice people and learnt so much through CF since then

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