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boost monkey

Project Plum - The Plan of Attack

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Cheers fella!


Got an update on my card cloning from March: Barclays have just decided that it in fact WASN'T me taking money out of my account and they decided to put it back in!


Well done Barclays: I have food money for June now.

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i had the same sort of thing happen to me, using paypal tho


someone decided they wanted a PS3 and used my account to buy it putting me -£300 into my £100 overdraft. i went in and asked HSBC wtf and they said because i had being using my payal quite a bit recently that they thought it was a genuine transaction


anyways long story short i got my money back but i didnt get a PS3 and didnt want one! lol

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Wow! :shock:


I got the opposite with paypal: they cancelled a couple of transactions because I forgot my password 2 times in one minute... Plus Paypal USA kept phoning me up at random times like midnight etc!


Very odd.

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  boost monkey said:
Got an update on my card cloning from March: Barclays have just decided that it in fact WASN'T me taking money out of my account and they decided to put it back in!


Well done Barclays: I have food money for June now.


Oh My God - the number of people I know who have had their card cloned, it's scary. Glad to hear that the bank are working on it though.

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Very brief and overdue update.


Work with Modena should be starting shortly, so updates may get sparser :cry:.


Ordered an early-spec gearbox speedo sender yesterday which is now in stock, so I will be going to get that and fitting it today hopefully. This will allow me to have a speedo :clap: and will also allow the MAF to work on it's MPG calculations (hopefully) so I will see what is going on. AFAIK going from the fuel gauge, it is using too much fuel and I'm 90% sure the timing isn't quite spot on yet either.


So, little things to do at the mo. Will hopefully be picking up a real Corrado subframe from Toad in the next week or so, allowing me to get on with stuff :grin:

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Good news bro :D Will be nice to see what's happening with your fuelling etc. Would like to see Toad's subframe when you have it.


Will probs use your Glymage today to get the Silver Lady back in foxy condition.


(Er, and I think you meant MFA, no? :wink: )

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Ah yeah :brickwall: I always say MAF and MFA the wrong way round. I don't even have a MAF!


Why do you wanna see the subframe, it's mine! :sad: I did ask him for a rad support panel for you though if he's got one in good nick. Hoping to pop down and pick up some bits next week sometime.


Speedo sorting has been postponed for the following 3 reasons:



Engine heat :brickwall:

Not being able to find cable... ha ha :brickwall: :brickwall:


p.s. had another pain-saturated conversation with Gary at the dealers again today, arguing why I should get discount when I'm not trade... Does anyone know how many signatures we'd need on a petition to get him fired? :bad-words: :hitler:

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Fitted the new early spec cog speedo sensor today and the speedo works again!


Completely forgot to check the MAF and do an MPG run, but am driving for about an hour tomorrow so will stick it on and see what it gives. I know they're not all that accurate, but it would be nice to see if it actually works properly!


Got a shock earlier when looking in my rear view at 50mph...someone had stuck a purple bar to my tailgate :shock: :shock: :shock:


oh wait.... never mind. :clap:

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  bcstudent said:
  boost monkey said:
Completely forgot to check the MAF and do an MPG run

You mean MFA? :)


:shock: Twice in one thread! :brickwall: :brickwall:


I will get it right one day...

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Back from Toad's shindig now, with some G60 brakes and a Corrado subframe for a knockdown price! :shock: :clap: :salute: Cheers buddy.


Will get cracking on it today, hope I still have some POR products left...

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Interesting finds recently:


Car seems to have been resprayed at some point (or a really bad factory job?) as there are runs on the lower side of passenger door, runs behind the door handle on the drivers door, and the bonnet is quite hazy and doesn't polish up to the same shine as the rest of the car. Weird! Didn't notice any of them until I started SRP and EGPing the panels!


Anyways, looking forward to getting on with the subframe now I have one. Just waiting on some more POR to arrive as I ran out of Marine Clean halfway through scrubbing it down :sad:


In the meantime, I may finally assemble the new steering rack in my room! Got a couple of cans of clear Waxoyl too.... I wonder if they will cover the entire subframe setup once it's built?

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  boost monkey said:

In the meantime, I may finally assemble the new steering rack in my room! Got a couple of cans of clear Waxoyl too.... I wonder if they will cover the entire subframe setup once it's built?

Hey bro, good news. I haven't tried putting the Toad's BBQ pics up yet, but will do soon.


Just checking out teh Forumz :wink:

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  boost monkey said:
Back from Toad's shindig now, with some G60 brakes and a Corrado subframe for a knockdown price! :shock: :clap: :salute: Cheers buddy.


No worries dude. Glad you're pleased with it and the nipple behaved in the end ;)

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FFS, Just thought i'd check my bank account balance online before ordering some more little bits and the cheque from Team Modena is going to bounce :shock: :shock: :shock:


I'm gonna call them in the morning, as if it goes back out it will put me over my limit. Like they don't have enough money already!

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Yeah, that cheque didn't bounce. I completely forgot cheques need time to clear (even though Barclays 'credit' your account instantly).


Anyhoo... I have a subframe, I have Marine Clean, I have gloves, I have wire brushes and I have paint.


Let the fun begin! :clap:

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Subframe all painted up today, pics to follow from ProdigalSon.


Big thanks to:


Toad for the subframe (and bits) at a knockdown price :grin: ,

ProdigalSon for the overall help today with everything - what a bro! :thumb right:



Absolutely knackered now, but I'm thinking I may put assemble the steering rack in my room. Shame none of the manuals have torque figures in, it'd be nice to know i'm doing it right :shrug:


All in all, a very busy and productive day!

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Well, that didn't take very long!


Subframe is now assembled :grin: :clap:


Both wishbones are on and linked to the ARB which is also attached to the subframe. Rear engine mount and gearbox mount both on, and torqued to spec.


Still fiddling with the steering rack, but won't be long until that is also on.


Still need to sort out my hubs plus order a pair of front shock absorbers so that I can put those on at the same time as the subframe :salute: :cheers:


Pics to follow

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STOP....Picture time (All pictures thanks to ProdigalSon :salute: )




Prep work - mainly removing the OEM wax coating on the underside of the frame with some fine german hardware.



Leaving to dry after a hard going over with Marine Clean...



Subsequently followed by some light abrasive work over the patches of rust courtesy of the stainless steel wire brush. Subframe was in better condition than I had imagined.



Continuing in my Hammerite obsession, I picked up a tin of Satin Black (it's way cheaper by area coverage than the aerosol, but doesn't leave quite a smooth a finish)



Glad to finally be getting on with this after waiting so long for a good subframe to come along (cheers again Toad :salute: )




Teaser pics of the assembly




Waxoyl'd pretty much every cavity I could! Inside of wishbones, underneath both mounts on the subframe, inside the subframe, any faces not easily cleanable. I left the LBJs off for the time being cos they're too prone to being bashed on something as I move the whole one-piece assembly around by myself.



Happy to see the pattern wishbones lining up so well with the subframe! Was prepared to grit my teeth and accept liability for my hybrid build, but was pleasantly surprised.



All genuine VAG fixings. I may be poor, but i'm not a retard! :cuckoo: Beefing these up to 96lbft seemed like they were gonna shear (brought back nasty memories...!)



Rear ARB mount - the part to the left of this is the part that Mk2 golf frames do not have - the rear subframe to chassis mounts. Standard ARB cleaned up and put back on.



Those rubbers look brand new! :grin: You can see some of the bubbly waxoyl seeping out between the spotwelds in the wishbone.




Complete assembly pics (minus balljoints and steering rack)




Final build stage. Still needs the rack putting on, but that's in my room at the mo, just attaching the track rods and fitting the rubber bellows etc.



And from another angle. Vibration block still needs tightening down, just nipped the bolts up to keep them from getting lost!




So that's that. Still need to sort hubs and front suspension before throwing it all on the car, but it's been a fun day :grin: :clap:

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The wishbones are on backward.....


































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