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corrado art

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I have read on here various posts about people doing drawings of a corrado.....but without really seeing any i like that much.....(not the cartoony ones).

I work as a picture framer and get to meet artists who do all sorts of paintings/pictures...some well known , most not.

I have been framing work for an guy for a wee while now.

He draws various sporting figures usually 2 images in the one drawing eg driver & car etc......some examples.....







So i got to talking to him and asked if he had ever drawn a corrado......usual question.....whats that? :D


But it didn't stop him giving it a go.....and i think he has done a really nice job.....still to pay him but i hope he will do me a good deal......I told him i would post it on here to see if anyone is interested in getting him to do one for them..... these will be one off originals, not just a print.....

The quality of all the pictures are poor as taken on my phone.....but i have a proper one in the computer in work.




what do you think?

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That looks really good!


Is that you C easypops?


Wonder how much? (and how long it took?)


Yes, its mine.....i gave him a couple of photos from here.....



I'll find out soon how much he would be charging for this.....I'm hoping to swap a bit of framing for mine :clap: :D

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Ok ,

I have just had an email from him and he says the price he charges is £150......it takes him a while to draw these things with such detail.....and while its not that cheap.....you get a quality job that no one else will have :D .....his contact details are.....

[email protected]......best to contact him direct , keeps me out of it :lol:


cheers martin

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Seems a reasonable price to me, when you consider the level of detail.


What size is the drawing of yours pops? A3?

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Seems a reasonable price to me, when you consider the level of detail.


What size is the drawing of yours pops? A3?


Its in work mate and I'm not back in until Tuesday.....I'll measure it then.......its about A3 but not sure if exactly that......hopefully I'll get it framed up this coming week and get it on the wall :D

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