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F ing scum bags

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I wake up on saturday to find some oik has smashed my passenger window and stolen nothing but in the process of searching snapped the handbreak clean off, snapped the ash tray, broke the dash trying to get the stereo out, and then went and put super glue, which was originally in the glove box, all over the drivers seat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




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:(!! scrotes, they all deserve to be hung. I'm sorry to hear this mate :( You gonna contact the police?

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Gutted for you.


Theft is bad enough but topping that with wanton vandalism is even worse.


Even if they were ever caught they'd only get a slap on the wrists as I'm sure they have had a really poor upbringing and need our love and understanding rather than being put up against a wall and shot :bad-words:

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What we need is legal, regulated alternative policing services that we can hire if we need to. They could hunt these boys down for a small fee and give them whats what.

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What we need is legal, regulated alternative policing services that we can hire if we need to. They could hunt these boys down for a small fee and give them whats what.


If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire the A Team...


Sorry to hear about what has happened. My idea of hell to be honest :( Good luck getting your C all patched up. Plenty of Corrado's being broken at the minute so you should be able to get all the bits relatively cheaply.

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reported it, and got a crime referance number, but thats just it, its just ANOTHER crime referance number!


I've got 3 now :clap: they're not even worth the cost of the phone call

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What we need is legal, regulated alternative policing services that we can hire if we need to. They could hunt these boys down for a small fee and give them whats what.




Like "The Dog" and his enormous bosom'd wife?



What a bunch of mindless cnuts.

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very sorry to hear about this. I agree with Andy - theft is bad but vandalism as well just goes beyond :mad2: gl getting it sorted soon

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To be fair, there is only so much the police can do in these circumstances. The end of this sort of sh!t thievery has to be a societal change - it won't be solved with more police coming out and taking them away only to get 1 night in the nick or community service.


I blame the parents. Always have, always will.

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To be fair, there is only so much the police can do in these circumstances. The end of this sort of sh!t thievery has to be a societal change - it won't be solved with more police coming out and taking them away only to get 1 night in the nick or community service.


I blame the parents. Always have, always will.


I blame you, as supermod, you should be constantly touring the country with a baseball bat, checking on our cars to make sure this never happens. :lol: :lol:



edit - no offence intended! :grin:

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Shame the little sh1t didn't glue himself to the seat.


I have a handbrake handle from the 16V I'm breaking. Just pay the postage on it and you can have it for free.

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Shame the little s**t didn't glue himself to the seat.


I have a handbrake handle from the 16V I'm breaking. Just pay the postage on it and you can have it for free.


Sorry to hear about this, been a victim of crime far too much, especially in the last year or so.


How cool would it be if they had glued thier hand to the steering wheel by accident.... by the time one was finshed the car would look like the one from Pulp Fiction where Vincent blows Marvins head off by accident. :lol:


The cnuts that do this kind of thing will only learn one way, and it aint a fu**ing asbo or a slap on the wrists.


Good luck getting it sorted.

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I blame you, as supermod, you should be constantly touring the country with a baseball bat, checking on our cars to make sure this never happens. :lol: :lol:




Also, loving that Dog picture! :lol:

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I blame you, as supermod, you should be constantly touring the country with a baseball bat, checking on our cars to make sure this never happens.


Believe me, i'd like nothing more than to see vigilante level justice administered to the pikey scumbags that do this sort of thing! I'll stick to guarding my own car for now though - i've already been a victim of car crime in the past!

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What we need is legal, regulated alternative policing services that we can hire if we need to. They could hunt these boys down for a small fee and give them whats what.



what like PIRA :wink:

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