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Head gasket - am I being a bit thick here...

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...being driven mad by a potential buyer for Sarahs Saab.


He is insisting that head gasket replacement is required on 9-5 Aero's due to them using fully synthetic oil and he is concerned that it has not been replaced on our's.


I always assumed that a head gasket is best left alone and only needs replacing if it fails or the head has to be removed for any reason - am I thinking right here because I'm starting to doubt myself.


I'm not sure I want to sell to this bloke - he is displaying all of the traits of being a royal pain in the ar**

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It sounds like either a) he's trying to take you for a ride, or b) he's a bit of a fool.


I fail to see a link between fully-synthetic oil and head gasket failure, and can find no evidence that such a link exists. I would ask for a reference to his source.

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It was recommended to re-torque the head gaskets on the 9000 saab's at 100K ish, but i can't see what oil has to do with headgasket life

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he's talking bollocks its not a rover, as posted the headgasket only needs changing if its failed or if the head it taken off for any other repair. he maybe thinking of the fault of the cat being under the oil sump that gets the oil to hot turning it to sludge and killing the engine

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Quite. Maybe you could suggest he gets a compression test done just to prove that there is feck all wrong with the head gasket and let him make his own mind up after that?

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Sounds like a halfwit, or someone who picks up too much information from the internet....

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He came and bought the car anyway so all worked out OK, made sure it went with a very clear bill of sale to protect myself

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