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Any qpeng 20vt owners?

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ive been thinking about converting my g60 to 20vt for some time and i have a few questions. I know it will be easier to find the engine on its own rather than with clocks, ecu, immobilisers and all that gubbins. So ive been on qpengs website and they do an ecu kit already mapped for various different engine codes. I want to know if you had any problems during your installation or anything i should look out for. Im not necessarily after monster power (would be nice) but i do want a newer engine.It seems to look very simple to put together on their site - just after advice so i can go into this conversion with a little insight unlike my last engine swap!


I would use my old megasquirt kit but i really cannot be arsed to go through all that again (plus its destined to go into my mk1)

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Never used or seen it but apparently it really is as easy as it sounds, just need the engine and loom.

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ive done it, it really is a doddle. i converted mine in about 2 weeks of evenings and weekends. also done the conversion on my mates golf.

we both built the loom ourselves (electricians by trade) to save some money. if you bought the loom ready made it would be even easier.

we had the engine stripped of all its ancilleries and unnecessary bits and on the mounts in my car in about 3 hours.

software is excellent, Ben is very helpful and the service is excellent. dont think you can ask for more

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I've got a mate who did the conversion in his 9A 16v using the QPeng kit, and he had it done in a weekend, start to finish. He said it was easy as pie :)

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hi all , having slight problems on mine to be honest. my 1.8t was in a mk 2 golf but now is going in my rad and the ecu is not getting any power :mad: .. any ideas anyone??


Thanks Harv

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you will have to trace the wires back to the ecu and splice into the corrado loom. Ill have a look for the wiring diagram over the weekend for you

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Not being funny but did you try contacting Qpeng about this? I have it on good advice from a friend that they are more than helpful with adivce if you have an issue with your install.

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