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TT/R32 bushes

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Hey dudes, I'm thinking about replacing/upgrading most of the front of my VR...has anyone used these before? http://www.fourseasontuning.com/?product=308


Basically they're the TT/R32 control arm bushes that fit the Corrado but are made of a more solid rubber to take some of the slop out. Any ideas chaps? Good or bad?

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The ones in the link are just factory bushes from the TT/R32 so just get some from VW...Ive got them on mine but not really driven it enough to comment on them.

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Yeah, I kwew they were standard VW parts, but being twice as much as the 'Rado one I wondered if they were actually worth it or not?

I may just bite the bullet and do it anyway, the front needs tightening up a bit imo.

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We fitted them to Dinkus's car when we rebuilt that, but agin, I don't know what tangiable difference there is, as the old ones were pretty tired, and the car hasn't been driven much since.


I'm going to wack them into mine. I think the more solid design will probably help improve the lifespan on a lowered car, which puts extra stress on the bushes.

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These bushes also keep the caster under heavy braking as they are solid rubber as apposed to the design of the standard Corrado ones which lose caster under heavy breaking (more caster means more straight line stability so less squirming under breaking).



I can't take credit for knowing that as I haven't got them! Kev told me it :lol:

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got them on mine - they are not horrendous money to buy (£15 a side at most IIRC) and you just need to look at the standard bushes compared to these to know they'll make a nice difference.


i have not done loads of miles on mine (funny thing it being a corrado and all that!), but from what i have done, they feel great and not really any harsher/crashier or anything than the old bushes.


win/win if you ask me :D

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I've just had them put on mine, and I will be putting a lot of miles on mine 8) but my old ones were shot so I can't really give a fair comparison. I just liked the idea of making it even more of a VAG mongrel :camp:

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I have these on mine, starting from the original (very sh4gged) pair: -


1) GSF new std - big improvement over the originals

2) GSF new std but turned through 90deg - slight but noticeable improvement over "1"

3) R32 (OE) - Another slight improvement over "2"


As for NVH, the R32/TT bush does transmit a little more but I feel it's acceptable considering the improvements, I think it's less harsh than poly and one hopes they will last better than poly. (cheaper as well)


IIRC they slotted into the cross-member without problems BUT I can't really say exactly which type of cross-member as mine is a bit of a "mix" of parts.





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