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Few Bits and Bobs:


Tried fitting a new coolant jobby to the front of the engine.


[ATTACH=CONFIG]48222[/ATTACH] The existing. looks ok from this angle...


[ATTACH=CONFIG]48223[/ATTACH] But not so good from this angle.... Rubber seal had totaly gone. I hope this will stop my coolant leak. However.. there is a small problem



i cleaned up the engine so the rubber could get a nice seal and the fitted the new Febi part (not OEM)



This is the new one fitted. Trouble is that the blue and black temp sensors are VERY loose... I can move them up and down just with my fingers, the steel clips stop them popping out but they still slide around! Is this normal? will this not leak? Thoughts Please!



Also, as an aside, I did this...

[ATTACH=CONFIG]48226[/ATTACH] to replace this [ATTACH=CONFIG]48227[/ATTACH]


Not the best bit of coach-building I grant you but better than what was there! :o

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After a quick look on VW Spares it would seem that all replacement sensors get a washer with them... The ones fitted to the car didn't have these! I've ordered both temp sensors including seals to see if that should help make them a tighter fit.

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Tonight is fitting new door speakers (although I'm not sure the wiring to the speakers is live I'll fit them anyway just to get them out the road), re-fit the passenger door card and FINALLY after months of having them, fitting these new Window rollers! I hope they fit! :lol:


I may have some more exciting news to relay in the next week or too but until then stay tuned! :thumbleft:

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alex, the temp sensors should have an o-ring to seal them.they are a nice tight fit when you fit them

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alex, the temp sensors should have an o-ring to seal them.they are a nice tight fit when you fit them

yeah, i found that out after I looked over the part i took off. The O - rings where still there, if a little worn down. I gt some new o-rings from halfords, they're all fitted nice and snug now!


---------- Post added at 11:06 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:29 AM ----------


Hi guys!


The weekend was a nice lazy day doing bits and bobs (I don't have any pictures unfortunately), I managed to do the following:


  1. Re-fitted the temp sensors with o-rings. They now sit nice and snug.
  2. Wrapped some more wiring with my new OEM wiring tape.
  3. fitted my window rollers, no more rattly windows! :cheers:
  4. Tested for coolant leaks... it all looks good now. No more visible leaks. However, the fan is still not coming on! I've still to check the fuses but tbh.. I think every other sensor I could change has been changed.
  5. Fitted my alloys only to find i'm missing a wheel bolt! Whooops!

other than a few things I think I'm ready for an MOT... My brake bias valve didn't come in time to fit this weekend (ordered last week from Eurocar parts) so i still have the rear brake lines to make up. I still have a gearbox leak and I don't have an allan-key big enough to remove the plugs to replenish the oil and pop in some gear box leak fix stuff. I'm getting there though. I'm going to have to spend some time soon getting the bonnet re-sprayed so it looks less like a shed and more like a car!


Keep your ears peeled....

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I've used a bolt to remove gearbox drain / fill plugs before, the bolt head goes inside the hex either weld a nut on the threaded end or lock 2 nuts together. I've also topped up via the speedo drive on earlier VW gearboxes.

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I've used a bolt to remove gearbox drain / fill plugs before, the bolt head goes inside the hex either weld a nut on the threaded end or lock 2 nuts together. I've also topped up via the speedo drive on earlier VW gearboxes.


clever... but I think I'll just get a garage to do it now, It's not an essential thing to be done.

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Gearbox oil is REALLY easy to do.. given the difficult of some of the jobs you've tackled, gearbox oil is right down there with one of the easiest things you can do :)

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Gearbox oil is REALLY easy to do.. given the difficult of some of the jobs you've tackled, gearbox oil is right down there with one of the easiest things you can do :)


I know how to do it, I just don't have an alan key that will fit the plug and i can't be bothered to mess around with welding bolts to nuts ect...


---------- Post added at 09:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:02 AM ----------


Don't mind me.... just making a list!


battery cover - 281915411f

door card retaining clips - 3A0 867 301 A

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How did the MOT go??? :)


I rememeber the MOT after the engine conversion.. worrying times when your car has been off road for so long

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dunno, yet... Waiting to hear back from the garage, although im expecting a fail as i didn't fix the brakes in time (Eurocar parts took 7 days to deliver my new brake bias valve!)

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As some of you may have noticed I put the car in for an MOT on the 2nd Aug. Anywho, the story goes that because of the rain I decided to take the car down to a garage to not just MOT it but fix the rad fan and the brakes at the same time.... Glad I did in a way, It's not stopped raining over the last week!


The garage have since looked over the car and come back with the following:


They Can't MOT it until the following has been fixed:


Rear bushes

N/S ball joint

brake Bias valve

All rear brake lines need replacing

rear flexi hoses

gear box engine mount is loose (needs tightening up)


even then, it's no garantee that it will pass an MOT.... :brickwall:


Looks like I'm a long way off yet... I'm letting the garage do as much as they can before Friday And if they still havn't got it ready for an MOT I'm taking it to another garage. The bloke I gave it too is a nice guy but he works alone and is quite slow... Doesn't bode well for an hourly rate!

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keep the faith alex, just keep imaginging that first official drive :)

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keep the faith Alex, just keep imagining that first official drive :)


It's the only thing motivating me at the moment... esspecially when i have to drive to work in my puggy 106... with it's leaking roof and wet seats :(

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know the feeling, i've been paint prepping one side of mine for what seems like weeks, all the while summer times vanishing and times running out to enjoy the bloody thing..... will be god damn great when i do get that first drive though, even if its snowing.

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Got some new stuff to keep my spirits up with the lack of progress on my corrado... Like?


Where you get them alex?ive been looking for ones like that.Mine are the old original ones that starting to look tatty.

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