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WTF???? Random Corrado forum T-Shirt...

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look on the back..... took me 10 mins to figure it out :dorky:

PMSL! Fluck me, I'm on the ball! :clown:

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i think they're T shirts for homos... corrado is italian version of conrad :camp:


don't get the pistol reference tho :scratch:

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I think you'll find there was an Italian footballer called Corrado Grabbi who used to play for Blackburn Rovers. Probably all related to that rather than cars.

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i think they're T shirts for homos... corrado is italian version of conrad :camp:


don't get the pistol reference tho :scratch:


Aren't the pistol ones just reworked versions of the Soprano's logo.....?

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i don't watch supranos show but yeh logo/ name ref appears right, still a wierd t shirt tho :)

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