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Thread Of The Year 2009

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Managed to bloody lock myself out of my van yesterday! I took my boy and dog down to Watergate bay, had a walk on the beach and got back to the van to realise I didn't have my keys on me! :( so I was stuck with my 9 month old son, dog, and no phone!


There was a surfer getting changed in the car next to me, he offered me his phone, luckily my wife works from home as my landline is the only number I know off by heart! So I rang but got no answer! :( The surfer's car park ticket was about to expire so he had to go, so I had to walk to a pub where I could borrow a phone, I managed to get hold of my wife this time and she phoned the AA for me and jumped in the car to come and collect our son and dog!


The AA were with me within 90 mins, but it took him another hour to get me in! - which I suppose it a good thing really. He managed to get away without damaging the van too :D


So yeah, i've been driving for 14 years and have never done that before! Wont be doing it again in a hurry too!

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oh dear... like you say you wont be doing that in a hurry!! at least it had a happy ending with no damage!!


i locked my keys in the boot of my first car (polo coupe) outside my house years ago, the RAC came and broke into it, which took about 15 mins... that was 7 years ago, and i wont be doing anything like that again :nuts:

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I locked my dads keys in his car years ago. He had just stopped round to show me his new car (which he picked up that day) and left my uncle in the car. Popped out and told him to come in and made them a cuppa. After a while he asked where his keys were. Ooops. Cars are much better now though. It took us about 10 mins to get in without causing any damage. 7mins of that was finding a wire coat hangar and 3mins of arguing. :lol:

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Can't find a smiley that represents: Leaves room with tail betwen his legs :cry:

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It was aimed at Walsey, not you Renson!


I was expecting some super hot techie tips for getting into a locked car (legal implications aside), but instead it was 'a day in the life' tale that should really have gone into Off Topic imo :D

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It was a thread from me, and you were expecting super hot techie tips? :lol: I was sounding off after a crap day!


But yeah I have to agree, guilty as charged, sh1t thread, maybe you had to be there, shouldn't have bothered, i'll go back to reading reviews of last nights Top Gear and threads on broken door handles :oops: :lol:


Its in General Chat because its a car related topic, in which everyone can chime up with their equally fascinating tales of being locked out of their car :camp:

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You know he's only getting grumpy because the Mods voted 'no' to proposition 317 in which he put forward the motion that we have a cake and pastries sub-forum.

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Sorry, bad humour from me :lol:


There was an old comedy sketch where someone would just say, "Beautiful story" after some guy spent half an hour explaining it. That's all I can remember from it and that snotty little boy is the best Google Images could find for "Bored" :lol:


I think trying to get your point across is best done face to face sometimes!

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It was aimed at Walsey, not you Renson!


No worries, was a S*^t little story i had anyway.


Maybe this should be moved to off topic and title changed to: Daft things i've said or I've put my foot in it again.


I will start; A few years back, i got told by my mum that a friend of the family had been in an accident and lost half his leg. To which i repleid which half :)


God i'm bored. Really really bored.

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my wife works from home as my landline is the only number I know off by heart!



you do make me larf.

Are you one of those people that has to look up their own mobile number? :)

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Fascinating story.....







the child in the first photo....


is it actually you, there is some strange resemblance going on and the shirt even looks very similar :?

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For the first time ever - I locked myself out yesterday - of the Corrado - yes really.


I was so peeed off with the weather and knowing i had not the time either to wash my car, i took it to the Polish guys in town - eye candy and car washing !!!! (I have taught them how to wash a car properly and go there all of 6 times a year.)


Anyway, I usually take my keys out of the car, but this time, I didn't and as i had left a window slightly open, pressed the remote to turn off the immobiliser so I could operate the electric window, but selected the remote by accident again before shutting the door.


:brickwall: Talk about feeling really stupid, but I also found it really funny as did everyone else.

Fortunately the car infront of me was a taxi, so quick taxi ride home,(4 miles) fortunately again my spare keys were exactly were I thought they should be and back into town to retrive my car.

Even the Taxi driver - was kind to me - after laughing at me of course and only charged me one way.


A rather expensive car wash. !! :lol: Dumb blonde - before any of you say it :lol: :lol:

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"Thread of the Year 2009" :lol:


What the heck was that mad post a couple of years ago, "Angel Eyes" or something? Completely full of random weird schitt and it went on for 20+ pages. They were the days :D :lol:


Random thought of the day: Why are American Chicken eggs pure white and European eggs are assorted shades of brown?

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"Thread of the Year 2009" :lol:




Random thought of the day: Why are American Chicken eggs pure white and European eggs are assorted shades of brown?


Because we think they are healthier! Like brown bread/rice/pasta etc...


The bigger question is why done we have IHOP over here.... mmm Buttermilk pancakes and bacon... with maple syrup...

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The bigger question is why don't we have IHOP over here.... mmm Buttermilk pancakes and bacon... with maple syrup...


We've got Little Chef, what more could you possibly want?!? :wink:

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i took it to the Polish guys in town ..


I read that as wax and polish first time :lol: :|

did you pay by Czech...

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outstanding read so far i made my self a coffee to read about locking keys in cars :( :(

still passes the time of day :D :D

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The bigger question is why done we have IHOP over here.... mmm Buttermilk pancakes and bacon... with maple syrup...


Now you're talking my language, I love American style pancakes :D


And that leads me onto another question.... does anyone have a foolproof recipe that actually produces proper American pancakes?!


I've tried everything..... buttermilk, tonnes of Bicarb just before cooking, etc etc but they always end up like stodgy english pancakes. They must have a secret technique or ingredient!

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The bigger question is why done we have IHOP over here.... mmm Buttermilk pancakes and bacon... with maple syrup...


Now you're talking my language, I love American style pancakes :D


And that leads me onto another question.... does anyone have a foolproof recipe that actually produces proper American pancakes?!


I've tried everything..... buttermilk, tonnes of Bicarb just before cooking, etc etc but they always end up like stodgy english pancakes. They must have a secret technique or ingredient!



Yup.. involves a ticket on a 777 to Hartland Airport, then a taxi to a lil' ol' place I know just outside Atlanta... Home-made pancakes too!


Kev we shoud write to IHOP and demand they open a branch up here... Damn I so Miss Good "Southern" cooking! Probably explains me racking on a stone and a half in 9 months... :grin:


BTW where did you get Buttermilk from? Can't find it anywhere?


Mic... Little chef don't cut it! Once you have had IHOP there's no going back!

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The bigger question is why done we have IHOP over here.... mmm Buttermilk pancakes and bacon... with maple syrup...


Now you're talking my language, I love American style pancakes :D


And that leads me onto another question.... does anyone have a foolproof recipe that actually produces proper American pancakes?!


I've tried everything..... buttermilk, tonnes of Bicarb just before cooking, etc etc but they always end up like stodgy english pancakes. They must have a secret technique or ingredient!


Here you go Kev :lol:



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