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Rado as a Submarine......No Good :( Be careful guys!!!

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Bollards Poo 5hit c0ck ar5e and Bum Hole


It's pitch black, pissing down with rain, try to drive through a smallish flooded road in the C...............


car cuts out 1/2 way through, won't turn over........push it out of the now rather fooking deep flooded road......get it to my mates, sparkies out, Turn it over to see a 4 spout water feature coming from my engine :censored: :bad-words: :pale: :cry:


Dry it out, put it back together, praying that it ain't done any damage..........lots of clanging noises :confused4: :brickwall:


Oh Feck!


Only just got it back on Thursday from being in pieces for 4 months!!!!


Anyone with low air scoops etc...beware!!!

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Happened to me today as well going between Welbury and yours mate!


But mine luckily didnt cut out, all the electrics cut out, lights turned off, dash stopped working but it managed to get through what can only be described as river on a road!


Proper scary sh*t! Hope the rado is ok man. :(

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ouch!! :(


not good Steve :shock: when will you asses the damage? how far did the water get?


hope she is all OK buddy

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Spark plugs out and gushes water on crank over... not great!


Fingers crossed Steve but sounds well and truely Hydraullic'd :(


Sorry to hear this mate... had same coming back from Chrstening in the Anni yesterday... what looked like a puddle turned a lot deeper, not helped by the Pr*ck in the Landcruiser hauling though the other way at a goo 40mph! :cuckoo:...


and the G-box is missing it's inspection cover over flywheel/clutch! Lucky didn't get too much inside!

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Anyone with low air scoops etc...beware!!!


Was gonna say you're intake must be low to hydro lock the motor. That's sucky news. I've driven through sill deep standing water with no problems, but I'm using the stock airbox, so the water would have to be headlight level to ingest it.


If you turned it over and it did a water feature out of all 4, that's a good sign to me. If you'd bent rods and valves, you'd soon know.

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The same thing happened to me about a year ago... the car cut out in the middle of a T junction... :epicfail:


managed to rev the pipes clean... wasn't anything serious, thank god...


i've been keeping an eye out for road rivers ever since!

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Well in the words of professer Farnsworth...



It turns out my litte excusion into a rather large puddle had resulted in an Intercooler and boost pipes filled with water..hence the constant hydraulicing!!!


Emptied the water...changed the filter and the mayoanaise that used to be oil for fresh stuff and she has good as gold......No Damage :clap: :grin:


Proof indded God does drive a Rado :lol:

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Good news :)


Been there myself (sill deep water) in my trusty old Corrado - came out of the water and roared off up the hill only for the car to cough and splutter and cut out. Simply wouldn't run and even when it did it was misfiring and all kinds of stuff - couldn't rev the engine, etc.


In the end, think I somehow sucked a little water up into the fuel tank through the breather - after running some moisture absorbancy stuff through the fuel and running it with all the lambda, etc disconnected for 20 minutes it sorted itself out and has been right as rain since.


Good old VW :)

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When I picked up my 4mo the other week it had one of these kits fitted. Proceeded to piss down the whole way back. First thing I did was get it off and standard box back on. Good news.

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