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replacing rear axle bushes

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I've been quoted £120 for this which i think is really cheap, and thats with the guy supplying bushes (which i don't want him to do); but even though, i'm trying to learn as much as i can with this car so i'm thinking about taking on the job myself.


I've looked at some posts of people replacing their bushes, taking the axle off etc and just wondered how much skill is exactly required to do this; i've only been tinkering since about september so just wondered, is it to big a job???


i think i've got the tools, no ramp, but a jack and two axle stands; the problem that phases me the most is the alignment upon taking it off and putting it back on, and putting the new bushes in.


If anyone could give me a concise list of what you need that would be great!




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i would say let the bloke do it! the job is a pig to do!

im now gonna get mine done using poly bushes as they are alot easier to fit. i wont be doing the job myself as i know it is a real ball ache and ive done plenty of spanner work myself.

you shouldnt have a problem with lining it back up as there isn't any adjustment on the rear axle.

this is all in my opinion though


cheers, Rob

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I recommend

(1) getting genuine VW bushes

(2) getting someone else to do it


I had the use of a 2 post lift for the day and still managed to take most of the day to do it, I ended up having to replace the rear brake pipe sections and remove the whole beam (which you'll need to do unless you have the automatic VW hydraulic tool)


It wouldn't be impossible to do at home on axle stands, but the beam is very heavy and it would have to be one of the worst jobs to do in this way.

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send it off ian dnt fancy helpin u out with this one who you get the quote off for it to be done will get mine done at the same time maybe methink he might put the price up when he has done yours.



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i didn't think it was too bad a job, even with making up the new brake pipes.


the best thing about doing it yourself is you can check out loads of other stuff and clean things up a bit etc

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I did it using axle stands on the garage floor at home and it wasn't as bad as i thought it was gonna be, but removing the pressure regulator was a ball ache as the bolts had seized, which is quite common on these and havin the right tool to press the bushes makes it a lot easier but it did take a while and an extra pair of hand is useful, and bear in mind u have to rebleed the whole brakes system too,


120 to do it is a pretty good price tho so i'd prob go with that

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