Ben-B 0 Posted July 31, 2010 Ok so I've read the other 6 pages now. Looks like you've had some bad luck lately, hope it's good news from now though, give you a chance to really enjoy the car before the summer's over Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
coullstar 0 Posted August 1, 2010 Cheers, done about 4-500miles in the last couple of weeks with no issues. Regarding the plate I have a few things to try out. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
coullstar 0 Posted August 2, 2010 Not much of an update. C2 cat is getting welded in at the moment. Got a new LC1 probe and more importantly new Bosch lambda coming which will hopefully help with the rich running. 90miles to half a tank isnt fun. Also the last photo of it looking like this. Removing the laminx and plate tomorrow. Might put a chrome badge back on. Still toying with putting side rubbing strips back on and putting standard rear lights on to give it a bit of a sleeper look. Painted the spoke of the steering wheel matt black to blend in with the rest of the interior. Looks like I need to do some saving for the Racelogic and wheels. Selling the Triumph as Im not using it and dont feel the same after my mate was killed the other month. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Danny B 0 Posted August 2, 2010 Car looks mint as it is mate, 1 vote from me to head even more sleeper 'ish' though.......wheels are so cool and different :salute: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kevin Bacon 5 Posted August 3, 2010 coullstar said: 90miles to half a tank isnt fun. :shock: coullstar said: Removing the laminx and plate tomorrow. Might put a chrome badge back on. Still toying with putting side rubbing strips back on and putting standard rear lights on to give it a bit of a sleeper look. Yeah get the sheep's clothing back on. Half the fun of these cars is the element of surprise. Porsche and big Audi owners don't expect an 15 year old VW to have such immense pace and some of them get really upset about it :lol: All Corrados need externally is the right rims and ride height, and nothing more imo.... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted August 3, 2010 Sorry to hear about your mate (apologies if you've already mentioned it elsewhere). Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
big ben 10 Posted August 3, 2010 sleeper look on the VRT is the way forward :D Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kevin Bacon 5 Posted August 3, 2010 Butterfly said: Sorry to hear about your mate (apologies if you've already mentioned it elsewhere). x2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jim 2 Posted August 3, 2010 kevhaywire said: Yeah get the sheep's clothing back on. Half the fun of these cars is the element of surprise. Porsche and big Audi owners don't expect an 15 year old VW to have such immense pace and some of them get really upset about it :lol: All Corrados need externally is the right rims and ride height, and nothing more imo.... This is mostly the reason why I'd love to get the VR turbo'd some day - just to wipe the smile off the faces of some of these smug pillocks in their company cars who sit up your jacksy and expect you to pull out the way. I can only imagine the glee that you VRT boys must have when you get a 325 or an Audi TT or something sitting an inch from your bumper and you just dab the throttle and leave them for dust! I'd love it. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
big ben 10 Posted August 3, 2010 never gets boring thats for sure :lol: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kevin Bacon 5 Posted August 3, 2010 This is partly why I fitted the shorter final drive Jim, so that instead of just wasting said chiefs, I UTTERLY waste them :D There is nothing more satisfying that seeing a challenger fall back like they've hit the brakes. Although I do feel like a cheat sometimes because 90% of the cars that try it on with me are just far too easy prey. The things I like to retaliate against never seem to antagonise me. Probably the best race I've ever had to date was a couple of years ago against a V8 M3. I'd just fitted the GT35R (in place of a GT30) that evening and went out on a test drive running wastegate pressure (8psi). I came off a large intersection roundabout and down a slip road to join a dual C. Whilst cruising down the slip road I suddenly got some glaring xenons in my rear view and to my surprise, I was undertaken on the slip road at some pace by said M3, LOL!! Well, that was all the bait I needed and I dropped it to 4th gear, mashed the pedal down and by the end of the slip road I had caught him up and 100 yards onto the dual, I had undertaken him, slotted 5th and left him 4 or 5 car lengths back....but all of a sudden, the M3 motor called upon it's immense rev range and started catching up again. By 140mph we were neck and neck. This went on for a good 10 miles, just playing cat and mouse. It was brilliant fun and the M3 driver was a good sport. Really makes the effort worth while :D Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dukest 0 Posted August 3, 2010 kevhaywire said: The things I like to retaliate against never seem to antagonise me. I was going to post something up saying I never seem to see the tailgating-by-fast-cars issues that some of you obviously experience! But that does qualify things a bit - it seems that 99% of porsches or other exotica you ever see on the roads are very obediently observing the speed limit and not antagonising anyone. I do wonder when they get to enjoy their cars to be honest! I guess most of the time I'm wanting to make progress enough for it not to be an issue or, instead, maybe that I'm either stuck in London, or on very open motorways where perhaps people dont do it so much as there is more space? :shrug: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
coullstar 0 Posted August 3, 2010 One of the reasons I want to go back to standardish looking is Ive not had the fun of toying with people. I love sleeper cars so would suit me perfectly. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kevin Bacon 5 Posted August 3, 2010 dukest said: kevhaywire said: The things I like to retaliate against never seem to antagonise me. I was going to post something up saying I never seem to see the tailgating-by-fast-cars issues that some of you obviously experience! But that does qualify things a bit - it seems that 99% of porsches or other exotica you ever see on the roads are very obediently observing the speed limit and not antagonising anyone. I do wonder when they get to enjoy their cars to be honest! Yep, that is precisely it. The people who can afford these cars are by and large decent, well educated, law abiding citizens with impeccable road manners. In other words, they are 'mature', not necessarily in age, but in temprement. They simply don't feel the need to wave their willy about like the young uns do. 90% of 911s and M3s I approach from behind (matron) just move into the inside lane immediately. It's always the c0cks in bloody Audi A3s and BMW 320ds that have the Jersey Royals on their shoulders and just sit there in the outside lane at 75mph to be deliberately obstructive. These are the kind of people who are road bullies and need putting in their place from time to time. dukest said: I guess most of the time I'm wanting to make progress enough for it not to be an issue or, instead, maybe that I'm either stuck in London, or on very open motorways where perhaps people dont do it so much as there is more space? :shrug: Don't get me wrong, I am not a road captain always looking out for races. 95% of the time I am simply cruising along at 85-90 just wanting to make smooth, consistent progress, but honestly, I can't do one journey without some kind of idiotic behaviour from other road users, or some ball bag in an A3 tailgating me. And not your regular inner city tailgating that you expect in towns, but aggressive, bumper chewing "get out of my f'ckin way" kind of tailgating. It's the A12 mate, it's well known for it's aggression and congestion :D Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GlosterOx 0 Posted August 3, 2010 kevhaywire said: This is partly why I fitted the shorter final drive Jim, so that instead of just wasting said chiefs, I UTTERLY waste them :D Is this worth doing to a N/A VR6 when funds permit - Which one, off a G60? Did I also read of fitting a longer 5th gear off a diesel golf or similar? Thanks, Ian. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
big ben 10 Posted August 3, 2010 i dont look for a race, but you can spot someone a mile off that you will end up racing if that makes sense... i live next to the A1 basically and everytime i use it late evening i will end up racing something. It gets too busy going to and from work daily though, i barely open it up on my commute. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
coullstar 0 Posted August 3, 2010 I would say yes. With the 3.68 FD in mine it will still do 150+ and TBH how often do you do that. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kevin Bacon 5 Posted August 3, 2010 GlosterOx said: Is this worth doing to a N/A VR6 when funds permit - Which one, off a G60? Did I also read of fitting a longer 5th gear off a diesel golf or similar? Absolutely, totally, unquestionably worth doing normally asp!! If anything, it makes even more sense to do it NA than turbo :D It's one of the great unsung VR6 modifications, but one of the most effective. I did it eons ago when I had my Quaife fitted. The two together on a NA VR6 with a sorted chassis (incl the fixed steering column) gives cornering feel, precision, balance and grip like you wouldn't believe for such an old car :salute: The main reasons for that are, A) you've got the traction of the diff, so you can use the throttle mid-bend to kill understeer and B) 3rd gear with the 3.68 FD feels perfect on a sweeping bend. For me, the standard 2nd always felt too short on sweeping bends and 3rd was too tall..... but the FD sorted that :D And C) because the engine is more eager to rev, it has the affect of making it feel lighter and more powerful. Oh and a good lightweight flywheel just makes it better still! Another minor annoyance the diff cured was the torque hole in 5th at 70mph. You don't need to drop down to 4th to accelerate away anymore, especially if you've got the Schrick inlet. It's one of those classic mods that makes you reach for a 6th gear because the engine feels so much more eager to rev. Yep, G60. No, I wouldn't fit a taller 5th personally. The rpm drop from 4th to 5th would be too big. I paid 50 quid for my G60 crown wheel s/hand, but if you can't find one, they are a hefty £200 odd + VAT from the stealer :? As I say I did it ages ago and not regretted it one bit. With each sucessive mod, the diff has always been brilliant and with a turbo the acceleration borders on the ridiculous :D I also suspect that because the engine can turn the gearbox easier (therefore the car's weight is easier to move), it's also why I haven't stripped teeth off my gears like so many other VRT owners do. MPG is barely affected. My VRT returns an average of 27mpg, which for a 400hp car running shorter than standard gearing is, if I say so myself, a miracle greater than the likes of Jesus parting the sea :lol: And as Coullstar says, it'll pull 155 ish mph on 17s easily (172 for the stock gearing), which plenty fast enough for a Corrado, believe me!! As you can tell, I'm just slightly keen on the 3.68 diff :D Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vornwend 0 Posted August 3, 2010 Beginning to regret reading this .... can already feel an uncomfortable itch :wink: What's a ball park figure for getting a 3.68 diff fitted? Does it need a re-map as well? What really gets my goat is tailgating when I'm in the outside lane and cannot make progress because of traffic in front - just because I'm not up the car in front's rear does NOT mean I'm not as keen as the next man to make progress! Sometimes wish I had one of those scrolling signs in the rear window where you could punch in appropriate messages :wink: Apologies for hijacked thread! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GlosterOx 0 Posted August 3, 2010 Wouldn't think you would need a remap from what Kev has said (especially as you've already had one) - More like source a G60 diff and getting it fitted? Ian. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
coullstar 0 Posted August 3, 2010 Stealth mode ............. :norty: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jim 2 Posted August 3, 2010 Might be a bit uncomfortable without any tyres on it mate. :D Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dukest 0 Posted August 3, 2010 vornwend said: Sometimes wish I had one of those scrolling signs in the rear window where you could punch in appropriate messages :wink: i've wanted one of those for years!!! with voice recognition so you could just rant for miles at the person behind you! :clap: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vornwend 0 Posted August 3, 2010 dukest said: vornwend said: Sometimes wish I had one of those scrolling signs in the rear window where you could punch in appropriate messages :wink: i've wanted one of those for years!!! with voice recognition so you could just rant for miles at the person behind you! :clap: Hehe - yes that would be cool 8) signbot.gif[/attachment:2sdnlug6] Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Philmo 0 Posted August 3, 2010 vornwend said: dukest said: vornwend said: Sometimes wish I had one of those scrolling signs in the rear window where you could punch in appropriate messages :wink: i've wanted one of those for years!!! with voice recognition so you could just rant for miles at the person behind you! :clap: Hehe - yes that would be cool 8) signbot.gif[/attachment:2n7vstet] Didn't the guys have one in a caravan on Top Gear? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites