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Rate the last movie you watched out of 10

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I saw that last last too!! Entertaining, some very funny death moments, like the girl whose hair got caught in the boats propeller blades!! lol. And of course, plenty of Kelly Brook.


I'd give it 7/10 and maybe a bonus point for Kelly Brook swimming naked.



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Finally just saw the second X-Files movie "I Want To Believe".


I think it was a good story but just wasn't put together well enough, acting seemed a tad dubious in places and some rather large / irritating plot holes and contrivances!


Not a patch on the first movie.



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I didn't get Planet Terror either. My mate was raving about it- such a let down- not my cuppa at all- hated it 25/100 :lol:


Watched Deathly Hallows 2 in the cinema the other day- loved it! 85/100


The Bank Job: 62/100


The Bucket List: 65/100

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Saw Cars2 yesterday. Was a very contrived storyline and getting half the Union Jacks upside down was a bit of a faux pas.

I would rate it 6.5 / 10.

It had some funny bits but I was looking forward to the end!

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Just watched anuvahood. Not a bad film tbh but you need a open mind other wise it would just wind you up. but I would give it a 6/10

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Hobo With A Shotgun - 7/10. This started as a spoof trailer in the Grindhouse films, but then actually got made with Rutger Hauer as the lead character. Despite being a 2011 release they shot it in Technicolor to give that authentic 70s look. Gory, funny and low budget, its definitely worth a watch.

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just watched Rise of the Planet of the Apes and god really dont bother 21.125478/100, Sooooooo boring as you can just tell after 5 mins whats going to happen, very good special effects but thats all you get, seems that nowadays most films need or have to have special effects to make a film??

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Saw Tron Legacy tonight on bluray. I was a fan of the original but this is something else. Amazing effects. The way they've done Jeff Bridges to show him as he looked 20 years ago is very clever. Soundtrack is bumping in DTS. And Olivia Wilde...oh baby. I've read other people's reviews about the story but I liked it. I guess some people aren't impressed by anything these days unless it's groundbreaking.



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Easy guys and girls just finished watching Limitless with Bradley Cooper quality film great ending... 9/10

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Watched "Pandorum" the other night. Intriguing movie that kept a tension moving till the twist ending. Say 85/100

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Yeh, saw Pandorum a while back- quite a decent sci-fi film. Lost it's way a little at times, but a good ending 8)


Role Models: surprisingly funny! 72/100


The Bank Job: dcent heist movie based on true events- 65/100


Some good stuff coming out in the cinema at the mo- want to see Super 8 and Cowboys and Aliens. Then, next year we get the first Hobbit film & Prometheus 8) Hope it lives up to the promise...

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Just re-watched The Social Network, having bought it on Blu-Ray recently. Just such an awesome film.. it's visually stunning, and you really feel like you can empathise with every character. It's just so well told.


Even if you hate Facebook, I urge you to see it just for the actual story and the characters.



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Super8, hard one... If you don't go expecting much you may enjoy it! It was ok but only ok.

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Right I need a review of Cowboys & Aliens and The Inbetweeners.

Please let me know what you think if you have seen them. :)

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Cowboys & Aliens - expected more from a film with Harrison Ford and Daniel Craig, good FX, good aliens, started good with promise (in the guise of a good western) but kinda lost its way towards the end IMO, but maybe I'm being too critical. 6/10


Now Rise of the Planet of the Apes, a very good 8+/10. Top film

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just watched sucker punch, and going to rate it in my top five films ever, infact going to watch it again straight away 99.5/100

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I just saw City of God again. Despite seeing it numerous times I'm always struck by how good it is.

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Blow - not a new film but a fantastic watch every time I see it. Johnny depp on top form as all ways. Almost comes across in a Fear and Loathing style film (which I love) Johnny Depp plays a drug dealer who starts off importing cannabis and then moves on to cocaine and the perils of this business, very well told story and based on a real person. Just a great film to watch even with a sad ending. 9/10

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  yacobwood said:
The other guys - 8/10


Loved this film- had never heard of it and watched it on the strength of the cast. Very funny- the funeral scene was a classic!

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I saw Battle: Los Angeles last night on blu ray. Not as bad as it's IMDb rating would have you believe. It's your basic invasion movie so no surprises but was enjoyable enough.


I give it 6.5/10

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Paul the alien movie, very funny indeed and classic simon pegg, 9/10

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