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Rate the last movie you watched out of 10

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Watched Fanboys tonight. As a huge Star Wars fan I thought it was really funny. Some great cameos and funny moments. Not sure if you'd really get most of the jokes and references if you're not a big Star Wars fan.



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I've seen Fanboys, I thought it was really good. I'd agree, 7/10 is a fair score.


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Got round to watching 'Skyline' last night, that's a couple of hours of my life that I'm not getting back.


Ended up being a cross between cloverfield, the matrix and Independence Day.


Poor film to be honest, and I'll watch most crap..... 3/10

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I have heard skyline isn't very good. So you wouldn't recommend it then?!! lol.


I just finished watching Land of the Dead. 9/10, but then I love all the George A Romero 'dead' films. Can't beat a good zombie flick!!


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Agreed- you can't beat a good zombie flick! Not seen Fanboys, must get it on Lovefilm...


Super8- cross between Cloverfield, Stand by Me and ET. Loved it 8) 73/100


Desperately Seeking Susan. Never seen it before, and we watched it as part of the 1980s season we're having. 5/10. Not my cuppa, but liked the nostalgia factor.


---------- Post added at 08:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:43 AM ----------


Also saw The Fighter recently- very good! 71/100

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Boy in The Striped Pajama's - 6/10 (currently on BBC iPlayer)


I could see the message the film makers were trying to portray. Which was essentially that a child can sometimes look at things allot more logically than an adult. But if you're into your WW2 history the whole basis of the film is laughable.


- Pretty much all Children in the Concentration Camps were exterminated and the ones that didn't were 'runners' (mail carriers) so they wouldn't be sitting at a fence all day

- For a camp guarded by SS soldiers, dogs and guard posts. The idea that two 8 year old boys would be able to get within 5 feet of a Concentration camp fence and that they would leave one massive area totally unguarded is laughable..

- The fences were not electrocuted.


The acting was extremely good, it's just twisted history so much to make it all fit! So whilst you feel for the whole situation, you can't help but thinking there would be absolutely no chance of this happening at the time.

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Rise of the Planet of the Apes - 8.5

Was quite impressed! Thought it would b a waste if time! But then again I have always liked the planet of the Apes collection!


Warrior - 9

Brilliant!!! Defo one to watch!

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Pirates of the carribean on stranger tides 10/10


---------- Post added at 11:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:46 AM ----------


Rango 8

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  Pot_g said:
Pirates of the carribean on stranger tides 10/10



Really? i thought the third one was quite disappointing and nowhere near as good as the first 2. Still was enjoyable but wasnt what i was expecting going by the first 2 films



Went to see Inbetweeners the movie last night. Very funny, usually a series made into a film is a flop but this was as good as the series. Loved it. 9/10

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Hangover 2. Not as good as part one but still 8/10 for me. Lot of fun.

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Paranormal Activity 3....alright if you like that kind of thing, but a fair few plot holes!



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Johnny English(2) 7/10

Final destination 5 8/10 surprisingly good !

Killer elite 8.5/10 not your typical J/S film,

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Real Steel,boxing robots.

Boy finds dad boy finds robot robot takes on all comers !!!!!!

7/10,saw it on Imax that was the best bit lol

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Fanboys: 70/100

Thor: 72/100

Sucker Punch: 58/100 -better than I thought it would be after reading sooooo many terrible reviews. Still not great though!

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The Boat That Rocked. definitely worth a 9.5/10. favorite scene has to be the cup of tea and biscuits scene. :D

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Transformers Dark of the moon - if you like that kind of movies 9/10

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Contagion 9/10 - avoided the usual cliches and the more convincing for it. Very believable plot that will get you counting the number of times you touch you face!

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Sexy Beast is a brilliant film, and Ben Kingaley definitely stole the show imo.

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  kevin_m said:
The Boat That Rocked. definitely worth a 9.5/10. favorite scene has to be the cup of tea and biscuits scene. :D


Amazing how different everyone is! One of the most disappointing films I've ever seen! Looked really good from the trailers, but in reality, thought it was shockingly bad :lol: 40/100


Watched Unstoppable the other night. Does what it says on the tin. 70/100

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I`ve just watched the spoofs on the Star Wars box set, very funny. You can see why this bunch of films has shaped so many people 9/10

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Quite enjoyable action flick with an interesting twist. Didn't expect much from it but was pleasantly surprised. Solid performances all round, and rattled along at a good old pace.



Edited by Jim

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