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Rate the last movie you watched out of 10

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  Jim said:




Quite enjoyable action flick with an interesting twist. Didn't expect much from it but was pleasantly surprised. Solid performances all round, and rattled along at a good old pace.




Surely if you've watched the film you should know its name?


I'll get my coat.

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I've watched "The Shining" tonight on my PC. I forgot how good this movie is.. it's been a long time since I watched it for the first time.

Jack Nicholson is a right psycho in that role. Absolutely must-see-movie, I bet most of you seen it already but it's 9/10 from me... "Heeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrre's JOHNNY!" :)

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  Swompy said:
Surely if you've watched the film you should know its name?


I'll get my coat.


Jeez ;)

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The Hurt Locker - US bomb disposal team in Iraq, won oscars, an enjoyable 7/10


Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps - some nice touches with several characters from the original back to add some extra "Oh yeah, remember him/her" moments, 6/10


I am number 4 - good fun, but cheesy at the end, 5/10


17 Again - Zac Efron / Matthew Perry middle aged man transformed back into his high school cool self. Thomas Lennon steals the show. Good fun, always makes me laugh and some good tunes in there too (Bust a move (Young MC), Naive (The Kooks), On my own (Vincent Vincent and the Villains) - 7/10 if a little :camp:

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  4eyes2wheels said:
The Hurt Locker - US bomb disposal team in Iraq, won oscars, an enjoyable 7/10



I saw that the other night too and thought it was very good but the ending wasn't great but non the less a good film 7/10

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I am number four - didn't have any expectations but really enjoyed it. I didn't lose interest at all and the blonde chick on the Ducati 848...well...nuff said.



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Tintin 3D :D 8 out of 10. The 3D was the best i've seen IIRC, and also the animation is so good that after a few mins you forget it's all computerised.

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The Way Back. True WW2 story. 6/10 Good- amazing story to work with- could've been totally epic. Think they missed an opportunity!

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  jazzdevil said:
"Monsters" 9/10 8)


The absolute antithesis of Avatar... cheaply made, shot/edited/VFX using equipment straight from Curry's, virtually no cast/crew and a damned good film! It only really loses a point for the misleading title, since it's more an indie road movie which just happens to occur in a near-future Mexico after aliens land on Earth... rather than being about the aliens. But then again, the title is allegorical... so perhaps come leeway? :lol:


Just watched this tonight. Excellent. Was one of the girlfriends choices from Lovefilm and had been putting off watching it for weeks. It's amazing how a film you have no interest in watching can turn out to be brilliant. I'm notorious for missing the point in movies but I took it to mean we're the 'Monsters'.



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London Boulevard - Good if you like that sort of gangster "farkin carnt" flick with shooters, gratuitous violence etc, but not a classic. But I did like the ending 5/10

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Apollo 18 - Just repeat the word rubbish to every aspect of this and you will be just about spot on. Blair Witch on the Moon but pretty rubbish. Typical "found film" but a waste of time and money. What special effects there were, rubbish. I'll give it 5/100 based on the percentage of movie time I was interested.


Went home and put on my DVD of Nosferatu, a 1922 horror movie which blew this away in all departments, including special effects.


In case you're wondering, I didn't like it.

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Tucker and Dale vs Evil - saw this the other night and really enjoyed it. Some hilarious death moments.



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Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides - 5/10 Some good action, but the franchise is VERY tired now. Better than the last one though!

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INSIDIOUS. The missus **** herself most of the film I just wanted it to end, bored is an understatment. Crap imoa

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  Tooand said:
INSIDIOUS. The missus **** herself most of the film I just wanted it to end, bored is an understatment. Crap imoa


Agree, not that gud at all.

Watched Siren aswell. What a load of ****!

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tranformers dark side of the moon great flick 8/10

Edited by shaunVR6

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Watched Unknown last night- superb thriller! Not sure about Liam Neeson's American accent, but it's an excellent film. 75/100

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Just been to watch The rum diary. I think I need to watch it a few more times before I make a final decisions how I feel about it. Some of you may remember that I'm a big Hunter.S.Thompson fan and have read the book several times so may have gone into the cinema a bit critical but I tried not to be.


But over all on the first watch its pretty good but has been made so the average Joe can enjoy it. The film isn't as grimy or as raw as the book and I feel a few of the key details aren't portrayed enough. It feels as if the film has had a lot cut out of it to make it an easy watch but it still a 2 hour film. I think if they added an extra 30mins with a few more details in it would be even better.


But I need to read the book again and then watch the film for me to get the best out of it.


To confuse things Im going to give it two ratings one as if I was an average Joe and never heard of HST and another as a big fan of the book and HST.


1. As a straight up film 8/10


2. As a Hunter.S.Thompson fan and having read the book 5/10

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Cowboys and Aliens - 7 - good film, decent idea pretty well executed. In these modern times where the whole family sits in front of the TV with a laptop on the go, we all watched it with full attention.

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