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How to knock over 100 bucks of your insurance.

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I was sitting earlier this evening thinking about insurance as mine is coming up for renewal in April. I remembered trying to sort insurance for my younger sister last year and how by putting an older driver as a named driver made it alot cheaper (i.e. one of your parents). So I thought I would try it out. Went to elephant.com after reading the Insurance forum, put in my details. 23yrs old, 4 years NCB, clean license. With just me on the policy for my vr6 was £711 (with all mods declared, non standard alloys, exhaust). I thought that's pretty good since I payed over a grand last year.

I then put my mum as a named driver....... The quote then became £580!! Yeehaa.


So when my insurance comes up in april and tesco cant beat that price, cheerio tesco, hello elephant.


Hope this is of some use to you guys. Maybe some of you do that already.





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good on ye m8

i know i put my wife on mine and she has 3 sp30 tickets in the same month but because she is female and older it knocked £40 of mine :? :D

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also, put your occupation as something like accountant or librarian, people in these jobs are statistically safer, so get insurance benifits.

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No way! I'll give that a go, cheers. 8) :lol:


My mate recently go married, and bought a house. Now thats cut his insurance buy something like 50% !!!!! A bit extreme to save money on your car insurance though, dont you think? :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Found that out a few years ago when i got my mk3 vr6 golf, and stuck my dad down on it, ALSO try http://www.belldirect.co.uk, sister company to admiral and elephant but I found where cheaper than both, now paying £430 protected no claims, 27yrs old full no claims. :lol:

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sorry guys to burst your bubble here but the law has changed last year in october


ull find out that anyone under the age of 25 can not be insured as a 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc drive on a car where the main named driver is over 25. Its basically to stp all the young people getting cheap insurance on their powerfull car

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ull find out that anyone under the age of 25 can not be insured as a 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc drive on a car where the main named driver is over 25. Its basically to stp all the young people getting cheap insurance on their powerfull car


i agree, but if you make a lower liability driver be the named driver whilst the high risk driver is the policy holder, there is a difference.

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Insurance stinks.


Get this, insured a mk2 VR6 for £236 TPFT. Changed it to a standard Corrado 8v they wanted an extra £50! then can get f*cked if they want any more when I put all the bits that were in the mk2 into the corrado.


Rang for a quote on my 1.1 Derby, they wanted £256!!!! (yes, MORE than the VR!) but insured in my G/F's name, with me as a named driver it was only £170. FOR EXACTLY THE F*CKING SAME PEOPLE, DRIVING THE SAME F*CKING CAR!!! :roll: tw4ts.....

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Aposegil wrote;


ull find out that anyone under the age of 25 can not be insured as a 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc drive on a car where the main named driver is over 25. Its basically to stp all the young people getting cheap insurance on their powerfull car


Sorry mate, don't agree. i'm 26, the g/f is 23, and Elephant even asked if I wanted her on the policy as 2nd driver for £5 extra? This is on a VR6 btw.

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i think that was his point. U used to be able to get it cheaper if u made the policy holder the low risk driver, and the named driver the high risk. ur girlfriend will prob be higher risk than u, so it cost more......but ur case is hardly an extreme example....sinse u are over 25 and ur gf is....a girl!! :lol:


I am 23 and so is my gf, she brought my insurance down over £100, she is insured on all my mates cars!! (she is a accountant so as I said above this occupation pre-defines her as a safe driver) and its handy too!

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But does lying about occupation void your insurance if you ever needed to claim? :? if they ever found out of course!


Also if you are the 2nd driver you don't clock up any no claims discount.

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its true, they (the insurance companies) think that if you have a partner / married etc, that you are less of a risk for some reason... Wonder who carried all this research out for the insurance companies?


My fiance put me down on her car insurance as a named driver and got a £40 reduction.

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They don't ask people to carry out research, they just check their own databases.

Low risk drivers: older people (they drive less on average and are more careful on average), families (no-one's going to drive like a loon with little kids in the car), women (yeah yeah, but stastically it's true - or at least the average woman's accident costs less than the average man's accident)..


The thing about putting another driver on the insurance is also clever social engineering. I'm sure the insurance companies never sat down and thought "hmm, this will make the person less likely to make a claim", they simply saw that their statistics showed that young drivers with only one person on the policy are more likely to have accidents than those that have another person on the policy as a named driver - even if that person is a higher risk. I suppose the reason may be about shared responsibility - if you share a car, you're less likely to take risks in it as it's not just you that has to lose out...

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Top tip there! 8)


Just saved £100 by sticking my Mum on the VR6's policy! :shock:


(Don't think I'll tell her though) :lol: :wink:

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try halifax - they give 10% discount if you pay with a halifax credit card or from a halifax account. I spent ages looking and Admiral were cheapest at £560 FC.


When i tried Halifax, it was £330 FC :lol: :lol: :lol: Will have to try the accountant working in a library trick with my 153 mother as second driver :mrgreen: and declare the 4 houses i own (I wish)

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Insurance does defo suck when i was 18 i had to have a van for work, i bought a 5yr old escort van, then when trying to insure it got repeatedly told that most companys dont insure under 19s on vans ... aftyer ringing every company out there i finally got insured on a 1.8 diesel van full comp (i had a loan) at £1870!!! the second year went to £1400 then bought a S-plate 1.8 16v aqstra sport lower induction kit exhaust and chipped all declared for £1100!! never paid less that a £1000 insurance!!



Gutted :cry:



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