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Ice White Socks

Now I know why I bought a Corrado!! (well one reason anyway)

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Am feeling dead chuffed so I just thought I would share it with you all. Am working on contract in Durham today, with the car parked only about five metres from the office front. I have had three people come in so far and ask who owned the car and then blow smoke up my ass about how nice/rare it is. 8) 8)


In fact one nutter has been walking round it for the last five minutes and keeps giving me the thumbs up throught the window like he is my long lost brother :?


If I had an Audi TT or something no one would give it the time of day :? Any of you other folks had anything similar?



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what colour is you car ( i presume thats in the your avatar?) look like the mystic pearl black...whatever the colour was they used on the campaign.....looks sweet anyway.


doubt i'll get anyone telling me that mine looks that nice till i have finished the work on it.... looks decidedly average at present :(

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The Corrado just does that sometimes, which is a great feeling.


I had a car full of geezers following me the other day - when I looked in the rear view each time, I could see them pointing to specific bits of the car, and nodding and chatting to each other about it... then we hit some lights, spoilers down, they were pointing and chatting again. Felt like the maaaan :)

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you sure they werent pointing and saying, "hey look, a guy by himself in a car, lets mug him"




seriously....i often get looks from the ppl behind when the spoiler moves up or down :roll:

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Na.. they wouldn't have caught me up anyway.. they were in some bashed up old Escort! :D

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I often get compliments about mine 8) downside is that it makes me more paranoid :(

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As I mentioned in another thread, cruising on the M1 the other day with a mate of mine on the passenger seat, we got overtaken by a Honda full of lads, all bar the driver turning their heads towards the Rado, nodding their heads in appreciation and giving the Rado the thumbs-up. Made me feel warm at heart :D



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I've had a few folk apprehend me in the past to have a wee chat about the C. The people that have spoken to me either used to have one and remember it fondly or are just curious. I once caught a guy and his woman nosing around it when it was parked up at a local beauty spot whilst out walking the missus :lol:

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I got chatting to a fellow in a car park when I used to own my last Corrado.. I was paying for a ticket at the pay-and-display and he came up to pay but was stood oggling my car. So I said to him it was mine, and he we got chatting. He drove a MK2 Golf GTI and said how much he always liked the Corrado, etc... was cool.


Had it quite a lot of times with my last Corrado actually :D

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I always remember the time when I'd just picked up my 2nd G60 (Aqua Blue) and I was overtaking a SchoolBus on the M1 and the kid sitting in the back seat, turned around, picked up his camera and took a photo of my car out the back window... Felt well cool!

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Yeah ppl always ask about the car-mostly ppl older than me.Two guys at the cash and carry were checking it out when i walked up.one guy was mad about them said he always want one. Remember not long after i got the car it was sitting outside my mates house, his granddad drove up to drop his sis off.Granddad got out his car and walked around the back to see the badge on the back of mine-dont u just love it when they dont know what it is!


Cheers Fraser

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mystic pearl black...whatever the colour was they used on the campaign.....


:? dont you mean mystic blue as used on the storm?


i constantly get people lookin at the car. feels good but feels paranoid after it. its best to drive throught the centre of town with your mate in front in his rado too :lol:


they turn to the noise of mine, see his, then see mine and go mental and start pointin and jumpin and tellin there mates cause theres two of them !! :lol::lol::lol:

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Phil K and I have had a bit old..go to a pub and there's peolple talking about your car, admiring... hey you get used to it...



ok, no we don't... but its really nice when it does happen.... enjoy.. its what comes from owning a sought after classic

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mystic pearl black...whatever the colour was they used on the campaign.....


:? dont you mean mystic blue as used on the storm?quote]


You mean Dusty Mauve :lol: :p 8)


So many people I know just don't realise that VW made such a great looking car, I mean it's 15 years old in its basic design but still looks fresh in so many ways, even against much newer machinery, and that is one of the many reasons why we love 'em so much IMHO 8) :luvlove:

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had parked a Hire car up at aberdeen railway station earlier on one day............so when i went down to hand over the keys later on,when i was waiting for the customer's train to come in.......i was approached by this couple in their late 30's and asked if my storm was for sale......cos the guy had one when they first came out and then sold it after about 3 years and was still missing it :wink:

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My C passed it's MOT on Wednesday.........Yessssssss, but only just. The ABS was intermittant so I told them it has been for a while and the MOT tester suggested he take it out for a run to see if it would clear. BTW he had been banging on how nice my C was. I soon talked him out of it.


Then a young mechanic brought the car out to the front and couldn't stop talking about it!!!!


Last night I was passed by some young kid in a Saxo approaching a roundabout, he slowed right down while I caught up and saw him oogling my C.......nice!

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The first thing that attracted me to the C all those years ago was the spoiler (gadget-factor!)... still can't help whizzing it up & down at the lights to see peoples' reactions.... still a talking point when ever I give a "Corrado-virgin" a ride for the first time... (oooooooer missus ;-) )

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i actually managed to convince an apprentice of mine that it fell off when i was driving one day, he couldnt believe what he was seeing!! :lol::lol::lol::lol:


told him to look at the new spoiler that i had fitted and ask if he liked it, he thought it was weird cause he couldnt remember seeing it when it was parked up, but thought well i can see it now it obvoulsy is real...


pulled up to a roundabout, spoiler went down then i started acting like it must of fell off cause it was gone!!!!, he didnt believe me til he turned and saw it wasnt there anymore, :lol: poor lad didnt know what was going on :lol::lol::lol:

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LOL! the soft get....


Even thought my corrado is pretty standard, it still gets a LOT of looks from people. you just don't see many about and they are SUCH a nice looking car, people just can't help themselves!


De-badged ones confuse the hell out of most folk.


I once got one bloke asking what sort of car my old mk2 golf was, even though it was parked right next to another mk2! blind b4stard..

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De-badged ones confuse the hell out of most folk.




Heard talk at the CCGB EGM last year about a guy who'd replaced every VW badge on his C with the correspondingly sized Skoda variant :shock: - now THAT must confuse people.... :roll: :?

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I've had a few folk apprehend me in the past to have a wee chat about the C. The people that have spoken to me either used to have one and remember it fondly or are just curious. I once caught a guy and his woman nosing around it when it was parked up at a local beauty spot whilst out walking the missus :lol:


dont let her read that :lol: :lol: :lol: , you could be in some pain :snipersmile:

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Can't see the point in that at all, what a plank....

(insert "w4nker" smiley here)


yeah - must be one below all those C's I've seen with Audi/BM/Porsche badging ... :roll:

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My house m8 is selling his Xsara and the first peeps to come around and view it came tonight, Family of three buying it for their son as a first car.


My C was parked next to the Xsara and they asked if that's what he'd replace it with and went on to say how nice it looked :) and to ask about it. So he said it was his house mates and he was taking delivery of his mini cooper S on Tuesday :). Totally killed the conversationg :)


Touch of Irony as I almost bought a new mini cooper S in october :), SOO glad I didn't!

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